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THE MORNING CALL                                                                                   SATURDAY, APRIL 27, 2019  17
                   WHO WILL

            t is common for most of us to want to remain in the
            comfort and familiarity of the home we love as we
          Iage. In fact, 90% of seniors feel this way. If you are one
           of the 90%, how will you achieve this goal when your
           healthcare needs change? Have you ever considered  TAKECARE
           what you will do when you need assistance with one or
           more of your Activities of Daily Living (ADLs)?
              As we mature, we usually tend to live close to our
           families, making healthcare transitions a little easier. Some
           people, however, have neither children nor other family
           available to provide assistance when health changes,
           or as other needs arise. Pathstones by Phoebe is a
           membership based program offering a unique solu-
           tion to this situation by providing a lifetime of wellness
           coaching, healthcare advocacy, and implementation of  OFYOU?
           care services to meet your ever changing needs, all in the
           comfort of your own home. Pathstones partners in your
           long term care for life!                  “Whether they’re sweeping
              Hear what our members have to say about joining  across the dance floor in each
           Pathstones and why it was a logical and practical solution  other’s arms or jetting off to
           for them:                                 Hawaii, there’s no doubt Jack
                                                     and Carole Lusch are living an
              “David and I have been married for 45 years and have  active retirement. As mem-
           no children. We really like where we live and do not want  bers of Pathstones by Phoebe,
           to move from our home which is suitable for us to “age in  they enjoy the security of
           place”. Our dilemma comes from the fact that we both come  knowing they can receive long                                 Photo courtesy of Phoebe Pathstones
           from very small families which are widely dispersed and  term care if they need it in
                                                     the comfort of the home they
           would not be readily available should an emergency arise.  built together—and that is
           Pathstones was an answer to our prayers. Now we have a  worth more than anything.”
           ’local’ contact who will be able to help us and/or our families
           should we need it, as well as help to guide us as we make
           decisions about our future. It gives us great peace of mind.”  have our best interest at heart. The wellness monitoring by  possible for as long as possible. Pathstones’ Wellness
                             ~June, member since June 2016  Pathstones would also detect problems with our ability to  Coordinator, Mimi Leinbach stresses the importance
              “Four months after my husband passed away, there I  take care of ourselves as needed (personal grooming, taking  of being proactive. “By communicating regularly with
           was asking myself: What will I do with the rest of my life?  medications as needed, paying bills, ability to continue to  each member we are addressing prevention and using
           I don’t have any close relatives nearby – the closest is an  keep our home clean, etc.) Pathstones knows our wishes  a holistic focus, we help our members maintain optimal
           hour’s drive away. What will happen to me if I become sick?  and will convey our requests by advocating for us when deal-  health in their retirement. We share techniques to help
           From observation and experience of close friends and ac-  ing with doctors, hospitals, case managers, etc. This advocacy  members achieve their physical, emotional, intellectual,
           quaintances, I became familiar with the senior living commu-  becomes even more important if one of us passes away and  vocational, spiritual, environmental, and social well-
           nities in this area. Since I am an independent soul, I wasn’t  we are alone. If you plan to rely on family for assistance, are  ness goals.” The Wellness Coordinator is your lifelong
           certain if I could fit into the structured life of an independent  you guaranteed they will be there when needed? They may  personal health advocate and will appear at navigation
           living facility, so I opted to remain in my home for the time  not be nearby, or they may have family issues of their own.  meetings on your behalf to be sure your wishes are
           being. However, I always had the nagging thought about my  Unfortunately in extreme situations, some family members  carried out and, should you choose, can also accompany
           future should I become ill. About the same time as I was  are less than honorable and create a host of problems. With  you to learn test results at a follow up appointment.
           trying to sort out my life and make a further decision, I saw  Pathstones you have peace of mind to know our caregiv-  Members receive wide ranging services, similar to
           an article about Pathstones by Phoebe and thought it might  ing will remain pure with your wishes executed without any  those offered on Phoebe’s campuses, delivered in their
           be valuable to consider. After a little more contemplating, I  family dynamics.   home. This includes continued coordination and manage-
           called the Pathstones office and spoke with the Membership  ~ Randy, member since April 2017  ment of all levels of home health care, companionship,
           Coordinator who answered my questions, gave me a brief  Pathstones members echo the importance of the  emergency response services, live-in support, and
           overview of the program, and later visited me in my home to  comfort and contentment they feel. They rest easy  medication management. Short term, higher level care is
           describe the program in more detail. Being familiar with the  knowing their plan for life care is in place and profes-  also available at home after an illness or injury or surgery
           good reputation of the ‘Phoebe’ name in my area, I knew this  sionals are ready to implement their specific plan when  such as a hip replacement. If a member decides it is more
           was the right course of action for me to follow and signed on  necessary, and you can too!  appropriate and chooses to move into a personal care or
           to become a member and stay in my home. This has been  Pathstones offers comprehensive, value-based  a skilled nursing community, Pathstones will pay for care
           a positive experience and I am thankful and have peace of  long term care for a lifetime. The person centered ap-  based on the plan selected. Pathstones provides care
           mind knowing that help is nearby in the event I need it.”  proach helps members maintain their highest level of  wherever you call home.
                       ~Wanda, member since November 2016  independence and thrive at home, even if ADL needs  We invite you to join us at a free educational semi-
           “We chose Pathstones because our health (physical and  change. Each Pathstones member is teamed up with a  nar to explore how Pathstones by Phoebe can enhance
           mental) will be monitored and changes noted. Pathstones  Wellness Coordinator who learns about their unique  your lifestyle and provide you the freedom and peace
           will then arrange services from qualified, trusted caregiv-  lifestyle and preferences.  of mind knowing your long term care plan is in place.
           ers as needed to address these changes. We won’t have  Together, they create a personalized and on-going  Seminar dates and locations can be found at Pathstones-
           to worry about neglect or abuse from those who do not  wellness plan designed to keep members as healthy as or by calling 610-794-6700.
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