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12 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 2019                                                                             THE MORNING CALL
                THE POW ER OF P I NK



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                                                       “Right around the time my youngest daughter  journey, Dr. Nair has been supportive and caring
                 KATHY LOWE IS A                    was graduating, I felt a lump in my clavicle, and I  while also allowing her to be a partner in her own
               “FOREVER FIGHTER”                    knew that was an indication that the cancer had  care. He has recognized that her family is on this
                                                                                             path with her, as well, and has made time outside
                                                    spread. It had metastasized,” says Lowe, a Stage
                                                    4 patient who is now receiving chemotherapy  of his normal working hours to meet with them
                By Shannon Sigafoos of The Morning Call  to fight aggressive tumors on her liver as well as  and answer questions. And he has been matter
                                                    in her brain, lungs and bones. “They used to say  of fact about her current treatment while also
                                                    if you lived five years, you were okay. Ten years,  maintaining both his optimism and hers.
                                                    you’re okay. We have to figure out why it came  “When the cancer metastasized, he returned
            It’s been more than two decades since   back and what is driving this cancer.”   my call on a Sunday afternoon and talked to me
            Bloomsburg resident Kathy Lowe was first   Lowe is one of the nearly 270,000 women  at length. He kept saying, ‘I’m sorry. I’m so sorry
            diagnosed with cancer. She was 39 years old with  each year who have to have these conversations  that this has returned 17 years later, but let me
            four children – her youngest being only 18 months  that never get any easier, yet she has remained  tell you about all of the good things that are
            old at the time – when she found herself listening  steadfast in her determination to fight the disease  happening and all of the advances in medicine and
            to Dr. Suresh Nair, Physician-in-Chief at Lehigh  with all that she has in her. As you’ve read in the  technology,” recalls Lowe. “I’m in the throes of
            Valley Health Network’s Cancer Institute, explain  article on the preceding page, she was one of the  chemo again, but I make that 90 minute trip each
            what her stage 2a breast cancer diagnosis meant  first patients to take part in the Memorial Sloan  way because of the time he took that day and
            and what her treatment options were.    Kettering (MSK) IMPACT™ Trial with Lehigh Valley  because of his hope, his energy and his optimism
               “I remember the prayer that I said then was,  Health Network, which provided her access to  on how things will continue to improve.”
            ‘Please, just let me live to see my baby graduate’, ”  experimental treatments that have been developed  ‘Hope’ is a word that Lowe uses often in
            she recalls.                            to target specific genetic mutations.    conversation about her journey with cancer, and it’s
               A lumpectomy, chemotherapy, radiation,  As Lowe has found out, people who are  because she can imagine a time in the future where
            hysterectomy, and a decade on two different  diagnosed with cancer spend a lot of time with their  other women will have more options for treatment
            drugs followed. For 17 years, the cancer remained  oncology team. The hospital and physicians’ offices  and a higher expectation that cancer patients will
            dormant. And then…                      become like a second home. Through her entire  go on to live long, productive lives. She has been
                                                                                             a frequent participant in the Women’s 5K Classic
                                                                                             – where the funds raised go back into supporting
                                                                                             local research and treatment options – and will walk
                                                                                             again this year alongside of thousands of mothers,
                                                                                             sisters, daughter and friends all in this fight together.
                                                                                                “In the future, there will be some answers.
            Kathy Lowe, showing                                                              If they keep coming up with these drugs where
            her fighting spirit                                                              they can say, ‘Okay, this works, but part of this
            at the Women’s 5K                                                                didn’t work,’ or ‘We’re going to come at it from
            Classic in 2018.                                                                 this angle and try this’ – I imagine and hope
                                                                                             that in the near future, they will get closer and
                                                                                             closer to figuring out these genetic drivers,” says
                                                                                             Lowe. “Every person is different, but doctors
                                                                                             are still trying and haven’t given up. And that’s so
                                                                                             important to women like me who are fighting for
                                                                                             as much life as we can get at this point.”
                                                             Photos courtesy of the Women’s 5K Classic
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