Page 2 - A Holiday to Remember
P. 2


Best gift of ’45 came with lots of snow Kids get bubbly over ‘winter wonderland’

The Christmas of 1945 wait until the snow was Doris Hess They say that children Shutterstock exclaimed, “Mommy, it
was very special to me. over. remembers who are very good and snowed! It snowed!”
how her best receive a bicycle from Santa I told him to save the
I was a new bride and But my two brothers Christmas want nice weather on flakes and I would use them I jumped out of bed and
my husband was in the said, “Oh, no, we aren’t present ever Christmas, while those who to do the wash. It was late, looked out our front win-
Army and stationed in going to wait. The three of came wrapped receive sleds definitely want so I headed upstairs to bed dows — no snow was in
Texas. I missed him ter- us will go and bring him in an Army snow. as he finished up. Instead of sight. When I went down-
ribly. I was elated to get a home.” We bundled up, got uniform. doing as I asked, he took the stairs to our kitchen to make
phone call saying the a full tank of gas, put Our three children had white sheet they were on breakfast, the children fol-
Army would try to get him weight in the trunk and Contributed been very good and were and shook it out on our side lowed close behind, yelling,
home for Christmas. They photo lucky to receive sleds. They lawn. “Wait till you see it!”
would send him from wanted snow, but did they
Texas to Indianapolis, but started out slowly. get it? They anxiously Well, it started to rain As I went into the kitch-
that was 100 miles from My best Christmas waited for the white stuff, during the night. The next en, I could see the “snow”
our farm. but it had been an unusually morning, we were awak- was half way up the win-
present ever wasn’t warm winter in 1975-76 and ened by the excitement of dows. And the white peaks
Everyone in the country wrapped with paper and a no snow had fallen. our three young children, of the soap bubbles also
was asked to help get sol- ribbon. It was seeing my Ron-Ron, 8; Andy, 7, and adorned our lawn. Indeed, it
diers home. He got a ride husband on that Christmas My husband, Ronnie, Missy, 2. They joyfully was a beautiful sight. I told
and called to say he was 50 Eve. and I were taking down our the children it was a bliz-
miles away and was wait- tree and snow village with zard.
ing at a jewelry store, Doris Hess, 94, its train shortly after New
where they were giving Bethlehem Year’s. It was so beautiful Well, it took a few weeks
soldiers a spot to rest. we felt sad to take it down. for that “snow” to finally
This year, Ron had used dissipate. And our “winter
Then came the snow — Ivory Flakes for our snow wonderland” was the talk of
a lot of snow. The roads village scene. It looked and the neighborhood!
were impassable. I thought glistened just like real snow.
there was nothing to do but Dorothy Ann (Varody)
Hersh, Easton

Who was that masked (I mean bearded) man? Little girl reads her Santa
‘Gram’ just right
Santa has some secrets. when it didn’t snow. Rein-
Back in the late ’60s, my deer fly and the sled glides. Rodney When I was 4 years old, curls. We were expecting
brother, sister and I were Snyder my dad was drafted into Grammy and some aunts to
told Santa comes down the We grew up and took seems to be the Army during World join us for our family cele-
chimney while we sleep. I “Santa” along to our re- sharing War II. My mother tried to bration. Mom said if I were
questioned why he didn’t spective homes. We scat- secrets with carry on with life at home “good,” maybe Santa
get stuck and burned in the tered oatmeal and glitter so a mystery as best she could. My pat- would arrive with some
coal furnace. the reindeer could find our Santa who ernal grandmother, who gifts.
Then the story changed; houses. Stories were modi- stopped by lived just one block away
he comes through the front fied and we all played a family from us, supported us in My bedroom was by the
door. I wanted to know how along. party in 2011. many ways. stairway, so I heard the
he got into locked houses. front door open followed
Santa can get in, I was told. Imagine our surprise Contributed In our family, we cele- by heavy footsteps on the
I couldn’t figure out how when, in 2011, Santa himself photo brated Christmas Eve by living-room floor.
Santa had enough money to showed up at my brother’s opening gifts and then
buy presents. I learned he Christmas Eve party in going to a candlelight serv- Then, in a deep voice, I
used our Christmas club. Lehighton. He told us a ice at church. While Dad heard, “HO, HO, HO,
Santa didn’t wrap our neighbor said he should stop was in the military, we did M-E-R-R-Y Christmas!”
presents, but he wrapped by. He seemed a little em- not attend church, but we
some friends’ presents. barrassed to be crashing our carried on with Christmas Mom, looking excited,
Mom and Dad said they party. We invited him in, Eve traditions as always. said to me, “It’s Santa
didn’t want our presents chatted and took pictures. Claus!”
wrapped. The next year, when I
I wanted to know how To this day, we don’t was 5, I was upstairs at our I clearly remember my
the reindeer pulled the sled know who was in that red house putting on my new reaction to my mother.
suit. Christmas dress. Mom was “No,” I said, “that’s only
with me, carefully arrang- Grammy.”
Bonnie Snyder, ing my hair into bologna
Bowmanstown Janet Wieder McNair,
Lower Macungie
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