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Photo courtesy of Country Meadows Retirement Communities
Country Meadows Co-founder and Believer of the Power of Kindness,
Mary Jane Leader
t Country Meadows Retirement Communi- “In her honor, my family and I encourage all our ABOUT COUNTRY MEADOWS:
ties, April has been designated as Practice neighbors to practice random acts of kindness, par- Country Meadows has been offering quality
A Random Acts of Kindness month in honor of ticularly in April. We feel it only appropriate that her retirement living in the Lehigh Valley for over 30 years
the birth month of Mary Jane Leader for her kindness memory live on by encouraging others to remember on their Allentown and Bethlehem campuses and
and the phrase by which she lived her life. Mrs. Leader the little things that can truly brighten someone’s day. their newest location in Forks Township of Easton.
and her husband, the late Pennsylvania Governor Mother loved to surprise family and friends with an Their lifestyle options include Independent Living,
George M. Leader, founded Country Meadows. unexpected gift—like delivering homemade fudge or Assisted Living/Personal Care, Memory Care for
“Throughout her life, Mother was a daily example pecan or rhubarb pies,” Leader continues. residents with early-to late-stage memory loss and
of kindness to others, and she inspired us to do the Residents and co-workers spend the entire month Restorative Care to support those recovering from
same for our families and in our communities,” says of April making efforts to truly brighten someone’s an injury or living with a chronic condition, plus 24-
Michael Leader, president & CEO-Country Meadows. day. And their efforts continue throughout the year. If hour Skilled Nursing and Rehab services to serve the
In fact, in 2013, Leader was delighted to receive you need a little inspiration for ways (51, in fact) to be greater Lehigh Valley.
an acknowledgement from then Pennsylvania Gov. kind to a senior, visit They strive every day to make retirement living
Tom Corbett that he joined with Country Meadows You also are invited to stop by your local Country fresher, tastier, safer, livelier, friendlier—just better. They
to support April 2013 as Practice Random Acts of Meadows campus to pick up a Practice Random Acts invite you to visit any of their communities to experi-
Kindness Month in the Commonwealth, in memory of of Kindness bumper sticker and window cling. ence firsthand the individual delights of each campus
former First Lady Mary Jane Leader. Leader concludes, “Everyday we try to make life located in Allentown, Bethlehem or Forks Township of
Random acts of kindness can be as simple as better at Country Meadows, and whether the grantor Easton. Visit or schedule
holding a door open for someone, spending time with or recipient of a kind act, the generosity of the human an in-person visit for any day of the week.
a friend or giving an unexpected gift—like a bunch spirit provides great rewards. I encourage you to pay it
of daffodils or a cupcake. Great local examples in the forward with a random act of kindness.”
Lehigh Valley include:
• The team at the Country Meadows Allentown
campus, in coordination with the veterans’ organiza-
tion, VALOR, local businesses and churches collected
items and assembled 110 emergency kits for local
homeless veterans.
• Their Bethlehem campus residents from
all levels of care visited kindergartners at St.
Ann school to read, help plant seeds and share
healthy snacks.
• Residents at their Forks Township of Easton cam-
pus cooked up kindness to show appreciation for local
emergency responders. When the meal was prepared, Pick up your Practice Random LOCATIONS: 410 N. Krocks Road, Allentown | 610-395-7160
residents delivered it to the police station and enjoyed Acts of Kindness bumper sticker 4035 Green Pond, Bethlehem | 610-865-5580
getting to know their local officers. at any of their locations. 175 Newlins Road West, Easton (in Forks Township) | 484-544-3880