Page 36 - Inspire Health September/October 2016
P. 36
Causes and
By Dr. Michelle Clay
ave you experienced
recent weight gain?
HHave trouble getting
up in the morning after a good
1 2 3 4 5 6night’s sleep? Been feeling irritable,
Experts believe that adrenal fatigue affects up to 80% of
the world’s population. Here are some warning signs:
angry or just don’t care? Yearn for Fatigue Difficulty Excessive Depression Sugar Irritability
unhealthy foods? Sleeping
Weight Cravings
If you answered “yes”, chances
are you may be experiencing a Gain
form of adrenal fatigue.
The adrenal glands are are factors that strain the functions Your Path to Healing
described as the “batteries of of the adrenal glands. Adrenal Fatigue
your body.” Located over your
kidneys, they manage hormones As these conditions become
more prevalent and intense, the
that are important for normal, adrenal glands work overtime to Eat nutrient dense, easy to digest foods.
healthy living. supply the body with supportive Almonds, flaxseeds, wheatgrass, avocados,
hormones. The glands eventually salmon, chicken, turkey, broccoli, sweet
Properly functioning adrenal become overloaded and fail to potatoes, blueberries and cinnamon are low in
glands help convert food to energy function normally. This condition, fat, high in fiber and nutrition. Choose green
and keep our immune systems when adrenal glands “just can’t take and brightly colored vegetables.
balanced. They help you maintain it anymore” and restrict the flow of
a vigorous, effective lifestyle by
managing more than 50 of your the body’s important hormones is Avoid caffeine, sugar, artificial sweeteners
body’s essential hormones. known as “adrenal fatigue”. and processed or microwaved foods. Sugars
and processed grains restrict normal adrenal
One such hormone is There are many resources to functioning.
adrenaline, released when you’re aid you in the adrenal healing
feeling stress or anxiety caused process. Visit
by excitement, fear or anger. The for online guidance. Use herbs and supplements to support
extra adrenaline speeds up your a healthy lifestyle. Fish oil, magnesium,
heart rate, increases respiration Adrenal glands B vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc,
and provides an instant energy help you maintain ashwagandha, melatonin and organic
boost. Other adrenal gland green tea.
hormones manage blood sugar,
burn protein and fat and regulate a vigorous, Reduce the occasions for stress and anxiety.
blood pressure. effective lifestyle
Stressful, anxious living caused by managing more Rest when you’re tired, get at least 8 hours of
by job pressures, relationship than 50 of your sleep each night, eat on a regular schedule,
conflicts, financial hardships, body’s essential do consistent, moderate exercise but don’t
lack of relaxation, smoking and hormones. over train, avoid negative people and laugh.
sleep deprivation coupled with
unhealthy diet and eating habits
36 INSPIRE HEALTH september | october 2016
Causes and
By Dr. Michelle Clay
ave you experienced
recent weight gain?
HHave trouble getting
up in the morning after a good
1 2 3 4 5 6night’s sleep? Been feeling irritable,
Experts believe that adrenal fatigue affects up to 80% of
the world’s population. Here are some warning signs:
angry or just don’t care? Yearn for Fatigue Difficulty Excessive Depression Sugar Irritability
unhealthy foods? Sleeping
Weight Cravings
If you answered “yes”, chances
are you may be experiencing a Gain
form of adrenal fatigue.
The adrenal glands are are factors that strain the functions Your Path to Healing
described as the “batteries of of the adrenal glands. Adrenal Fatigue
your body.” Located over your
kidneys, they manage hormones As these conditions become
more prevalent and intense, the
that are important for normal, adrenal glands work overtime to Eat nutrient dense, easy to digest foods.
healthy living. supply the body with supportive Almonds, flaxseeds, wheatgrass, avocados,
hormones. The glands eventually salmon, chicken, turkey, broccoli, sweet
Properly functioning adrenal become overloaded and fail to potatoes, blueberries and cinnamon are low in
glands help convert food to energy function normally. This condition, fat, high in fiber and nutrition. Choose green
and keep our immune systems when adrenal glands “just can’t take and brightly colored vegetables.
balanced. They help you maintain it anymore” and restrict the flow of
a vigorous, effective lifestyle by
managing more than 50 of your the body’s important hormones is Avoid caffeine, sugar, artificial sweeteners
body’s essential hormones. known as “adrenal fatigue”. and processed or microwaved foods. Sugars
and processed grains restrict normal adrenal
One such hormone is There are many resources to functioning.
adrenaline, released when you’re aid you in the adrenal healing
feeling stress or anxiety caused process. Visit
by excitement, fear or anger. The for online guidance. Use herbs and supplements to support
extra adrenaline speeds up your a healthy lifestyle. Fish oil, magnesium,
heart rate, increases respiration Adrenal glands B vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc,
and provides an instant energy help you maintain ashwagandha, melatonin and organic
boost. Other adrenal gland green tea.
hormones manage blood sugar,
burn protein and fat and regulate a vigorous, Reduce the occasions for stress and anxiety.
blood pressure. effective lifestyle
Stressful, anxious living caused by managing more Rest when you’re tired, get at least 8 hours of
by job pressures, relationship than 50 of your sleep each night, eat on a regular schedule,
conflicts, financial hardships, body’s essential do consistent, moderate exercise but don’t
lack of relaxation, smoking and hormones. over train, avoid negative people and laugh.
sleep deprivation coupled with
unhealthy diet and eating habits
36 INSPIRE HEALTH september | october 2016