Page 7 - Education Guide
P. 7
hasizing learning both in, out of classroom

A t Cedar Crest Col- Cedar Crest College
lege, education
does not reside eliminating excess credits. for traveling abroad, and we Courtesy of Cedar Crest College SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION OF THE MORNING CALL
solely in the class- We extend this offer to all encourage students to take Students can take advantage of a program that guarantees they will graduate within four years.
room. Students have many qualified high school gradu- advantage of them during
opportunities to take what ates enrolled in a four-year their college years. Recent
they learn in the classroom degree program. We are trips abroad include week-
and apply it in a practical dedicated to improving our long to semester-long pro-
setting. Our students partic- students’ educational expe- grams in places like Eng-
ipate in experiential learn- rience and 4YG is one of land, Ireland, Guyana,
ing activities that include the many reasons Cedar India, Italy and South Ko-
internships, study abroad, Crest College stands out rea.
research, business co-ops, above the rest.
service-learning and more. Understanding that
Cedar Crest students experience is key to a stu-
Students are given the work with our faculty to dent’s preparation for the
opportunity to enroll in our conduct research in lead- job market, our Career
Four-Year Guarantee Grad- ing-edge research labs as Planning Center and faculty
uation agreement (4YG). early as their first year, assist students and alumni
The 4YG provides students gaining a wealth of hands- in finding internships, pre-
with a clear path for gradu- on experience, including paring for interviews and
ating in four years. This the chance to present that landing their first job.
reduces the cost of under- research at professional
graduate education by conferences. To find out more about
these and other opportuni-
Cedar Crest College ties, schedule a visit at
offers many opportunities



A Cedar Crest education does more than provide SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 2015
a degree. It empowers students to become
strong and inspiring leaders equipped to make
positive, lasting change in the world.

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