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Do You Know What’s
in Your Food?
n this Breast Cancer Awareness conventional agricultural systems. chain restaurants like Panera Bread, journal found that in a trial of 68,000
issue, it’s important to think about Our food has more chemicals and Dunkin’ Donuts, McDonalds, and French adults, an organic diet reduced
Ihow what we put into our bodies less nutrition than ever before — Olive Garden, 39 tested positive for the risk of certain cancers, such as
affects how we feel and how going and that’s causing real trouble for glyphosate residues. postmenopausal breast cancer, by
organic may help us improve our human health. Another study, conducted by up to 25 percent. This conclusion
long-term health. In 2015, glyphosate (the main Friends of the Earth, found glyphosate was related to the lack of residual
Rodale Institute has spent over ingredient in the weed-killer in one hundred percent of oat cereal pesticides in organic foods.
70 years researching and educating RoundUp) was labeled a probable and pinto bean samples from major The positive health effects of an
consumers about the connection carcinogen by the World Health grocery stores. organic diet can start any time.
between how we grow our food and Organization. Other studies suggest These results are scary stuff, At Rodale Institute, we know that
our health. Now, our new Mobile that the herbicide could be linked to but there is a solution. not every neighborhood has access
Market focuses on bringing organic immune system damage, kidney and Organic agriculture prohibits any to the organic food that can bring
food that can improve human health liver damage, and may be a possible synthetic pesticides or herbicides, these health benefits. That’s why our
to communities otherwise unable to endocrine disrupter. including glyphosate. That means when new Mobile Market travels to public
access it. Other institutions, like the you buy produce and other food assistance offices, medical centers,
Improving access to organic food International Agency for Research products with the UDSA Certified and downtown hubs in cities like
is crucial in a society that is struggling on Cancer, have also raised the alarm Organic label, you’re eliminating Allentown to bring organic food to
with diseases like diabetes, heart about glyphosate, classifying it as a chemicals that could harm your health. those who need it most.
disease, immune system disorders, Group 2A probable carcinogen. There are studies suggesting that The Mobile Market accepts SNAP
and cancer. Why does this matter? Turns out, eating organic can not only protect and other food assistance programs,
According to the American glyphosate is more pervasive in our your health, but it can actually improve making it an affordable and convenient
Cancer Society, cancer rates are on food system than you may think. it by reducing your susceptibility to option for most families. For more
the rise worldwide. Also on the rise? A recent white paper released by certain diseases like cancer. information on health, events,
The use of synthetic inputs like GMO Free USA reports that out of A peer-reviewed study published and Mobile Market locations, visit
pesticides and herbicides in 44 food samples taken from popular in the American Medical Association
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