Page 5 - Inspire Health September/October 2015
P. 5
super food •
Camu Camu Did you know camu camu is
By Lynette M. Kokemor, MA-MCMH reported to have 60 times the
Camu camu is the newest vitamin C of an orange?
superfood rock star! Camu Camu camu is an excellent source
of essential nutrients, amino acids, In the heat of the summer, try this
refreshing, rich drink.
camu is a shrub native to the antioxidants and anti-viral properties
South American rain forests and fields of vital to health and wellness. Along with ½ Tbsp. honey
¼ cup of fresh squeezed
Brazil, Peru, Colombia and Venezuela. It additional nutrients, camu camu contains lemon juice
¼ cup of fresh squeezed
orange juice
2 Tbsp. camu camu powder
1 quart water
Mix ingredients together in
a blender and pour into a glass
pitcher. Chill before serving.
produces an abundance of berries that the following essentials:
pack a powerful vitamin punch. Vitamin C: promotes bone
The leaves and berries of the camu strength, blood vessel and skin health
camu have been used for thousands of Potassium: enhances nervous system,
years by South American natives for muscle contractions and fluid balance
medicinal purposes. This small cherry‑like Leucine: aids in stabilization of weight,
berry is nutrient dense, rich in vitamin C lean muscle mass and cholesterol levels
and antioxidants. The camu camu berry is Valine: promotes normal growth,
available in various forms including liquid, tissue repair, blood sugar regulation and
powder and capsule for oral consumption. mental function
It is also used in topical lotions and oils. Serine: aids in brain and central
Researchers have discovered it nervous system function
contains high antioxidant properties that Gallic Acid: protects against cancer
aid in skin and eye health, strengthening and neural degeneration
of the immune system, decreased Ellagic Acid: fights cancer and
depression and lowered risk of arthritis, treats bacterial and viral infections
asthma and gum disease. Camu camu
may also help protect against cancer.
Camu camu is a natural supplement presently unregulated by the FDA. Although this super berry seems to
have beneficial health properties, consultation with your physician and caution during use should always be
exhibited. As always, anything in excess might be potentially harmful.
Camu Camu Did you know camu camu is
By Lynette M. Kokemor, MA-MCMH reported to have 60 times the
Camu camu is the newest vitamin C of an orange?
superfood rock star! Camu Camu camu is an excellent source
of essential nutrients, amino acids, In the heat of the summer, try this
refreshing, rich drink.
camu is a shrub native to the antioxidants and anti-viral properties
South American rain forests and fields of vital to health and wellness. Along with ½ Tbsp. honey
¼ cup of fresh squeezed
Brazil, Peru, Colombia and Venezuela. It additional nutrients, camu camu contains lemon juice
¼ cup of fresh squeezed
orange juice
2 Tbsp. camu camu powder
1 quart water
Mix ingredients together in
a blender and pour into a glass
pitcher. Chill before serving.
produces an abundance of berries that the following essentials:
pack a powerful vitamin punch. Vitamin C: promotes bone
The leaves and berries of the camu strength, blood vessel and skin health
camu have been used for thousands of Potassium: enhances nervous system,
years by South American natives for muscle contractions and fluid balance
medicinal purposes. This small cherry‑like Leucine: aids in stabilization of weight,
berry is nutrient dense, rich in vitamin C lean muscle mass and cholesterol levels
and antioxidants. The camu camu berry is Valine: promotes normal growth,
available in various forms including liquid, tissue repair, blood sugar regulation and
powder and capsule for oral consumption. mental function
It is also used in topical lotions and oils. Serine: aids in brain and central
Researchers have discovered it nervous system function
contains high antioxidant properties that Gallic Acid: protects against cancer
aid in skin and eye health, strengthening and neural degeneration
of the immune system, decreased Ellagic Acid: fights cancer and
depression and lowered risk of arthritis, treats bacterial and viral infections
asthma and gum disease. Camu camu
may also help protect against cancer.
Camu camu is a natural supplement presently unregulated by the FDA. Although this super berry seems to
have beneficial health properties, consultation with your physician and caution during use should always be
exhibited. As always, anything in excess might be potentially harmful.