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THE MORNING CALL                                                                                     SATURDAY, MAY 25, 2019  7

            Barreform                                                                                                Photo courtesy of Barreform

            makesthefitnessexperienceallinclusive                                                   By Shannon Sigafoos of The Morning Call

                 outique gym classes have gained quite a  was looking for a place where she could do the  the duration of the class, which is 50 minutes
                 following in the last several years, becoming  Megaformer, barre, cycling and resistance training  on average. The regular Megaformer class is
            B the preferred choice for anyone wanting  workouts she had become accustomed to. Some  offered at different times every day of the
            to mix up their fitness regime and stay motivated  area studios only offered one or the other, and  week (including night classes to accommodate
            without the same old treadmill-and-barbells slog  none offered the Megaformer.  participants’ varied work schedules), and a few
            that chain fitness clubs offer.             “I need variety; it keeps me challenged and  hybrid classes also combine Megaformer &
               About every seven years, the fitness industry  prevents boredom. Here in the Valley, we saw  indoor cycling, or Megaformer and high-intensity
            sees a major shift in trends. So how is it that  an opportunity to provide that type of variety  interval training (HIIT) for when you really want
            boutique studios have managed to remain so  by bringing several different workouts into one  to break a sweat. All classes can be booked
            popular? It’s likely because boutique classes are  location,” she says.         directly on
            high-quality, engaging, and they get results. There’s  In the studio’s front room that looks out onto  Two years on, the studio sees a good mix of
            also the camaraderie of enduring the same  a bustling, revitalized Southside, she mentions  both beginners and experienced users, and as an
            experience as the rest of your small, niche group.  how the lights are turned down, music is turned  instructor, Hendrycks embraces the opportunity
               What you’ll find at Barreform – located on  up and candles are lit for their indoor cycling  to help them learn – from herself and from
            W. 4th St. in Bethlehem – is an independently  classes – providing a unique and less intimidating  each other – because no matter if it is your first
            owned facility founded upon a vision of providing  atmosphere for those who may feel self-  or 101st class, everybody is working at their
            a variety of unique and alternative fitness options  conscious about trying the workout. The bikes  maximum effort.
            that are both fun and effective, in a supportive  can also be easily moved to accommodate boot  “That’s the beauty of it,” she says. “When
            and social atmosphere that asks you to check  camp, barre and TRX suspension training classes.  you do it for the first time, it’s pretty awkward.
            your insecurities and judgement at the door.  Barreform is also the only location within  You’re moving in very simple, functional ways,
               How much do clients love the experience?  66 miles that offers the Lagree Fitness™  but it’s challenging because you’ve never done
            They leave their hearts at the studio – literally.  Megaformer machines to enthusiastic converts.  anything like it before with resistance like this, or
               “After about nine months, I started tracking  The workout uses the low-impact, toning  positions, speeds or durations like this. There’s
            how many classes individual clients had taken,  principles of Pilates and adds resistance to build  a lot of balance work that we do, and it’s about
            and noticed we had a group of people who were  and sculpt muscles while increasing endurance.  finding where those weaknesses are so you
            quickly approaching 100 classes. I wanted to  “The Megaformer looks scary, but broken  know where you need to focus. It doesn’t get
            do something for that, something special,” says  down simply, there are two stationary platforms  easier; you just get stronger.”
            Barreform’s owner, Nora Hendrycks. She points  – one at the front and one at the back – and a  Though it may sound cliché and has certainly
            to the colorful graffiti-style hearts that brighten  carriage in the middle that moves between them.  been used as a tagline for big-box gyms, the
            the front wall of the studio and says, “It kind of  The machine utilizes two types of springs that  beauty of Barreform is that it truly is a judgment-
            just came to me. Our clients spend so much  connect the front platform and the carriage –  free zone. The idea is that anyone can walk
            time with us, it seemed fitting to recognize their  yellow springs, which provide eight to 10 pounds  in and feel like they belong there and that it
            accomplishment by making them a part of the  of resistance, and heavier blue springs, which  feels natural for them to be there. Over time,
            studio. So when anybody hits 100 classes, they get  provide 55 to 60 pounds of resistance,” explains  the classes become routine and ‘gym friends’
            to spray paint their own heart on one of our walls.  Hendrycks. “With any combination of those  become real friends – and the development
            Each heart is as unique and beautiful as they are.”  springs, you can create different levels of variable  and strengthening of interpersonal relationships
               Some devotees who have reached 200 or  tension and intensity, and with different positions  becomes an added mental health benefit of
            300 classes have put heart stickers inside of their  on the machine you will be working different  exercise along with the feel-good factor of
            spray-painted heart – ensuring that they leave  muscles. It is definitely a full-body workout, and  getting through the classes.
            enough space for future clientele the studio is sure  with every exercise, if you’re doing it correctly,  “It’s intense, and it’s always challenging,”
            to have, thanks to its word-of-mouth growth.  you’re engaging your core.”       says Hendrycks. “But when you finish, and the
               When she arrived in the Lehigh Valley   Although you move slowly in each exercise,  instructor says, ‘3, 2, 1, we’re done,’ you feel like
            several years ago – then using the area as a  the workout does provide a cardio benefit,  you’ve really accomplished something – that gut
            weekend escape from Manhattan – Hendrycks  keeping your heart rate in the working zone for  feeling of ‘Wow, I did it.’ That’s all you.”
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