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Lehigh Carbon CELEBRATING 50 YEARS 1966-2016
PROGRAMS training into rotorcraft heli- Commencement graduates to provide benefit to an airline pilot.”
copter certification and degree The 2016 Commencement Ceremony will both the Lehigh Valley com- When asked if he was
Continued from PAGE 4 programs in air traffic control, munity and the aviation com-
and an unmanned aerial vehi- be held in recognition of the 50th munity. optimistic about his career
the Spring 1995, the school cles (drones). anniversary of Lehigh Carbon Community prospects, Dlugos was enthu-
added the Associate Degree in Take, for example, Joe siastic. “Absolutely,” he said.
Aviation Science, with a The expansion will help College at 7 p.m., Wednesday, Dlugos, 32, of Bath, who “With this degree, I am ready
concentration in aviation address the existing and ex- May 18, 2016 at PPL Center, Downtown enrolled in LCCC’s aviation to jump in,” explaining that
management and included the panding demand for this new Allentown. Join us as we honor graduates program and will graduate many pilots who are veterans
Private Pilot certificate and type of aviation operation this summer with his associate of the Vietnam War are now
other business courses. utilized in many industries, from August 2015, December 2015 of applied science, profes- ready to retire, and students
including property sales, and May 2016. sional pilot, degree. like him are readying them-
This year, the program news, wildlife studies, utilities selves for the pilot seat.
cleared another milestone. and public service. aircraft can be attained short- and country. The college has a He separated from the Air SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION OF THE MORNING CALL
ly after acquiring about 1,200 strong enrollment of veterans Force in 2013, after 12 years Dlugos has used funds
In January, the LCCC Once they graduate, to 1,500 hours of pilot in in the Associate of Applied of service, and started the from the GI bill, post 9/11, to
aviation program received LCCC students serve the command flight experience Science degree programs; the LCCC program in 2014. fund his education. “The
Federal Aviation Adminis- aviation community as Certi- and successfully passing the Spring semester enrollment whole thing is working out
tration (FAA) authority to fied Flight Instructors at FAA written examination for saw 63 percent of the students “I will graduate as a certi- well for me. I just wanted to
provide both aviation ground several flight schools in the the Airline Transport Pilot as veterans pursuing a degree fied flight instructor, then will fly, and with the GI Bill, that
and flight training as an ap- Lehigh Valley in addition to certificate. in aviation. accumulate hours so I can was possible for me.
proved Part 141 flight school. the LCCC flight school. then apply to fly for a regional
This exciting development These LCCC graduate flight LCCC is also very proud The addition of the new airline. My end goal is to get One of the requirements of
will provide the means for instructors give back to the to support the veterans who programs will add to the on with a major airline, then the GI Bill is that funds pay
LCCC students to receive community by providing have served our community ability of LCCC aviation fly with a cargo company for a degree program, not just
both ground and flight train- flight instruction to current such as FedEx or UPS,” says flight hours. I have been able
ing under one FAA approved students before moving on to Dlugos. to fulfill that.”
flight school certificate pro- other pilot positions. Due to
viding greater oversight of the the existing pilot shortage He continues, “This pro- For more information on
student’s educational and being experienced at many gram takes you from nothing, LCCC’s aviation program,
flight training experience. regional airlines, advance- to where you can apply to a located at LVIA, contact
ment into more sophisticated regional airline. It gets you Aram Basmadjian, chief flight
The program is looking to ready for where you want to instructor, at abasmad-
expand the flight and ground be. I’ve always wanted to be
Congratulations to SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 2016
Lehigh Carbon
50Community College
Of Changing Lives
From your friends at...
Member FDIC 5
PROGRAMS training into rotorcraft heli- Commencement graduates to provide benefit to an airline pilot.”
copter certification and degree The 2016 Commencement Ceremony will both the Lehigh Valley com- When asked if he was
Continued from PAGE 4 programs in air traffic control, munity and the aviation com-
and an unmanned aerial vehi- be held in recognition of the 50th munity. optimistic about his career
the Spring 1995, the school cles (drones). anniversary of Lehigh Carbon Community prospects, Dlugos was enthu-
added the Associate Degree in Take, for example, Joe siastic. “Absolutely,” he said.
Aviation Science, with a The expansion will help College at 7 p.m., Wednesday, Dlugos, 32, of Bath, who “With this degree, I am ready
concentration in aviation address the existing and ex- May 18, 2016 at PPL Center, Downtown enrolled in LCCC’s aviation to jump in,” explaining that
management and included the panding demand for this new Allentown. Join us as we honor graduates program and will graduate many pilots who are veterans
Private Pilot certificate and type of aviation operation this summer with his associate of the Vietnam War are now
other business courses. utilized in many industries, from August 2015, December 2015 of applied science, profes- ready to retire, and students
including property sales, and May 2016. sional pilot, degree. like him are readying them-
This year, the program news, wildlife studies, utilities selves for the pilot seat.
cleared another milestone. and public service. aircraft can be attained short- and country. The college has a He separated from the Air SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION OF THE MORNING CALL
ly after acquiring about 1,200 strong enrollment of veterans Force in 2013, after 12 years Dlugos has used funds
In January, the LCCC Once they graduate, to 1,500 hours of pilot in in the Associate of Applied of service, and started the from the GI bill, post 9/11, to
aviation program received LCCC students serve the command flight experience Science degree programs; the LCCC program in 2014. fund his education. “The
Federal Aviation Adminis- aviation community as Certi- and successfully passing the Spring semester enrollment whole thing is working out
tration (FAA) authority to fied Flight Instructors at FAA written examination for saw 63 percent of the students “I will graduate as a certi- well for me. I just wanted to
provide both aviation ground several flight schools in the the Airline Transport Pilot as veterans pursuing a degree fied flight instructor, then will fly, and with the GI Bill, that
and flight training as an ap- Lehigh Valley in addition to certificate. in aviation. accumulate hours so I can was possible for me.
proved Part 141 flight school. the LCCC flight school. then apply to fly for a regional
This exciting development These LCCC graduate flight LCCC is also very proud The addition of the new airline. My end goal is to get One of the requirements of
will provide the means for instructors give back to the to support the veterans who programs will add to the on with a major airline, then the GI Bill is that funds pay
LCCC students to receive community by providing have served our community ability of LCCC aviation fly with a cargo company for a degree program, not just
both ground and flight train- flight instruction to current such as FedEx or UPS,” says flight hours. I have been able
ing under one FAA approved students before moving on to Dlugos. to fulfill that.”
flight school certificate pro- other pilot positions. Due to
viding greater oversight of the the existing pilot shortage He continues, “This pro- For more information on
student’s educational and being experienced at many gram takes you from nothing, LCCC’s aviation program,
flight training experience. regional airlines, advance- to where you can apply to a located at LVIA, contact
ment into more sophisticated regional airline. It gets you Aram Basmadjian, chief flight
The program is looking to ready for where you want to instructor, at abasmad-
expand the flight and ground be. I’ve always wanted to be
Congratulations to SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 2016
Lehigh Carbon
50Community College
Of Changing Lives
From your friends at...
Member FDIC 5