Page 18 - Education Guide
P. 18
Build a lifelong love of learning
Moravian Academy
W hen you visit through kindergarten are and self-discipline and Courtesy of Moravian Academy
Moravian encouraged to unlock their work to find ways to help Moravian Academy provides students preschool through Grade 12 an education that develops the whole
Academy, a imaginations and develop students accomplish their person — mind, body and spirit.
respectful, their strengths and talents goals. With guidance from
SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2016 supportive community will in a nurturing environment. our college counselors, ices and incorporates an lum. Moravian Academy’s ad-
welcome you. Amid two Lower and Middle School students explore, identify active community service Call 610-691-1600 to missions directors, faculty
beautiful campuses, Mora- students develop reading, and apply to colleges and program into our curricu- and staff.
vian Academy provides writing, global language universities where they can arrange a visit to meet with
students preschool through and mathematics skills as fulfill their personal goals
Grade 12 an education that they grow as individuals. and realize their talents and
develops the whole person Their academic program is ambitions. Students benefit
— mind, body and spirit. traditional, while also be- from a one-to-one technol-
The Academy seeks to ing responsive to contem- ogy program that allows
build character by inspiring porary developments in them to think like leaders
and supporting our stu- technology and experiential in the 21st century.
dents, building a solid learning that goes beyond
foundation rich in hands-on the classroom. The academy offers a
experiences, innovation and wide variety of fine and
global perspective upon Students in our Upper performing arts options,
which a lifelong love of School rise to the challenge interscholastic and intra-
learning can grow. of a demanding college mural sports opportunities
preparatory curriculum. In and co-curricular activities.
The eager and spirited small classes, teachers In addition, the Academy
students in primer (age 3) promote self-confidence holds weekly chapel serv-
SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION OF THE MORNING CALL We invite you to visit our school. Call 610-691-1600 to schedule your visit.
Explore state-of-the-art offerings including our new Primer educational program for three year olds,
Lower School Spanish Immersion Program, and Upper School Robotics program.
Moravian Academy
W hen you visit through kindergarten are and self-discipline and Courtesy of Moravian Academy
Moravian encouraged to unlock their work to find ways to help Moravian Academy provides students preschool through Grade 12 an education that develops the whole
Academy, a imaginations and develop students accomplish their person — mind, body and spirit.
respectful, their strengths and talents goals. With guidance from
SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2016 supportive community will in a nurturing environment. our college counselors, ices and incorporates an lum. Moravian Academy’s ad-
welcome you. Amid two Lower and Middle School students explore, identify active community service Call 610-691-1600 to missions directors, faculty
beautiful campuses, Mora- students develop reading, and apply to colleges and program into our curricu- and staff.
vian Academy provides writing, global language universities where they can arrange a visit to meet with
students preschool through and mathematics skills as fulfill their personal goals
Grade 12 an education that they grow as individuals. and realize their talents and
develops the whole person Their academic program is ambitions. Students benefit
— mind, body and spirit. traditional, while also be- from a one-to-one technol-
The Academy seeks to ing responsive to contem- ogy program that allows
build character by inspiring porary developments in them to think like leaders
and supporting our stu- technology and experiential in the 21st century.
dents, building a solid learning that goes beyond
foundation rich in hands-on the classroom. The academy offers a
experiences, innovation and wide variety of fine and
global perspective upon Students in our Upper performing arts options,
which a lifelong love of School rise to the challenge interscholastic and intra-
learning can grow. of a demanding college mural sports opportunities
preparatory curriculum. In and co-curricular activities.
The eager and spirited small classes, teachers In addition, the Academy
students in primer (age 3) promote self-confidence holds weekly chapel serv-
SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION OF THE MORNING CALL We invite you to visit our school. Call 610-691-1600 to schedule your visit.
Explore state-of-the-art offerings including our new Primer educational program for three year olds,
Lower School Spanish Immersion Program, and Upper School Robotics program.