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Choose KU and choose to have it all
Kutztown University
F or the past 150 SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 2016 the hallmark of excellence Smaller class sizes mean more individualized attention for students. /Courtesy of Kutztown University
years, students who in business education and
choose Kutztown SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION OF THE MORNING CALL positions KU’s programs from the National Science EMMY Award-winning /Courtesy of Kutztown University
University become among the top 5% of busi- Foundation (NSF) are Electronic Media program Founded in 1866, KU has 9,000 students, more than 100 areas of
part of a community de- ness schools internation- offered in many disci- have national reputations. study, 200 student organizations, and 21 NCAA Division II athletic
fined by bright, ambitious ally. The Leisure and Sport plines. Computer Science Students and faculty bene- programs — all housed on a beautiful 289-acre campus.
students; brilliant, dedi- Studies program received and Information Technolo- fit from close proximity to
cated faculty; and a di- its Commission on Sport gy programs for undergrad- major world art centers in
verse, vibrant learning Management Accreditation uate and graduate students Philadelphia, New York
atmosphere. (COSMA) in fall of 2015, are respected by top em- City, and Washington, D.C.
placing it among only 45 ployers. The master’s pro- The visual and performing
Kutztown University is accredited programs in the gram is recognized among arts programs at KU oc-
located 30 minutes from United States. the top 100 programs by cupy newly renovated and
Allentown and Reading, 90 ■ College of Education: The Financial Engineer, expanded state of the art
minutes from Philadelphia, Kutztown University’s and is ranked highest facilities. Student retention
and two hours from New Education programs are among the Pennsylvania for these programs is the
York City. Founded in nationally recognized and State System schools. KU’s highest at the University,
1866, KU has nearly 9,000 accredited by NCATE Social Work department averaging approximately
students, more than 100 (now CAEP — Council for provides the full continuum 85 percent.
areas of study, 200 student the Accreditation of Edu- of nationally accredited
organizations, and 21 cator Preparation), social work education: Make the most
NCAA Division II athletic NASAD (Art and Design), Bachelor, Master, and of your investment
programs — all housed on and NASM (Music). Grad- Doctor of Social Work.
a beautiful 289-acre cam- uate programs in counsel- ■ College of Visual and With numerous schol-
pus. ing are accredited by CA- Performing Arts: Accred- arship, grant, loan, and
CREP. One of our nation- ited undergraduate pro- campus employment op-
Find your perfect match ally recognized undergrad- grams in Art History, Ap- portunities; affordable
Choose from academics uate programs, Special plied Digital Arts, Commu- tuition; and highly suc-
Education: Vision Impair- nication Design, Crafts, cessful student outcomes,
that prepare you to enter ment (VI), is the only un- Studio Art, Music (also it’s easy to see the tremen-
today’s fastest-growing dergraduate program in the with Commercial empha- dous value that is Kutz-
fields, including areas that Commonwealth of Penn- sis), Music Education and town University.
are identified as Programs sylvania, and is the largest Art Education, and our
of Distinction: Visual and of six undergraduate VI Choose KU and choose
Performing Arts, Educa- programs in the United to have it all.
tion, Sciences, and Com- States. New this year, an
puter Science/Information Education Doctorate fo-
Technology. Our four col- cuses on Transformational
leges, as identified below, Teaching and Learning.
have much to explore. ■ College of Liberal
■ College of Business: Arts and Sciences: Rooted
Prepare to take on the in the traditional areas of
global challenges of to- Liberal Arts, KU offers
day’s business environment strong foundational pro-
through programs in ac- grams in popular majors
counting, finance, manage- such as criminal justice,
ment, marketing, sport political science, psycholo-
management, and lead- gy, social work, and sociol-
ership development. KU’s ogy. STEM students en-
Business Administration gage in intensive hands-on
programs have earned the learning in a variety of
prestigious accreditation fields. With a focus on
from the Association to undergraduate research,
Advance Collegiate internships, and practical
Schools of Business field experience, grants
(AACSB) International.
6 AACSB accreditation is