Page 25 - Be An Angel 2018
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        AMERICA ON WHEELS                                                                                                BE
        5 N. Front St.
        Allentown, PA 18102                                                                                              AN
        Volunteer-based museum that
        educates about the history of
        transportation and how museums
        are community treasures.
        1. Laptop for the Orientation Thea-
        tre as it is used for lecture series,
        PowerPoint presentations and                                                                                     ANGEL
        educational programs.
        2. Staples gift cards for ongoing
        copy needs for our educational
        programs. Cases of copy would be
        great. Please mark envelope “Be an
        Angel donation.”
        3. Monetary donations to purchase
        LEGOS for summer camp program
        as craft projects of auto design.
        Contact: Linda Merkel at 610-432-
        4200, ext. 11.
        39 S. Main St.
        Bangor, PA 18013
        1. Monetary donations to purchase                                                      HARRY FISHER/THE MORNING CALL
        more books for all our patrons.  NASCAR driver Dale Earnhardt Jr.'s 2008 Chevrolet Impala was among items on display this year at the
        Please mark envelope “Be an Angel  America on Wheels Museum in Allentown, which needs a new laptop computer.
        2. Monetary donations or a service  brushes, combs.     history, preservation, and educa-  9284.
        donation for evaluating the win-  Contact: Jason Holschwander at  tion.
        dows sills for fixing dry rot/replace  610-419-9325.    1. Used pick up truck in running  ENGINEERS WITHOUT
        and trim painting. Please mark                          order — titled and inspected: used  BORDERS
        envelope “Be an Angel donation.”  BLUE MOUNTAIN         to maintain D&L Trail and National
        3. Monetary donations or service  COMMUNITY LIBRARY     Canal Museum.               Lehigh Valley Professional Chapter
        donation to work on fixing our                          2. Golf cart or gator in running  4918 Main St. No. 433
        power strip on our wall and ground-  216 S. Robinson Ave.  order — used for educational pro-  Fogelsville, PA 18051
        ing it. Please mark envelope “Be an  Pen Argyl, PA 18072  gramming and National Canal  Provides clean water and sustain-
        Angel donation.”            1. Amazon gift cards. Please mark  Museum.              able engineering solutions to trans-
        Contact: Kathleen Lynch at 610-  envelope “Be an Angel donation.”  3. Open trailer with title and in-  form communities in Sierra Leone
        588-4136.                   2. Staples gift cards. Please mark  spected — used to maintain D&L  and Dominican Republic.
                                    envelope “Be an Angel donation.”  Trail and National Canal Museum.  1. Water testing supplies: portable
        BETHLEHEM AREA              3. Weis Markets gift cards. Please  Contact: Aurelia Rapp at 610-923-  drinking water bacteria testing kit,
        PUBLIC LIBRARY              mark envelope “Be an Angel dona-  3548.                 consumable testing supplies,
                                    tion.”                                                  residual chlorine drinking water
        11 W. Church St.            Contact: Valerie Viglione at 610-  DIMMICK MEMORIAL     test kit.
        Bethlehem, PA 18018         863-3029.                   LIBRARY                     2. Volunteers/consultants who
        1. Donations! Especially CDs/re-                                                    could help us with our website,
        cords, books and DVDs, in good to  COPLAY PUBLIC        54 Broadway                 social media, and Spanish trans-
        excellent condition, to stock book  LIBRARY             Jim Thorpe, PA 18229        lations — as well as project, civil,   THE MORNING CALL
        sales at the Main Library and the                       1. Two padded, swiveling bar-height  chemical, or structural engineers
        South Side branch.          49 S. Fifth St.             stools with backrests.      and architects.
        2. Volunteers! To help us organize  Coplay, PA 18037    2. Two sturdy bean bag chairs with  3. Monetary donations, because we
        and prepare materials for the local  1. Donations of books and DVDs in  colorful, washable covers.  buy project supplies in country as
        history room collection, and for our  good shape for our semi-annual  3. Two padded, colorful laptop  much as possible to help the local
        Adopt-A-Shelf collection-mainte-  book sales. Visit our website for  computer lap desks.  economy and make replacements
        nance/shelf reading program.  instructions: www.coplaypublicli-  Contact: Kara Edmonds at 570-  easy to find. Please mark envelope
        3. Supplies! Staples giftcards, or          325-2131.                   “Be an Angel donation.”                SUNDAY,
        5.5” Fiskars kids’ scissors (10);  2. Gift cards for local stores and               Contact: Julie Zielinski at 610-207-
        Avery permanent glue sticks (4  restaurants to be used for our  EMMAUS PUBLIC       7878.
        dozen); construction paper in  library programs and promotions.  LIBRARY
        primary colors; wooden and jumbo  Please mark envelope “Be an Angel                 GREATER EASTON
        craft sticks. Please mark envelope  donation.”          11 E. Main St.              DEVELOPMENT                            NOVEMBER
        “Be an Angel donation.”     3. Prizes, gift baskets and new  Emmaus, PA 18049       PARTNERSHIP
        Contact: Josh Berk at 610-867-  items we can raffle off at our  1. Amazon gift cards for cleaning,
        3761.                       twice-yearly basket socials.  crafts, and office supplies. Please  325 Northampton St.         25,
                                    Contact: Sharon Dougherty at  make envelope “Be an Angel dona-  Easton, PA 18042
        BETHLEHEM MOUNTED           610-262-7351.               tion.”                      Supports Easton’s economic well-       2018
        POLICE                      DELAWARE & LEHIGH           2. Staples gift cards for cleaning,  being, historical integrity, program-
                                                                crafts, and office supplies. Please
                                                                                            matic development, vibrant culture
        615 E. Langhorne Ave.       NATIONAL HERITAGE           mark envelope “Be an Angel dona-  and urban hospitality.
        Bethlehem, PA 18017         CORRIDOR                    tion.”                      1. “Easy Up” 10-foot by 10-foot pop
        1. Large horse play ball.                               3. Monetary donations toward our  up tents.
        2. Sponsor for Civil Disturbance  2750 Hugh Moore Park Road  Children’s Wing expansion project  2. Golf cart for special event sup-
        protection for horses ($500).  Easton, PA 18042         — furnishings, sundries, and sup-  port.
        Please mark envelope “Be an Angel  Connect experiences in nature,  plies. Please mark envelope “Be an  3. Scissor lift for mural and other
        donation.”                  community and economic devel-  Angel donation.”         pubic art installations.
        3. Grooming supplies — hoof picks,  opment, health and recreation,  Contact: Angie Devers at 610-965-  Contact: Kim Kmetz at 610-330-  25
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