Page 4 - Education Guide
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The right destination for an education
certain to take you places

F or anyone interested East Stroudsburg University
in an education that
will take you where SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 2015 dedicated to ensuring that
you wish to go students have access to
professionally, East SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION OF THE MORNING CALL academic excellence in Courtesy of East Stroudsburg University
Stroudsburg University of classrooms and laborato- East Stroudsburg University offers nearly 60 undergraduate programs and 30 graduate programs and certifications, including degrees in
Pennsylvania is a great ries as well as the best athletic training — a department celebrating its 40th anniversary this year. Maggie Mauser, a senior athletic training major from Catasauqua,
destination. Students inter- possible life experiences accompanies an East Stroudsburg University men’s basketball student-athlete off the court. These experiences provide hands-on experience that
ested in attending ESU on and off campus. ESU’s directly correlates her classroom education with real world experience.
may choose from nearly learning community reach-
60 undergraduate pro- es far beyond the class- any of the 120 student-run easy access to the major As a partner in the eco- and early stage companies
grams and 30 graduate room, offering opportuni- organizations and 20 ath- metropolitan cities of New nomic development of to the region.
degree programs and certi- ties for field study, in- letic programs. York and Philadelphia for northeastern Pennsylvania,
fications. ESU is home to ternships, study abroad, those who wish to explore ESU is committed to pro- Juniors and seniors in
research and public serv- They might also take vibrant urban offerings. viding high quality aca- high school, transfer stu-
East Stroudsburg ice. pleasure in trips off cam- demic programs in emerg- dents and nontraditional
pus to Stony Acres, a 119- For those interested in a ing fields to yield a skilled students are encouraged to
University’s learning ESU students enjoy acre recreation area owned future in the business workforce for our region. see for themselves what
campus amenities includ- by ESU’s students, or world, ESU boasts an Additionally, ESU’s sets our campus apart.
community reaches ing the technological ad- enjoy opportunities for Innovation Center, award-winning Business Open house events are
vancements of the Warren year-round activities such benefitting students and Accelerator program is scheduled for Feb. 20, Feb.
far beyond the E. ’55 and Sandra Hoeffn- as biking, hiking, skiing, the business community creating a robust entrepre- 27, March 6, March 20,
er Science and Technology boating and exploring near — posing many opportuni- neurial culture that attracts April 3, April 11 and April
classroom, offering Center and the Mattioli campus. ESU is located ties for entrepreneurial inspiring entrepreneurs 25. Register today at
Recreation Center. near Interstate 80 with growth and development.
opportunities for
Serving as a home away
field study, from home, the latest addi-
tion to ESU’s student
internships, study housing complex are Hem-
lock and Hawthorn Suites.
abroad, research These apartment-style
suites are equipped with
and public service. geothermal technology
and other “green” el-
diverse, recognized and ements as well as state-of-
credentialed faculty mem- the-art security features.
bers committed to provid- As with many of ESU’s
ing a quality education. residence halls, the suites
Those who choose ESU are surrounded by attrac-
are assured an education tive outdoor green spaces
second to none. and include a fitness facil-
ity, the headquarters for
Under the leadership of campus police and the
President Marcia G. university’s residence life
Welsh, Ph.D., and with a and housing office.
longstanding, well-re-
spected tradition of stu- We know students don’t
dent-centered service, want to spend all of their
ESU’s faculty and staff are time in their residence
halls. Life experiences on
4 campus are also abundant.
Learning opportunities
present themselves outside
of the classroom. Students
may opt to get involved in
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