Page 7 - LCCC Celebrating 50 Years 1966-2016
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Lehigh Carbon CELEBRATING 50 YEARS 1966-2016
Creating an impact: Changes ANNIVERSARY
Continued from PAGE 2
at LCCC over the years vide that education — I
doubt our founders could
Some of the accom- classroom work. Online courses for high school Courtesy of Lehigh Carbon Community College have even imagined stu- SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION OF THE MORNING CALL
plishments of Lehigh Car- classes are about 20 per- students at their high Technology in the classroom, circa 1969, at the then-Lehigh County dents taking courses with-
bon Community College cent of all classes LCCC school to more than 1,300 Community College. out ever entering a class-
over the years that college offers. students annually. Provid- room!”
President Ann D. Bieber is ■ Expanding the services ing an opportunity for In the fall of
particularly proud of: and educational opportuni- students to earn college 1967, the first As Bieber looks toward
■ Growing from one ties to the community with credits while still in high semester of the future of higher educa-
location in Schnecksville the addition of business school. Some student have classes at tion, she sees meeting the
to five sites – Schnecks- and industry training and even earned their college LCCC, a total needs of students and the
ville, Allentown, Tamaqua, services — annually serves degree prior to graduating of 753 stu- community by providing
Jim Thorpe and the Lehigh more than 8,000 communi- from high school. dents were educational opportunities.
Valley International Air- ty members. ■ Establishing a Univer- enrolled.
port. ■ Growing the LCCC sity Center at LCCC’s Courtesy of “The challenges will be
■ Developing full associ- Foundation to over $16 Schnecksville campus Lehigh Carbon ever changing over the next
ate degree programs that million. which houses 4 year col- Community 50 years and beyond as we
can be completed totally ■ Providing student leges and universities of- College work to ensure student
online: 10 can be com- scholarships in excess of fering the last 2 years of a success and student com-
pleted entirely online and $600,000 annually bachelor degree for LCCC pletion in their course of
four in combination with ■ Offering college students. studies,” she said. “State
and local funding support
Meet Q, a ’11 LCCC alumnae to ensure we can keep our
Quanita “Q” Hailey is York City working on her attended a church with one tuition and fees low, donor
blunt when describing the Master’s in Divinity de- of its members on the support to ensure the latest
impact attending Lehigh gree. basketball team and at the technologies and facilities,
Carbon Community Col- time, I was looking to and student support in their
lege has had on her life. She credits LCCC and either play again or get personal lives to ensure a
its staff for getting her into coaching.” pathway to higher educa-
“LCCC has definitely where she is today. tion will all continue to
provided me with the tools While at LCCC, Hailey require the attention of
to believe in myself as a “I chose LCCC because was surprised to find what everyone.
person and as a student,” it was recommended as a was available to students at
she said. “It built in me the the college. “I am incredibly proud
fortitude to never settle for "The professors to be a part of this out-
less than excellence. The “The professors also standing institution that has
gratitude that I feel for that also took a took a genuine interest in touched the lives of thou-
is inexplicable.” my well-being not only as sands upon thousands of
genuine interest in a student but as a person,” individuals along with my
While at LCCC, Hailey she said. “The student life colleagues that are second
was a stand-out student, my well-being not and athletics department to none,” Bieber said.
student leader and basket- became my second home.
ball player and then assist- only as a student Looking back I am aston- For Savvy Travelers SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 2016
ant coach. ished at all of the things
but as a person." that were afforded to stu- J & J Luxury Transportation
After graduating in 2011 dents because its a com-
with a degree in Business great place to restart my muter school. I carry a Newest Fleet, Competitive Pricing
Administration, Hailey college career, and to start great sense of pride by Background Checked Chauffeurs
tranferred to Mount Hol- thinking about my future being an alumnae of
yoke College in South with half the cost of a LCCC, and would recom- Airports, Piers, Train Stations, Cities,
Hadley, Massachuetts and traditional four year col- mend it to any and every- Day & Multi-Day Excursions
graduated with honors in lege,” she said. “I also one who is looking for a 24/7 Transportation
2014. She is now a gradu- quality education but not
ate student at Union Theo- sure where to start.” 610.776.1516 7
logical Seminary in New
Creating an impact: Changes ANNIVERSARY
Continued from PAGE 2
at LCCC over the years vide that education — I
doubt our founders could
Some of the accom- classroom work. Online courses for high school Courtesy of Lehigh Carbon Community College have even imagined stu- SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION OF THE MORNING CALL
plishments of Lehigh Car- classes are about 20 per- students at their high Technology in the classroom, circa 1969, at the then-Lehigh County dents taking courses with-
bon Community College cent of all classes LCCC school to more than 1,300 Community College. out ever entering a class-
over the years that college offers. students annually. Provid- room!”
President Ann D. Bieber is ■ Expanding the services ing an opportunity for In the fall of
particularly proud of: and educational opportuni- students to earn college 1967, the first As Bieber looks toward
■ Growing from one ties to the community with credits while still in high semester of the future of higher educa-
location in Schnecksville the addition of business school. Some student have classes at tion, she sees meeting the
to five sites – Schnecks- and industry training and even earned their college LCCC, a total needs of students and the
ville, Allentown, Tamaqua, services — annually serves degree prior to graduating of 753 stu- community by providing
Jim Thorpe and the Lehigh more than 8,000 communi- from high school. dents were educational opportunities.
Valley International Air- ty members. ■ Establishing a Univer- enrolled.
port. ■ Growing the LCCC sity Center at LCCC’s Courtesy of “The challenges will be
■ Developing full associ- Foundation to over $16 Schnecksville campus Lehigh Carbon ever changing over the next
ate degree programs that million. which houses 4 year col- Community 50 years and beyond as we
can be completed totally ■ Providing student leges and universities of- College work to ensure student
online: 10 can be com- scholarships in excess of fering the last 2 years of a success and student com-
pleted entirely online and $600,000 annually bachelor degree for LCCC pletion in their course of
four in combination with ■ Offering college students. studies,” she said. “State
and local funding support
Meet Q, a ’11 LCCC alumnae to ensure we can keep our
Quanita “Q” Hailey is York City working on her attended a church with one tuition and fees low, donor
blunt when describing the Master’s in Divinity de- of its members on the support to ensure the latest
impact attending Lehigh gree. basketball team and at the technologies and facilities,
Carbon Community Col- time, I was looking to and student support in their
lege has had on her life. She credits LCCC and either play again or get personal lives to ensure a
its staff for getting her into coaching.” pathway to higher educa-
“LCCC has definitely where she is today. tion will all continue to
provided me with the tools While at LCCC, Hailey require the attention of
to believe in myself as a “I chose LCCC because was surprised to find what everyone.
person and as a student,” it was recommended as a was available to students at
she said. “It built in me the the college. “I am incredibly proud
fortitude to never settle for "The professors to be a part of this out-
less than excellence. The “The professors also standing institution that has
gratitude that I feel for that also took a took a genuine interest in touched the lives of thou-
is inexplicable.” my well-being not only as sands upon thousands of
genuine interest in a student but as a person,” individuals along with my
While at LCCC, Hailey she said. “The student life colleagues that are second
was a stand-out student, my well-being not and athletics department to none,” Bieber said.
student leader and basket- became my second home.
ball player and then assist- only as a student Looking back I am aston- For Savvy Travelers SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 2016
ant coach. ished at all of the things
but as a person." that were afforded to stu- J & J Luxury Transportation
After graduating in 2011 dents because its a com-
with a degree in Business great place to restart my muter school. I carry a Newest Fleet, Competitive Pricing
Administration, Hailey college career, and to start great sense of pride by Background Checked Chauffeurs
tranferred to Mount Hol- thinking about my future being an alumnae of
yoke College in South with half the cost of a LCCC, and would recom- Airports, Piers, Train Stations, Cities,
Hadley, Massachuetts and traditional four year col- mend it to any and every- Day & Multi-Day Excursions
graduated with honors in lege,” she said. “I also one who is looking for a 24/7 Transportation
2014. She is now a gradu- quality education but not
ate student at Union Theo- sure where to start.” 610.776.1516 7
logical Seminary in New