Page 7 - Top Workplaces 2019
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45 facts about this year’s Top Workplaces
By Linda Doell traded master limited partnership. companiesintheLehighValleyforthe ply company in Allentown.
Special to The Morning Call Ciocca Subaru not only offers a last five years, and has been named a Penn Treaty Network America
full-service department to maintain Top Workplace for two years in a row. has an employee recognition program
he companies named to and repair vehicles, it also stocks auto King, Spry, Herman Freund & that enables workers to nominate
this year’s Top Work- parts if customers want to make the FaulLLCisnotonlyalawfirm.Italso co-workers for star awards, which are
places are as varied as the repairs or modifications themselves. runs a nonprofit training institute, given out at quarterly appreciation
Lehigh Valley communi- Computer Aid Inc. created CAI Greyfriars, for the purpose of profes- receptions.
Tty. Check out some facts Cares to start and run programs for sional development. Presbyterian Senior Living
and trivia about these companies: the advancement of communities. Kitchen Magic Inc. founders started in 1927 and, throughout its
The company says it should be a ReineandJostFleckincludedgnomes existence, no resident has ever been
Adept Packaging’s founder was positive force in bringing about in the company’s logo because the asked to leave its network of care
just 24 when he started the company, needed change. To that effect, 38 mythical creatures are known as because they outlived their resources.
which now has employees in 15 states percent of its associates are directly hardworking craftsmen. They For example, more than $30.7 million
and an office in Milan, Italy. involved in CAI Cares programs — thought the trait was reflective of the inbenevolentsupportwasprovidedto
ADP LLC offers a variety of events including helping with Meals on company’s quality. its residents in 2014.
and gatherings to encourage workers Wheels, the Second Harvest Food Of Lehigh University’s 7,017 stu- RenaissanceAllentownopenedin
to get involved and support multiple Bank, Easter Seals and more. dents, 43 percent have international 2015anditsdesignencouragesvisitors
causes. Some of those include taking D’Huy Engineering Inc.’s first experience and nearly half of those to experience discovering new things
part in a four-day cycling event from prominent project was the forensic applied for work such as internships and places. The downtown hotel is
Boston to New York City to raise investigation of Yankee Stadium’s col- or research. built around the bones of the historic
money and awareness in the fight to lapse in 1979, and the thoroughness Lehigh Valley Health Network Dime Savings and Trust building and
end AIDS with Cycle for the Cause; and accuracy of the investigation was created in 1899 when 13 women its decor includes pieces created by
honoring associates who are veterans launched the firm to national recog- raised $5,300 to buy a plot of land at Lehigh Valley artists and objects that
through Breakfast for the Brave; or nition. 17th and Chew streets in Allentown, have a local history.
participating in National Coming Out Dream Live Prosper was named and opened the Allentown Hospital. Robbins Rehabilitation is family-
Day. theNo.8realestateteaminthenation Lehigh Valley Technical Associ- owned and operated by twin brothers
Aldi has begun introducing by The Wall Street Journal. ates Inc. was founded in 1992 as a Todd and Travis Robbins, and has
“Healthier Checklanes” that feature Dun&Bradstreetisa175-year-old structuralsteeldetailingcompanyand been serving the Lehigh Valley for
single-service items like trail mixes, company that counts four presidents grew to a full-service firm with more more than15 years.
granola bars and dried fruit. asformeremployees.Overthecompa- than 35 workers who are licensed to Salisbury Township School Dis-
Amada Senior Care-Lehigh Val- ny’s history, full-time employees be- practice engineering in more than 35 trict has a blog and podcast for its
ley is not simply in-home care — came reporters and interpreters of states. district and hopes to expand the
workers create a care plan tailored to creditinformation.Amongthereport- Liquid Interactive’s history traces contributors to include teachers, ad-
an individual’s needs, and caregivers ers who went on to establish names to the early 1990s, when the internet ministrators, students, and school
assistfamilieswithalltheirseniorcare for themselves were Abraham Lin- was just getting off the ground. The board and community members.
needs.Theteamcanhelpfamiliesfind coln, Ulysses S. Grant, Grover Cleve- company built Mack Trucks’ first Service Access and Management
the best assisted-living care as well as land and William McKinley. website and continues to innovate Inc. celebrated its 20th anniversary in
provide resources to help pay for care. EMCInsuranceCos.waslistedon today. 2017.Inthelast20years,SAMInc.has
ATAS International Inc.– Forbes’ 2017 50 Most Trustworthy Moravian College, founded in grown to encompass 37 counties in
Brightsmith Coaters supports the Financial Companies list. 1742, is the nation’s sixth oldest Pennsylvania and six counties in New
local community in several ways, Fellowship Community has been college. It was the first school in the Jersey.
including employees’ donating blood; named a Lehigh Valley Top Work- countrytofocuseducationonwomen. Stitch Fix started out of an apart-
participating twice a year in a Adopt- place for the last four years and It gained such a distinguished reputa- ment in 2011 and has grown into a
A-Highway program along Tilghman received the Healthcare Heroes tion that during his second term as nationwide business that brings a
Street to help keep Allentown clean; Award as the Nursing Home/Assisted president, George Washington per- personal styling experience to mil-
serving as a polling place in Upper LivingFacilityoftheYearfromLehigh sonally petitioned the headmaster for lions of consumers.
MacungieTownshipforelections;and Valley Business for making a signifi- the admission of two of his great- Trifecta Technologies Inc. pro-
giving space at the company to a Boy cant impact on the quality of health nieces. vides a flexible work environment for
Scout troop for meetings and events. care in the Lehigh Valley. NorrisMcLaughin&MarcusP.A. the staff that allows them time for
B. Braun Medical Inc. is commit- Fiztpatrick Lentz & Bubba PC has been around the Lehigh Valley for breaks to play pool, ping pong and
ted to eliminating preventable treat- has a program in which high school 100 years and strives to be a leading corn hole on its rooftop.
ment errors and shares its expertise and college students interested in member of the community. Uline started in the basement of
with customers, partners and clini- learning more about practicing law OAA Orthopaedic Specialists founders Liz and Dick Uihlein’s home
cians to help improve care and lower can participate in a shadowing pro- dates to1970 when it opened its office with one carton sizer, a product still
costs. gram. The students visit Northamp- at17thandChewstreetsinAllentown. offered today. Now the company
Barry Isett & Associates holds ton County Courthouse and learn OAA’spresidentandfounder,Dr.Peter offers shipping, packaging and indus-
meetings twice a year, including a about the life of a lawyer. Keblish, was renowned as a major trial supplies nationwide.
wrap-up happy hour, for all employ- AtHindlePowerInc.,ifanemploy- contributor to the development of the Valley National Financial Advis-
ees to learn about the company’s ee is traveling excessively or has been total knee replacement procedure. orsmakesitapointtoknowitsclients
current state including financial re- away on business for a while, the OraSure Technologies Inc.’s beyond crunching numbers to best
ports, regional projects and its vision company sends a care package to the OraQuick In-Home HIV test was help them make financial decisions.
for growth and development. family containing a gift certificate to a named one of the best inventions of Victaulic was founded in 1919 and
Brown & Brown of LV LP has spa or dinner for two and an activity 2012 by Time magazine and company designed the first mechanical bolted
several employees who have worked package for the family’s children. president and CEO Douglas Michels couplingthatisusedtojointwopieces
for the company for more than 40 Ideal Concepts Inc. has about is a member of the Presidential ofpipetogether.Beforethatinvention,
years. It also claims the cheetah as a doubled its staff every year for the last Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS, ap- pipes were primarily welded together,
company symbol and supports the three years and employees have op- pointedbyPresidentBarackObamain which was costly and time-consum-
Cheetah Conservation Fund. portunities to grow into higher-level 2010. ing.
Buckeye Partners LP can trace its positions; about 33 percent of the staff Parkland School District has Wacker Chemical Corp. is a
roots back to March 1886 when The has been promoted at least once. earned the Pennsylvania World Lan- company with almost 14,000 employ-
Buckeye Pipe Line Co. was incorpo- Intelliquip Inc. designs “web-en- guage Golden Globe Award for Exem- ees in offices and plants in 31 coun-
rated as a subsidiary of the Standard abled salesforce automation made plary World Language Program. tries. Its products are used in world-
Oil Co. Over the years, it went exclusively for fluid handling equip- Paxos Restaurants is owned by wide industries including automotive,
independent and grew into one of the ment manufacturers.” local entrepreneur George Paxos, health care, food, chemical and con-
nation’s largest independent common Jerdon Construction Services is owner and operator of Whitehall sumer care.
carrierpipelines.Buckeyewasreorga- a veteran-owned business, has been Township’s Paxos Homes townhome
nized in 1986 to its current publicly named one of the fastest growing community, and Primo Produce sup- Linda Doell is a freelance writer.