Page 13 - Education Guide
P. 13
ed and answered: What prospective
adult students want to know
Muhlenberg College Wescoe School of Continuing Education
By Lisa Lewis ’06
Director of Admission and
Academic Success
A dult students face Photos courtesy of Muhlenberg College
many challenges
in balancing their The beautiful Muhlenberg College campus is conveniently located in West Allentown.
families, careers,
and other obligations going to pay for this? ciate having a financial aid earn a degree. You’re never Adopt the mindset that you wescoe or 484-664-3300.
outside the classroom, so administrator at Muhlen- too old to learn, and it’s can be successful, and with We would be happy to
it is not surprising that A: Many students qual- berg who works exclu- never too late to pick up a bit of hard work, you review your plans and
people have many con- ify for financial aid in the sively with non-traditional where you left off or to get will be. transcripts and address
cerns as they contemplate form of grants and/or age students. She is also a fresh start. In fact, people any questions you may
attending college. These loans. There are no age available to meet with are often more focused on If you are contemplat- have. I look forward to
are the three questions limits on federal student prospective students to their studies as adult stu- ing a return to the class- meeting you and welcom-
Wescoe School academic aid, and federal loans can answer questions they have dents because they have room, contact our office ing you to our friendly
advisors hear most often have lower interest rates prior to enrolling. specific goals they want to for a personal advisement campus.
from prospective stu- than those offered by pri- achieve. The most impor- session:
dents. vate lenders. In addition, Q: What if I’m not tant thing to remember is
check with your employer successful? that there is always some- “Our advising staff
Q: I have a family and to see if they offer a tuition one here to help you. is available to
a full-time job. Where will assistance program that A: Many people are You’ll have a support sys-
I find the time to earn my can help defray the cost of afraid of going to school, tem to guide and assist you assist you during
degree? attending college. Veterans either because they’ve during your entire time on your entire time
and active-duty service never been to college be- our campus, not just during
A: The Wescoe School members may also qualify fore, or they didn’t like it the application process. on our campus.”
offers flexible course for tuition benefits through or didn’t do well their first Over time you’ll realize — Lisa Lewis
schedules that allow several government pro- time around. Some people that your initial fears and
students to pursue their grams. Our students appre- believe they’re too old to doubts were unfounded.
degrees on either a full-
time or part-time basis.
Our students can enroll in
any combination of eve-
ning, daytime, or week-
end classes. I usually
encourage new students
to limit themselves to two
classes in their first se-
mester, so they can ease
into the swing of being in
school. Later, they can
increase their course load
in subsequent semesters,
making adjustments as
their work or home
schedules allow.
Q: My budget is al-
ready tight. How am I
adult students want to know
Muhlenberg College Wescoe School of Continuing Education
By Lisa Lewis ’06
Director of Admission and
Academic Success
A dult students face Photos courtesy of Muhlenberg College
many challenges
in balancing their The beautiful Muhlenberg College campus is conveniently located in West Allentown.
families, careers,
and other obligations going to pay for this? ciate having a financial aid earn a degree. You’re never Adopt the mindset that you wescoe or 484-664-3300.
outside the classroom, so administrator at Muhlen- too old to learn, and it’s can be successful, and with We would be happy to
it is not surprising that A: Many students qual- berg who works exclu- never too late to pick up a bit of hard work, you review your plans and
people have many con- ify for financial aid in the sively with non-traditional where you left off or to get will be. transcripts and address
cerns as they contemplate form of grants and/or age students. She is also a fresh start. In fact, people any questions you may
attending college. These loans. There are no age available to meet with are often more focused on If you are contemplat- have. I look forward to
are the three questions limits on federal student prospective students to their studies as adult stu- ing a return to the class- meeting you and welcom-
Wescoe School academic aid, and federal loans can answer questions they have dents because they have room, contact our office ing you to our friendly
advisors hear most often have lower interest rates prior to enrolling. specific goals they want to for a personal advisement campus.
from prospective stu- than those offered by pri- achieve. The most impor- session:
dents. vate lenders. In addition, Q: What if I’m not tant thing to remember is
check with your employer successful? that there is always some- “Our advising staff
Q: I have a family and to see if they offer a tuition one here to help you. is available to
a full-time job. Where will assistance program that A: Many people are You’ll have a support sys-
I find the time to earn my can help defray the cost of afraid of going to school, tem to guide and assist you assist you during
degree? attending college. Veterans either because they’ve during your entire time on your entire time
and active-duty service never been to college be- our campus, not just during
A: The Wescoe School members may also qualify fore, or they didn’t like it the application process. on our campus.”
offers flexible course for tuition benefits through or didn’t do well their first Over time you’ll realize — Lisa Lewis
schedules that allow several government pro- time around. Some people that your initial fears and
students to pursue their grams. Our students appre- believe they’re too old to doubts were unfounded.
degrees on either a full-
time or part-time basis.
Our students can enroll in
any combination of eve-
ning, daytime, or week-
end classes. I usually
encourage new students
to limit themselves to two
classes in their first se-
mester, so they can ease
into the swing of being in
school. Later, they can
increase their course load
in subsequent semesters,
making adjustments as
their work or home
schedules allow.
Q: My budget is al-
ready tight. How am I