Page 15 - Education Guide
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kes ranked 25th in nation for value by The Economist
Wilkes University
T he Economist re- alumni earn to how much pany Smart Asset listed financial need. where you can check out Wilkes Uni- SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION OF THE MORNING CALL
cently ranked they might have earned had Wilkes among the top Explore Wilkes Univer- majors, meet faculty and versity com-
Wilkes University they studied elsewhere. schools where graduates tour the beautiful campus. bines theory
25th in the nation The global news magazine earn the highest starting sity during a personal visit, with hands-
for economic value. That’s estimated that 10 years salaries. on learning.
25th out of 1,275 colleges after graduation a Wilkes Yong Zhu,
from across the United graduate earns $8,250 a Wilkes offers the oppor- assistant
States. year more than expected. tunities of a large univer- professor of
sity in the caring, mentor- mechanical
Wilkes Provost Anne The Economist isn’t ing culture of a small, engineering,
Skleder said the ranking alone in recognizing the liberal arts college. In- demonstrates
confirms that Wilkes is a value of a Wilkes educa- ternships and cooperative a robot.
wise investment. tion: learning experiences devel-
■ Money magazine op confidence and career Courtesy
“Our students and their ranked Wilkes highest in connections. of Wilkes
families know the value of Pennsylvania in its “Best University
a Wilkes education — in Colleges for Your Money.” Wilkes strives to make
outstanding teaching, in ■ AffordableCollegesOn- education affordable for all Schedule your visit at
the research and internship ranked Wilkes as students. In fact, 90 per-
opportunities provided to one of the top 20 Penn- cent of full-time under- Wilkes.
undergraduates and the sylvania colleges with the graduates receive financial
mentoring by faculty.” greatest lifetime return. aid. The University re-
■ The New York-based wards high school academ-
The ranking determines financial technology com- ic achievement with merit
economic value by com- scholarships, regardless of
paring what a school’s
A university MAJORS: Accounting, Applied & Engineering Sciences, Biochemistry, Biology, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2016
built for Chemistry, Communication Studies, Computer Information Systems,
Computer Science, Criminology, Earth & Environmental Sciences, Education
GREATNESS. - Elementary and Early Childhood, Education - Middle Level, Education –
Secondary, Electrical Engineering, Engineering Management, English,
Yours. Entrepreneurship, Environmental Engineering, Finance, History, Individualized
Studies, Integrative Media, International Studies, Management, Marketing,
Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering, Medical Laboratory Science, Musical
Theatre, Neuroscience, Nursing, Pharmacy (Guaranteed Seat Doctor Of
Pharmacy), Philosophy, Physics, Political Science, Psychology, Public
Administration, Sociology, Spanish, Sports Management, Theatre Arts
PROGRAMS: Pre-Dentistry, Pre-Doctoral, Pre-Law, Pre-Medicine,
Pre-Occupational Therapy, Pre-Optometry, Pre-Physical Therapy,
Pre-Physician Assistant, Pre-Podiatry, Pre-Veterinary, ROTC
Wilkes University
T he Economist re- alumni earn to how much pany Smart Asset listed financial need. where you can check out Wilkes Uni- SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION OF THE MORNING CALL
cently ranked they might have earned had Wilkes among the top Explore Wilkes Univer- majors, meet faculty and versity com-
Wilkes University they studied elsewhere. schools where graduates tour the beautiful campus. bines theory
25th in the nation The global news magazine earn the highest starting sity during a personal visit, with hands-
for economic value. That’s estimated that 10 years salaries. on learning.
25th out of 1,275 colleges after graduation a Wilkes Yong Zhu,
from across the United graduate earns $8,250 a Wilkes offers the oppor- assistant
States. year more than expected. tunities of a large univer- professor of
sity in the caring, mentor- mechanical
Wilkes Provost Anne The Economist isn’t ing culture of a small, engineering,
Skleder said the ranking alone in recognizing the liberal arts college. In- demonstrates
confirms that Wilkes is a value of a Wilkes educa- ternships and cooperative a robot.
wise investment. tion: learning experiences devel-
■ Money magazine op confidence and career Courtesy
“Our students and their ranked Wilkes highest in connections. of Wilkes
families know the value of Pennsylvania in its “Best University
a Wilkes education — in Colleges for Your Money.” Wilkes strives to make
outstanding teaching, in ■ AffordableCollegesOn- education affordable for all Schedule your visit at
the research and internship ranked Wilkes as students. In fact, 90 per-
opportunities provided to one of the top 20 Penn- cent of full-time under- Wilkes.
undergraduates and the sylvania colleges with the graduates receive financial
mentoring by faculty.” greatest lifetime return. aid. The University re-
■ The New York-based wards high school academ-
The ranking determines financial technology com- ic achievement with merit
economic value by com- scholarships, regardless of
paring what a school’s
A university MAJORS: Accounting, Applied & Engineering Sciences, Biochemistry, Biology, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2016
built for Chemistry, Communication Studies, Computer Information Systems,
Computer Science, Criminology, Earth & Environmental Sciences, Education
GREATNESS. - Elementary and Early Childhood, Education - Middle Level, Education –
Secondary, Electrical Engineering, Engineering Management, English,
Yours. Entrepreneurship, Environmental Engineering, Finance, History, Individualized
Studies, Integrative Media, International Studies, Management, Marketing,
Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering, Medical Laboratory Science, Musical
Theatre, Neuroscience, Nursing, Pharmacy (Guaranteed Seat Doctor Of
Pharmacy), Philosophy, Physics, Political Science, Psychology, Public
Administration, Sociology, Spanish, Sports Management, Theatre Arts
PROGRAMS: Pre-Dentistry, Pre-Doctoral, Pre-Law, Pre-Medicine,
Pre-Occupational Therapy, Pre-Optometry, Pre-Physical Therapy,
Pre-Physician Assistant, Pre-Podiatry, Pre-Veterinary, ROTC