Page 34 - Inspire Health September/October 2016
P. 34
on’t live with Bunions get aggravated in the fall once you transition out of
bunion pain: sandals into an enclosed, narrow shoe that rubs on the bump.
“Poorly fitted shoes don’t cause a bunion, but certainly aggravate
Head into fall with one,” McCarroll says.
healthy feet
Some ways to protect your feet include wearing shoes with a wider
T By Linda Doell toe box and adding padding to cushion the big toe. You can get relief
he cooler temperatures as the seasons change mean you are from bunion pain with ice, anti-inflammatory medicines like ibuprofen,
once again wearing shoes instead of sandals and flip-flops. cortisone shots and using arch supports.
Switching back to enclosed shoes can sometimes be painful,
and not from a fashion sense of pain either. Because bunions are progressive, they don’t go away and will
usually get worse over time.
For those suffering with bunions, shoes can aggravate the bunion,
leading to foot pain when walking and the inability to wear fashionable “Only surgery will push the bone back in and realign the big toe,”
shoes, says Podiatrist Michelle McCarroll, owner of That Foot Doctor McCarroll says. “Fall is a great time to have surgery so that the foot
in Allentown. looks nice and straight for when sandal season comes again.”
A bunion (also referred to as “hallux valgus”) is often described as a Regular pedicures with pretty polish can draw attention away from
bump on the side of the big toe. But a bunion is more than that. The that unsightly bunion and help feet to look and feel healthy, too, says
visible bump reflects changes in the bony framework of the front part McCarroll, who owns The Red Rose Nail Spa.
of the foot so that the big toe leans toward the second toe, throwing
the bones out of alignment — producing the bunion’s bump.
Bunions are most often caused by an inherited faulty mechanical
structure of the foot. It is not the bunion itself that is inherited, but
certain foot types that make a person prone to developing a bunion.
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bunion pain: sandals into an enclosed, narrow shoe that rubs on the bump.
“Poorly fitted shoes don’t cause a bunion, but certainly aggravate
Head into fall with one,” McCarroll says.
healthy feet
Some ways to protect your feet include wearing shoes with a wider
T By Linda Doell toe box and adding padding to cushion the big toe. You can get relief
he cooler temperatures as the seasons change mean you are from bunion pain with ice, anti-inflammatory medicines like ibuprofen,
once again wearing shoes instead of sandals and flip-flops. cortisone shots and using arch supports.
Switching back to enclosed shoes can sometimes be painful,
and not from a fashion sense of pain either. Because bunions are progressive, they don’t go away and will
usually get worse over time.
For those suffering with bunions, shoes can aggravate the bunion,
leading to foot pain when walking and the inability to wear fashionable “Only surgery will push the bone back in and realign the big toe,”
shoes, says Podiatrist Michelle McCarroll, owner of That Foot Doctor McCarroll says. “Fall is a great time to have surgery so that the foot
in Allentown. looks nice and straight for when sandal season comes again.”
A bunion (also referred to as “hallux valgus”) is often described as a Regular pedicures with pretty polish can draw attention away from
bump on the side of the big toe. But a bunion is more than that. The that unsightly bunion and help feet to look and feel healthy, too, says
visible bump reflects changes in the bony framework of the front part McCarroll, who owns The Red Rose Nail Spa.
of the foot so that the big toe leans toward the second toe, throwing
the bones out of alignment — producing the bunion’s bump.
Bunions are most often caused by an inherited faulty mechanical
structure of the foot. It is not the bunion itself that is inherited, but
certain foot types that make a person prone to developing a bunion.
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Obstetrics as it was meant to be. 484.347.1094
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