Page 37 - Inspire Health November/December 2016
P. 37
can bring a feeling of loss. Holidays can serve those feelings. Part of the loss there is that keep the real parent in the loop,” Stine says.
as a reminder that things are different.” what they envisioned their family to be is And if the biological parent isn’t there, you tell
now different. That can create a lot of fear, the child “ ‘Your mom and I discussed this’;
One of the keys to easing holiday stress especially for young kids. Respect what their or ‘Your mom and I agreed on this’; or ‘your
is planning. feelings are. In many instances, the young mom and dad and myself are in agreement
people don’t have control ... Acknowledge to on this.’ ”
“Who’s going where and when? Plan with them that it’s difficult to not have control.”
the ex-husband or ex-wife,” Ramsey says. An issue that often comes up, but rarely
“Sometimes that’s tricky. You hope your One thing that can help is to start new gets addressed, is the extended family’s
communication is good year-round with the traditions, both experts say. “Just because treatment of children and stepchildren —
ex, but the holidays are a time when you say, things have changed, it doesn’t mean and things they say around them concerning
‘I hope we can put these issues aside for the Christmas is canceled. From a parent the biological parent’s ex. “You may need
children.’ Sometimes that’s easier said than perspective, it’s part of a way to ensure to have a conversation with your parents,”
done, but that doesn’t mean it’s not worth you’re honoring old traditions, but if there’s Ramsey says, “like ‘I understand your feelings
the effort.” stepsiblings or stepparents involved, it’s about the situation, but the holidays are not
a time to focus on new traditions. It’s a the time to resolve those issues.’ ”
Stine, who does a lot of work with families, balancing act of acknowledging that things are
agrees. “Start as early as Halloween. I’m a big different … but there should also be a focus And no one should be bad-mouthing your
fan of family meetings. So you say, ‘What is on the positive things, too,” Ramsey says. ex in front of the children.
this Christmas going to look like? Who’s going
to where?’ You have a court order; that can’t “What I see is that a lot of the stepkids Gifts also present a challenge, he says.
change. So everything else falls into place feel left out,” Stine says. “They were at “In any divorce or family change there’s
around it. Not everyone is going to make a risk of divided loyalties, and sometimes
every activity.” Mom’s, so they miss what’s going on at Dad’s.
… [You need to] ask them, ‘What will help people may use those times to
Keeping the children in the you deal with this?’ Throw out a suggestion. outdo one another. It’s an area
loop — and making them For a 4-year-old it may be trying to talk about to be sensitive of because it
feel like they have input in the traditions. ‘Let’s do this together as a family. can lead to conflict. If there are
holiday plans — is one of the Let’s create some new traditions.’ And you stepsiblings, you want to ensure
most important aspects of need to keep trying. It may not work the first you are being equitable with
the process. time, but try something different and put the gift-giving.” In other words, you
emphasis on what we can do together.” — or the relatives — can’t give
“Kids are not dumb,” Stine one child an iPad and the other
says. “Involve them in the Stepparents, meanwhile, should focus child a $20 gift card.
conversation early: ‘We’re on being supportive without overstepping
going to go here and here boundaries. “What can I do to help?” Stine No matter what the time of
and do this. Does anyone says. “It’s a question many people don’t ask.” year, you can’t force your child to
have any input?’ You need to accept the stepparent.
set expectations. You don’t While you want the respect of the
want to just spring it on them. stepchildren, you also need to abide by the “You may love your new wife,
Start at a very young age.” wishes of the biological parent — and make but you can’t expect the 12-year-
sure you communicate those wishes to the old to love her. It’s something that
Flexibility is also child. “As a stepparent, you always want to has to grow and foster,” Stine says.
important. “Don’t argue [with your ex] “Your child may never love her, but they can
over the times, over the days,” Stine says. like her … They always feel like this person
For instance, it might be Grandma’s last is trying to replace mom. You need to say,
Christmas, so be willing to give up some of ‘this person isn’t your mom. No one can
your time, even if it’s just part of the day, replace your mother/father, but this is your
for the sake of the children. stepfather/mother, so let’s figure out what
you want to call her/him.”
“Ask the extended family to be flexible, The same goes for stepgrandparents
too,” she says. “Don’t be competitive.” and other steprelatives, Ramsay says.
“How is the relationship defined? For
Parents and stepparents alike need instance, [the stepchild is thinking] ‘I’m
to be listening — and asking questions, going to a family dinner; what do I call
Ramsey says. this guy? He’s not my Uncle Bob!’ ”
Which brings us back to the idea of
“I think the timing of the conversation preparation long before any holiday event.
is important; also how the conversation is “The time to discuss these issues is
started: ‘The holidays are coming up. I know not on the way to Grammy’s house, or
that there have been some changes in our at a party,” Ramsey says.
family. Are you worried about that?’ ”
And whatever the response, he says, “As
much as you can, you need to be validating