Page 6 - A Holiday to Remember
P. 6
Traveling? Here are tips on getting there and back

The holiday season is Travelers, or men and Packing your own tend to be the days that early as possible. Apps can take
rife with tradition, and women trusted with pick- meals and snacks also immediately precede and Book an early morning you a long
traveling to visit family ing up family and friends saves you money and, if follow the major holidays. way toward
and friends is a tradition at the airport, can check you’re driving, time. flight so you beat the easing your
shared by so many people. gate assignments, delays If you must travel on crowds at security check- travel woes.
Holiday travel can be hec- and cancellations and even Ship gifts ahead busy holidays, hit the road points or begin your drive
tic, though, as millions of follow the flight’s progress Shipping holiday gifts or the friendly skies as an hour or so before sun- Metro Creative
people take to the airways, while it’s in the air. Connection
highways and railroads in is another way to simplify
the days before and after And it’s not just air holiday travel and save rise, when many of your
Christmas. travelers who can put their money. The lighter air fellow travelers are shak-
apps to work for them. travelers can pack, the ing the sugarplums out of
But travelers whose Drivers who are on a more quickly they can their sleepy heads.
patience is annually tried budget can download the make it through the airport.
by airport security check- free GasBuddy app, which Metro Creative
points and holiday traffic finds the cheapest gas in a Shipping gifts saves you Connection
jams can employ several given city or postal code. from paying excessive bag
strategies to make holiday fees, and it also saves you
travel more palatable. Traveling apps are quite the trouble of checking
popular, and many are free, bags and waiting in bag-
Let apps do it saving travelers money gage claim.
Technology has made while making holiday
travel that much easier. Drivers also may benefit
life easier in many ways, from shipping gifts, which
and smartphone apps can Bring sustenance can give everyone in the
even help travelers make Hunger pangs are sure car more room to relax and
holiday travel less stress- also save the driver some
ful. to arise during your holi- money on gas.
day travels. Airports and
A free app such as roadside truck stops are not Finesse schedules
FlightView provides smart- exactly known for their If possible, take an extra
phone and tablet users with healthy fare, so pack your
real-time flight information own nourishing foods that day or two off during the
and even provides travelers can help you maintain your holidays so you aren’t
with flight status alerts. energy and stay healthy. forced to travel on the
busiest travel days, which

Pointers to keep your poinsettias looking great

Along with the fragrant Metro Creative Connection of the bracts. er the surface feels dry to gardening expert or consult Thanksgiving.
evergreens and twinkling Poinsettias react badly to cold Because they are a trop- the touch. Water until it online resources for the Many people find the
lights synonymous with the temperatures and over-water- drains out the bottom, but proper care schedule.
holiday season, poinsettias ing. ical plant, poinsettias can don’t let the plant sit in affordability of poinsettias
make up a key component be damaged by exposure to water. Over- or under- Caring for a poinsettia makes it more convenient
of holiday decorating. dening novices may find low temperatures, even if watering can cause leaves year-round involves gradu- to buy new ones each year
challenging to maintain. the exposure is only for to drop prematurely and ally drying out the plant than try to foster regrowth.
Unlike holly and some short periods of time. They wilt. If your home lacks in and storing it in a cool
of the other greenery that is The plants are com- should be wrapped and humidity, you may need to location. The plant later Contrary to popular
commonly associated with prised of green foliage, protected against the el- water more frequently. will be moved outdoors belief, poinsettias are not
the holidays, poinsettias do colorful (often red) flower ements when brought and then back inside and poisonous to humans or
not naturally thrive in bracts, and the actual flow- home. Poinsettias do not need pruned to keep a full shape. animals, but they should
colder temperatures. These ers of the plants, which are to be fertilized while the not be ingested due to the
plants originate in southern the red or green buttonlike For maximum plant life, plant is in bloom. Poinsettias are short-day potential for allergic reac-
Mexico and were consid- parts nestled in the center poinsettias need to be plants, which means they tions.
ered an exotic plant when placed near a warm, sunny The Ohio State Univer- flower about 10 weeks after
first introduced to the window, or another area sity Extension says poinset- the daylight shortens to Poinsettias can help
United States by Joel Rob- that has ample amounts of tias can be reflowered the about 12 hours or less. remove pollutants from
ert Poinsett, the first light. They thrive in tem- following Christmas, but Therefore, to have the plant indoor air, which is advan-
American ambassador to peratures between 60 and unless a yearlong schedule in full flower by Christmas, tageous during the winter
Mexico. 75 degrees and should be of care is observed, the it will have to be kept in months when doors and
kept away from warm or results usually are not complete darkness between windows are typically kept
Poinsettias can be fickle cold drafts. good. 5 p.m. and 8 a.m. from the closed.
plants and ones that gar- first part of October until
Water the plant whenev- You can speak with a Metro Creative

You could win a

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gameboard from our Holiday Traditions
APPLIANCES special section on Nov. 26, 2015.

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APPLIANCES at Boscov’s Department Store with locations at
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Contest Rules: NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. Sweepstakes runs from 5 am ET on 11/26/15 to 11:59pm ET on 12/18/15. Sweepstakes open to legal U.S. residents residing within 50 miles
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number of eligible entries. 1 Grand Prize: $1,000 Boscov’s Holiday Shopping Spree. Official Rules at Sponsors: The Morning Call, 101 N. 6th Street, Allentown,
PA 18105 & Boscov’s Department Store, 400 Lehigh Valley Mall, Whitehall, PA 18052.
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