Page 3 - Education Guide
P. 3
Importance of a Liberal Arts Education

The Wescoe School of Muhlenberg College

By Charles French, Ph.D. course of inquiry that Life-changing SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION OF THE MORNING CALL
English Instructor/ would allow them to ex- experiences,
Academic Adviser pand and not narrow their building skills
education. The modern
What are the liberal liberal arts institution of “The Liberal Arts
arts, and why are they higher learning builds on experience was rooted in
important to the students at that tradition and introduc- critical thinking and analysis.
The Wescoe School of es students to a wide range Combined with the classroom
Muhlenberg College? The of knowledge and under- interaction with instructors
liberal arts, the humanities, standing.
encompass a vast array of and fellow students,
courses, the studying of The primary benefits of I acquired knowledge and
which is intended to give a liberal arts education are
students a wide breadth of communication, cognition skills that I can apply
knowledge about the and connection. The cen- in the workplace.”
world. tral tenet of the liberal arts Kathy Cruz
is Humanism, or a study of
Muhlenberg College is the expression of what
a liberal arts college in the being human means and
tradition that originated what our connections are.
with the Renaissance Hu- In a world in which people
manists known as the Stu- are distanced from others
dia Humanitatis. These by greed, violence, starva-
Renaissance Humanists tion, bigotry and warfare,
placed an emphasis on the humanity’s connections
expansion of studies for need to be made and
their pupils from the more strengthened. The liberal
restrictive focus of the arts help to accomplish this
scholastics. They wanted connection through the
to give their students a study of the works and

Kathy Cruz ’15, completed a bachelor’s of
arts degree in Film Studies and a minor in

English and is pictured here at work on
WFMZ’s Edicion en Espanol.

Cruz considers her education at
Muhlenberg College life-changing.

Courtesy of The Wescoe School of Muhlenberg College

ideas of disparate people in through speaking and writ- be used in a wide range of tion can make in your life. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 2015
varying lands and cultures. ing skills. In Muhlenberg careers from business, to If you are an adult hoping
Courtesy of The Wescoe School of Muhlenberg College College’s liberal arts cur- law, to medicine, to educa- to complete a bachelor’s or 3
A liberal arts education gives Wescoe students a strong foundation Cognition, or under- riculum, a heavy emphasis tion, among many others. associate’s degree or major
upon which to base their future endeavors. standing and knowledge, is placed on writing, not In the contemporary pro- certificate, contact The
and specifically analytical only in English literature fessional world, the abil- Wescoe School office for
thinking, has as its founda- courses but also across the ities to write well and to information on our more
tional philosophy the love disciplines. speak effectively are es- than 25 programs of study.
of wisdom. The liberal arts sential to success. A liberal Get started on your goals
education helps students Of course, beyond the arts education gives Wes- by scheduling a personal
begin a lifelong quest to acquisition of knowledge, coe students a strong foun- advisement session, 484-
gain and explore an under- the question can be asked: dation upon which to base 664-3300; wescoe@muh-
standing of the world in is this kind of education their future endeavors.; or visit our
which they live. practical? The answer is website,
yes. The skills gained in a Explore the positive wescoe.
The liberal arts encour- liberal arts education can results a liberal arts educa-
age communication
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