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THE MORNING CALL                                                                                  SATURDAY, APRIL 27, 2019  27
          GERIATRIC MEDICINE                        more prevalent in older people who may not have family  added another $470 billion to that figure. This puts a
          Continued from page 15                    members or friends around as often. In that case, their  drain on family budgets and on seniors’ savings.
                                                    physician also acts as their friend and psychologist.  While money can be a difficult topic to address
          age, your primary doctor can help determine whether the  “Keeping people happy and healthy through their  – particularly in association with aging and during
          switch to a geriatrician is right for you.  older years is very rewarding,” says Dr. Krishnamurthy.  retirement years that are supposed to be as stress-free as
             “Traditional medicine practitioners are great  “Simply put, geriatrics is the practice of complex internal  possible – it’s important to arm yourself with information.
          physicians – and are educated very well to treat diseases  medicine with a lot of empathy and kindness.”  “One fact often not talked about is healthcare
          based on scientific evidence-based guidelines. While                                finances. This can be a big challenge as elder patients
          these guidelines are great for single diseases, it becomes  The importance of paying attention  are typically retired with limited income, and the cost
          challenging in elderly people with multiple diseases,  to healthcare trends and finances  of medications can be very high. Typically, Medicare
          as the guidelines for various diseases can contradict  According to the latest U.S. Census, there are  prescription plans have gaps in coverage resulting
          each other,” explains Dr. Krishnamurthy. “One simply  77 million boomers across the country, with more  in very high out-of-pocket expenses,” says Dr.
          cannot follow the guidelines blindly due to the inherent  than 10,000 retiring every day. Unfortunately, there  Krishnamurthy. “It is very important to talk to your
          contradictions. For example, some medicines that are  are just over 7,000 geriatricians when the projected  doctor about getting as many generic medications as
          great for the heart are not good for the kidney and  need is close to 20,000 – proving that our national  possible and limiting brand name medications.”
          vice versa, so some compromise has to occur. The  healthcare plans have not adapted according to the  Krishnamurthy also points out the importance of
          intellectual stimulation while assessing the various pros  changing needs of our population.  having one physician – either a geriatrician or a trusted
          and cons is the best thing about geriatrics.”  “This massive shortage needs to be addressed  internal medicine or family physician – in charge of your
             While getting older is inevitable (and certainly  if we are to be successful in caring appropriately for  overall care. Medications prescribed by each of these
          better than the alternative), there are smart choices  elders,” says Dr. Krishnamurthy.  doctors may have interactions and side effects, so “having
          that this population can make to help slow the decline  In terms of healthcare resources, these types of  one doctor in charge of the overall care is absolutely
          of aging. This is an important time of life to start listening  trends are important for boomers to be paying attention  vital,” says Krishnamurthy.
          to your own body, and know that everything from the  to and thinking about because as healthcare costs  One thing to keep in mind is that in any situation that
          foods you eat and how you exercise, to your social  increase faster than economic growth, Medicare taxes  applies to your health, the most important members of
          network and retirement goals, can have an effect on  will cover less and less. And while others expect to  a “health care team” – other than the doctor and the
          how your body ages.                       depend on Social Security, there is a very real chance that  patient – is a support network of people around you.
             Because everyone ages differently and because  the reserve may be depleted by 2033.  So even if you don’t consider yourself “old,” that means
          lifestyle plays a major role, you’ll experience both  Foreboding statistics also tell us that 75 percent of  you – and your support of others going through this
          hard-to-notice and impossible-to-miss changes in your  Americans over the age of 65 live with multiple chronic  process now. And if you’re helping to care for an aging
          physical and mental health. While it’s easy to say that  health conditions, often shifting caregiving onto family  relative, this advice also applies to you.
          staying physically and mentally active can help with these  members or personal care aides. According to the  Geriatric awareness and knowledge shouldn’t be
          adjustments – particularly in your 60s – a geriatrician can  Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the U.S.  limited just to geriatricians. In today’s America, all of us
          help point out some issues that are not so obvious. One  spent an estimated $103 billion on home health care in  should be equipped with the knowledge and resources
          of them is that loneliness and depression can become  2018, and the estimated value of unpaid in-home care  to help optimize the health of seniors.

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