Page 26 - Valley Life & Health
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ll of us can remember that time where, at
an early age, we were handed a crayon or
A paintbrush and taught to create. And no
matter what other paths we’ve chosen in life, art is
always around us.
Making art and engaging with the arts offers a
wide range of health benefits, too. Just ask Jacqueline
Lare, a resident at the Terrace at Phoebe Allentown.
She has taken advantage of classes there to revisit a
lifelong passion for creating art with oil, watercolor,
acrylic, and other forms of paint.
“I like to do what I can to enhance things
around here,” Lare says.
As class participants engage with their work,
their past comes to life, and they draw on memories
from long ago. They may reminiscence about places
they have been or people they have known. They
talk about painting techniques, but more importantly,
they recall positive life experiences that turned into
treasured memories. And many are picking up a paint-
brush for the first time in decades.
Lare is just one of the many gifted artists who Photo courtesy of Terrace at Phoebe Allentown
have chosen Phoebe as a retirement destination. Jacqueline Lare, resident of the Terrace at Phoebe Allentown, takes advantage of art classes to revisit a lifelong passion.
And like many other residents who may be focusing
more on things they once didn’t have time to do, The Terrace Is Where Senior Moments
Lare also uses the classes for the social engagement Are Celebrated
and community connections that are readily avail- With input from residents, the Phoebe team has The Terrace at Phoebe Allentown
able to all Phoebe residents. developed several programs that cater to the inter- 1940 W. Turner Street
The Terrace at Phoebe Allentown offers a ests of the community’s members. Outside of the Allentown, PA 18104
number of classes, activities, and programs to enrich arts, on any given day, you can find people working
residents’ lives and offers opportunities to develop and toward their wellness goals in the fitness room, SCHEDULE A TOUR:
enjoy new hobbies. At Phoebe, art classes not only tending to the garden areas, or coming together for Tours are available weekdays, 8 a.m.–4 p.m.;
offer structure to residents’ days, but also allows them a community event. weekday events and weekends by appointment.
to put themselves first by engaging in an activity they Residents at the Terrace at Phoebe Allentown
already love or even one that is totally new to them. enjoy the many amenities available to them just out- Contact:
Last year, the Terrace at Phoebe Allentown held a side their doorsteps. They never have to look far to Mitch Huston,
show where artwork from some of the community’s find new ways to pursue their interests or connect Sales Coordinator
residents was put on display for all to enjoy. The show with one another, although they enjoy the luxury of 610-794-5426 or
was not the first of its kind, but it was a unique oppor- venturing into the city as they please. Residents at Quinn Kolbe,
tunity to celebrate the work of these artists who bring the Terrace at Phoebe Allentown are truly making Sales Associate
life, joy, and color to the Phoebe community. their seniors years their best years! 215-461-2121