Page 19 - Be An Angel 2018
P. 19
dents. Future Entrepreneurs is our BE
flagship program.
1. Small laptop/notebook for use in
the field.
2. Volunteer administrative help AN
(college interns welcomed).
3. Host internship sites in Easton
and Bethlehem for our high school
FE Program students.
Contact: Myra Pina at 610-841-1128.
1922 Flint Hill Farm Road
Coopersburg, PA 18034
Agricultural educational center
regarding farm life. Offers funded
school tours for inner city students
to educate how food is made.
1. 2 large wheelbarrows in good
condition and a weedwacker in
working condition.
2. 2-5 gallons red barn paint.
3. Tools: 1 small and 1 large sledge-
hammer, 2 metal leaf rakes, small
shop vac.
Contact: Kathy Fields at 610-838-
Lehigh Parkway Elementary School in Allentown, which serves largely low-income students, needs
2697 Brookside Road clothing, including uniforms for students and outdoor winter wear.
Macungie, PA 18062
An independent K-8 school that 4701, ext. 4707. 321 E. Third St. envelope “Be an Angel donation.”
educates and empowers students Bethlehem, PA 18015 3. After School Program funding
with learning disabilities. JEWISH DAY SCHOOL 1.11-inch by 17-inch picture frames (athletics, music, art) for K-5
1. 75 count Clorox wipes containers for posters and assorted frame students: $1,000. Please mark
or monetary donations to pur- OF THE LEHIGH VALLEY sizes for artwork. envelope “Be an Angel donation.”
chase. Please mark envelope “Be an 2313 Pennsylvania St. 2. Dick Blick gift cards to under- Contact: Jason Sizemore at 484-
Angel donation.” Allentown, PA 18104 write art supplies for under-served 765-4861.
2. XL Swiffer Sweeper X-Large Dry Where learning is a lifelong journey students. Please mark envelope
Cloths, 16 per box or monetary embarked upon in partnership with “Be an Angel donation.” MUHLENBERG
donations to purchase. Please family, school and community. 3. Wal-Mart and grocery store gift
mark envelope “Be an Angel dona- 1. Stock our library for our youngest cards to be used to support our ELEMENTARY SCHOOL
tion.” readers — calling all board books under-served population. Please HEALTH ROOM
3. $10 and $25 Giant, Weis, or for children ages 3 and 4. New or mark envelope “Be an Angel dona-
Target gift cards. Please mark gently used books are accepted. tion.” 740 N. 21st St.
envelope “Be an Angel donation.” 2. Flu season is approaching. Help Contact: Debra Storm at 610-868- Allentown, PA 18104
Contact: Jane Hottenstein at us keep our students and faculty 2971, ext. 3154. 1. Boys underwear — small, me-
610-967-3701. healthy by donating Clorox disin- dium, large.
fecting wipes, Purell, and/or boxes LINCOLN ELEMENTARY 2. Probe covers for Braun Thermas-
HOLY INFANCY of tissues. SCHOOL can PC 200 Welch Allyn — 3 boxes.
3. Welch Allyn Sure Temp Plus oral
SCHOOL 3. We need a “walk behind zero thermometer, electronic. THE MORNING CALL
turn commercial lawn mower” to 1260 Gresham St.
127 E. Fourth St. cut our lawn so students can enjoy Bethlehem, PA 18017 Contact: Mary Ellen Kearns at
Bethlehem, PA 18015 recess, gym, and curricular activ- 1. Bike and helmet for our end of 484-765-4861.
1. Art supplies: clay, paint, paint ities outside. year raffle to award positive behav-
brushes, aprons, art pencils, etc. Contact: Amy Golding at 610-437- 2. Adopt a Family — purchase ST. ELIZABETH
2. Copy paper. 0721. holiday gifts for one of our Lincoln REGIONAL SCHOOL
3. Ink for printer/copy machine. families.
Contact: Marjorie Manasse at LEHIGH PARKWAY 3. Holiday Food Baskets — put 433 Pershing Blvd. SUNDAY,
610-868-2621. Whitehall Township, PA 18052
ELEMENTARY SCHOOL together a basket with holiday 1. Copy paper.
JACKSON EARLY 1708 Coronado St. dinner items for one of our Lincoln 2. Electric pencil sharpener.
CHILDHOOD CENTER Allentown, PA 18103 Contact: Amanda Madea at 610- 3. Monetary donations for the NOVEMBER
school. Please mark envelope “Be
Elementary school in an area where 866-8727.
517 N. 15th St. 79 percent of families are classified an Angel donation.”
Allentown, PA 18102 as low income. MUHLENBERG Contact: Sally Kerchner at 610-
Accepts school uniform donations 1. Birdseed for bird habitat. ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 264-0143. 25,
and runs a clothing closet for 2. Coats, gloves, winter hats, and
Jackson students and families in scarves. 740 N. 21st St. ST. JOHN NEUMANN 2018
need. 3. Uniform shirts and pants. White, Allentown, PA 18104 REGIONAL SCHOOL
1. School uniform pants for kinder- navy blue, and light blue shirts. Public education for grades K-5
garteners. Navy blue pants. including specialized focus on 259 Lafayette Ave.
2. School uniform long sleeve shirts Contact: Lines Benson at 484- Autistic Support students and Palmerton, PA 18071
and/or sweaters for kindergar- 765-4441. school wide Mindfulness. 1. Staples/Office Depot gift cards.
teners. 1. Yoga & Mindfulness classes for Please mark envelope “Be an Angel
3. 5-gallon storage containers with LEHIGH VALLEY students $600. donation.”
lids, or similar size containers, to CHARTER HIGH 2. Shoes for students ages 5-10. As 2. Cases of copy paper
store uniform donations. many $25 gift cards as possible to Contact: Sister Virginia Stephanie
Contact: Abigail Cole at 484-765- SCHOOL FOR THE ARTS Target, Wal-Mart, etc. Please mark at 610-826-2354. 19