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f you’ve ever felt a burning sensation in Why do we need stomach acid, anyway? recognize these by their brand names such as
your throat or chest, then you – like one The stomach is full of hydrochloric acid (HCI), Prevacid or Nexium. It’s important, however, for
third of the population – have experienced which aids in the digestion of food by breaking patients not to rely on prescription drugs long-term.
heartburn. The key symptom is usually the down proteins to the point that they can be If their symptoms are not better after 12 weeks,
Itaste of stomach acid in the back of your passed to the small intestine. Most of us are their physician will recommend further testing.
mouth, though other symptoms can include probably only aware of our stomach acid when we “If someone comes back to me at 12 weeks
difficulty swallowing, chest pain (especially when experience heartburn or when we have a stomach and says they did the lifestyle modifications and the
lying down or eating), difficulty sleeping due to virus or illness. What most of us are probably medication, and it didn’t work, the research shows
pressure in the chest, or a chronic cough. unaware of, however, is that stomach acid is our that we should all take responsibility and we should
Heartburn has become synonymous with first line of defense against stomach illness. not allow patients to take PPIs indefinitely,” says
the average American lifestyle, thanks to the way “The way I look at it, nature gave us acid for a Dr. Mittal. “If you’re taking a PPI, you won’t have
many of us structure our days with heavier, larger, reason,” explains Dr. Mittal. “No matter how clean enough acid in the stomach. So that’s why with
or late night meals. Abuse of caffeinated beverages and careful we are, we all swallow some germs and those medications, we’re becoming more cautious
such as coffee or soda is typical among Americans, bacteria. So when you swallow that bacteria, there’s in using them. They’re very important medications,
as is a more sedentary lifestyle that doesn’t allow a good chance the acid is going to take care of that.” but they should not be used indiscriminately. If you
excess calories to burn off. An estimated 160 The first step in diagnosis usually includes say ‘I tried everything and I still don’t feel good,’ then
million Americans are either obese or overweight, a discussion about lifestyle modifications and I will decide to evaluate further.”
and over 34 million Americans are smokers. the prescription of a proton pump inhibitor
All of these factors contribute to frequent (PPI), medications that work by suppressing The Diagnosis
heartburn – a condition called gastroesophageal acid production in the stomach. Patients may When patients come to the Heartburn Center
reflux disease, or GERD. at Easton Hospital, there are several procedures
“When someone has a heartburn on a more doctors can perform that will help them determine
frequent basis, it causes damage or chemical the extent of their heartburn. The first, an EGD,
burn to the food pipe. There’s a sphincter muscle uses a flexible endoscope to examine the upper
between the esophagus and the stomach – like a digestive tract. The second option, Bravo, is a tiny
one-way valve – that remains closed all of the time. capsule attached to the wall of the esophagus
When that valve becomes slightly lax, or weak, that measures pH levels and reports them to a
the result is that the acid in the stomach comes Manoj Mittal, MD, small device like a cell phone. “Patients don’t feel
back up into the food pipe,” says Manoj Mittal, gastroenterologist the capsule at all, and it is passed naturally,” says
MD, gastroenterologist with Easton Hospital. “Our with Easton Hospital. Dr. Mittal. The third esophageal test, known as
lifestyles, our eating patterns, our personal situations manometry, measures the strength of the swallow
all increase the risk of those kinds of events.” Photo courtesy of from the throat down to the stomach cavity.
Easton Hospital