Page 23 - Be An Angel 2018
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        AARP                                                                                PHOEBE ALLENTOWN             BE
        Senior Community Service Employ-                                                    1925 W. Turner St.
        ment Program                                                                        Allentown, PA 18104
        10 E. Church St.                                                                    1. Six iPads — one for each “neigh-  AN
        Bethlehem, PA 18018                                                                 borhood” on our facility.
        Helps people 55 and older return to                                                 2. Six Amazon Firesticks — one for
        the workplace by offering them paid                                                 each “neighborhood” on our facility.
        volunteer training in Lehigh and                                                    3. Volunteers: We need one or two
        Northampton counties.                                                               CDL license drivers for driving our
        1. Microwave: When the seniors                                                      activity bus; a piano player who can
        come in they are here for several                                                   come weekly, bi-weekly or monthly.
        hours.                                                                              Contact: Joan Wickel at 610-794-  ANGEL
        2. Coffee pot: Some are diabetic                                                    5364.
        which means they need to have
        something.                                                                          SENIOR CORPS RSVP
        3. Electric pot for tea water: To eat                                               OF LEHIGH,
        or drink during their time here.                     HARRY FISHER/MORNING CALL FILE PHOTO  NORTHAMPTON &
        Contact: Karen Craddock at 610-  YWCA of Bethlehem needs a new electric range and oven for its
        865-3002.                   Adult Day Services Center, which cares for seniors with memory loss  CARBON COUNTIES
                                    and other disabilities.                                 321 Wyandotte St.
        ADULT DAY SERVICES                                                                  Bethlehem, PA 18015
        AT WESMINSTER               EPISCOPAL HOUSING           use new mobile “app” for info/  Matches people age 55 and older
        VILLAGE                     OF THE LEHIGH VALLEY        booking/directory.          with volunteer opportunities in the
                                                                3. Stand up mixer, such as Kitchen  community.
        2156 Hanover Ave.           1440 W. Walnut St.          Aid, for therapeutic baking sessions  1. Gloves and mittens for school-age
        Allentown, PA 18109         Allentown, PA 18102         for resident engagement.    children. Some of our RSVP mem-
        Provides socialization and activities  Provides safe and affordable hous-  Contact: Mollie Santee at 610-746-  bers are volunteering in schools, and
        for seniors with dementia allowing  ing to low-income seniors.  1000.               the students they are working with
        them to live at home longer.  1. Canvas board/art supplies for                      have many needs.
        1. AC Moore gift cards to purchase  engagement activities for our sen-  MORAVIAN KING’S  2. Crayons, markers and other
        activity supplies. Please mark envel-  iors.            DAUGHTERS HOME              school supplies, for student incen-
        ope “Be an Angel donation.”  2. Grocery store gift cards for senior                 tives.
        2. Dollar Tree gift cards for bingo  residents in need of food. Pleae  61 W. Market St.  3. Packaged fruit snacks or other
        prizes and supplies. Please mark  mark envelope “Be an Angel dona-  Bethlehem, PA 18018  healthy snacks for school children.
        envelope “Be an Angel donation.”  tion.”                Operates a small facility that cares  Contact: Diane Schrameyer at
        3. Giant gift cards to purchase food  3. Professional landscaping in  for the elderly in downtown Bethle-  610-625-2290.
        for celebrations and special activ-  Spring 2019 for the outside lawn of  hem.
        ities. Please mark envelope “Be an  the Episcopal House.  1. Four patterned twin size comfort-  SHARECARE FAITH IN
        Angel donation.”            Contact: Julia Davis at 610-821-0311.  ers to match blue walls in two  ACTION
        Contact: Kelly Harnett at 610-782-                      rooms. Please note: we are in need
        8390.                       GRACEDALE NURSING           of a set of matching comforters for  321 Wyandotte St.
                                    HOME                        each room.                  Bethlehem, PA 18015
        CEDARBROOK SENIOR                                       2. Three-inch deep electric skillet  Provides free care-giving assistance.
        CARE AND REHAB              2 Gracedale Ave.            with lid.                   1. Volunteer drivers to take elderly or
                                    Nazareth, PA 18064          3. Lamps: Floor lamps with shades  disabled people grocery shopping
        Therapeutic Recreation Depart-  1. AC Moore or Wal-Mart gift cards  and medium size table lamps with  and/or medical appointments. One
        ment                        for crafting supplies. Please mark  shades.             to two rides a month makes a
        350 S. Cedarbrook Road      envelope “Be an Angel donation.”  Contact: Sherry Hill at 610-867-  difference in someone’s life.
        Allentown, PA 18104         2. DVD/VHS players and DVDs.  5382.                     2. Gas gift cards — $10 for volunteer
        Provides long-term care and short-  3. CD players (boomboxes).                      drivers for special enrichment
        term rehabilitation for residents of  Contact: Jennie Repsher at 610-  MOSSER NURSING  program (i.e. WaWa). Please mark
        Lehigh County.              829-3686.                   HOME                        envelope “Be an Angel donation.”
        1. New karoake machine.                                                             3. Staples gift cards to help reduce   THE MORNING CALL
        2. iTunes gift cards for Music and  HOLY FAMILY MANOR   1175 Mosser Road            cost of office supplies. Please mark
        Memories program. AC Moore and  1200 Spring St.         P.O. Box 133                envelope “Be an Angel donation.”
        Wal-Mart gift cards for craft pro-  Bethlehem, PA 18018  Trexlertown, PA 18087      Contact: Lynn Heiney at 610-867-
        grams. Please mark envelope “Be an  1. Target, Amazon, and A.C. Moore  1. Visa and Mastercard gift cards to  2177.
        Angel donation.”            gift cards to purchase resident  use on specialized Memory Support
        3. iPods or iPads to use as commu-  activity supplies. Please mark envel-  items. Please mark envelope “Be an  YWCA OF BETHLEHEM
        nication tool for residents. Music,  ope “Be an Angel donation.”  Angel donation.”  ADULT DAY SERVICES
        Skype, etc.                 2. Gifts for our residents at Christ-  Contact: Jennifer McLeod at 610-  CENTER                SUNDAY,
        Contact: Darlene Ely at 610-336-  mas time. Please stop by and pick  395-5661, ext. 2192.
        5681.                       up a tag from our giving tree in the                    3895 Adler Place, Building A, Suite
                                    main lobby.                 OLD YORK ROAD               180
        CEDARBROOK NURSING          3. Volunteers to assist with resident  SENIOR CENTER    Bethlehem, PA 18017
        HOME — FOUNTAIN             activities, escorting residents to                      Provides support services for sen-     NOVEMBER
        HILL                        daily mass, and to staff the facility  720 Old York Road  iors with memory loss and other
                                    gift shop.                  Bethlehem, PA 18018         disabilities.
        724 Delaware Ave.           Contact: Kristine Evina at 610-865-  Provides low income housing and  1. New electric range and oven:  25,
        Fountain Hill, PA 18015     5595, ext. 409.             senior center that is open to the  30-inches wide smooth cooktop
        1. Visa gift cards for resident pro-                    community.                  model, or designated contribution
        gram supplies. Please mark envel-  MORAVIAN HALL        1. A small kiln for ceramics class.  of $700.                      2018
        ope “Be an Angel donation.”  SQUARE                     2. Community volunteer to teach  2. New fleece blankets: Holiday gifts
        2. iTunes gift cards for our Power of                   educational class such as exercise,  for seniors with disabilities (35
        Music Program. Please mark envel-  175 W. North St.     dance, music, crafts, current event  needed).
        ope “Be an Angel donation.”  Nazareth, PA 18064         discussion, veterans groups.  3. Gift cards: Michaels and Dollar
        3. iPad or Laptop for 1:1 resident  1. DVD/VCR units for residents to  3. A PA system or surround sound  Tree for senior craft activities.
        programming.                enjoy movies. Need for three dis-  system to help seniors who have  Please mark envelope “Be an Angel
        Contact: Alice Christman at 484-  tinct neighborhood areas.  hearing issues.        donation.”
        895-2354.                   2. All-in-one Touch Screen for  Contact: Tracy Baciocco at 610-691-  Contact: Yvonne Toth at 610-867-
                                    residents, visitors and families to  8409, ext. 128.    4669, ext 100.                       23
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