Page 21 - Inspire Health November/December 2016
P. 21

For one Lehigh Valley woman, it’s                       about                                         St. Luke’s treats patients in a dedicated
          been an uphill battle to do simple                                                       center that has four, fellowship-trained
          things that many of us take for            EPILEPSY                                      epileptologists and video monitoring of
 granted — things like driving a car.                                                              patients under observation in its center.
    “It took me a long time to accept my            n According to the Epilepsy
 epilepsy, and to accept that there was             Foundation, there are 3 million                   When patients are referred to the
 something in my life that I can’t control,”        people in the United States who                center, they undergo observation to
 Michelle said. For privacy reasons,                have epilepsy. What’s more, 1 in               determine the best course of treatment.
 Michelle’s real identity is being withheld.        26 people in the United States will            Sometimes that could be surgery; other
    She is one of a growing number of               develop epilepsy at some point in              times adjusting medications.
 people who are living with epilepsy, says          their lifetime.
 Dr. Lizbeth de Padua, medical director of          n Globally, 65 million people                     “One of the misconceptions about our
 St. Luke’s University Health Network’s             have epilepsy.                                 epilepsy center is that we only do surgery,”
 Epilepsy Center.                                   n There are 150,000 new cases                  says de Padua. “We do that, but we do
    The statistics are sobering: de Padua           of epilepsy in the United States               so much more, too. There are so many
 points to research showing one in every            each year.                                     different medications and devices — every
 50 people in this country will have                n Epilepsy is a brain disorder                 treatment is different.”
 epilepsy by the time they are 85.                  that causes seizures — brief
    “There’s an increased risk of epilepsy as       disturbances of brain function that               The advantages to having doctors that
 the population ages,” de Padua says.               change attention and/or behavior               specialize in epilepsy include being able to
    Women with epilepsy have particular             for a few seconds to a few minutes.            recognize subtle nuances that may be missed
 challenges when it comes to treatment,             n Seizure symptoms can                         by more of a general-practice physician.
 because many of the available medications          include convulsions, loss of
 can react with hormone therapy and                 consciousness, blank staring, lip                 Another patient, Colleen Dunlap,
 other medicines like birth control. “A             smacking and jerking movements                 first went to St. Luke’s center for a
 majority of women can have perfectly               of arms and legs.                              second opinion. She previously had brain
 normal pregnancies, though the outcome             n You can’t swallow your tongue                surgery to ease her seizures, but they
 is best if they consult with an epileptologist     during a seizure.                              soon came back. Her doctor at the time
 before getting pregnant and/or have an                                                            recommended a second surgery. But
 epileptologist manage their treatment over          * Sources: St. Luke’s University Health       Dr. Chad Saunders at St. Luke’s Epilepsy
 the course of the pregnancy,” de Padua says.        Network and the Epilepsy Foundation           Center recommended a different
    After being diagnosed 10 years ago as a                                                        treatment. Working with Dunlap, who was
 teen, Michelle’s epilepsy still wasn’t being       “As of her last office visit in June, she has  pregnant at the time, he weaned her off her
 controlled despite taking three medicines       been seizure-free for over a year,” says de       medications, got her seizure-free and then
 for it, she says. She turned to de Padua and    Padua. “That’s the longest she has been           switched her to medicines better suited for
 St. Luke’s Epilepsy Center for treatment.       seizure-free since her seizures started           her and good for women who are pregnant
 As part of her individualized treatment         10 years ago.”                                    or considering starting a family.
 plan, Michelle was taken off one
 medication; her dosage on a second was                                                               The process took 10 months, says
 reduced and a vagus nerve stimulator                                                              Dunlap, who was diagnosed with epilepsy
 was implanted. The device sends electric                                                          21 years ago. “Dr. Saunders and the people
 impulses to a nerve in her neck to                                                                (at St. Luke’s) were all really patient ... and
 control seizures.                                                                                 took the time to listen to me and research
                                                                                                   with me.”

                                                                                                      “I’m so thankful,” says the mother of two
                                                                                                   healthy children. “I’m so much more present
                                                                                                   in my children’s lives ... It has just made such
                                                                                                   a world of difference in my life.”

                                                 St. Luke’s University Health Network’s Epilepsy Center
                                                 includes four epileptologists, from left, Dr. Chad
                                                 Saunders, Dr. Scott Kohler, Dr. Lizbeth de Padua and
                                                 Dr. Kuei Cheng Lim; a neuropsychologist, Dr. Anthony
                                                 DeMarco; a neurosurgeon, Dr. Steven Falowski; and a
                                                 social worker, Stefanie Becker.
                                                 Courtesy of St. Luke’s University Health Network

                                                             NOVEMBER | DECEMBER 2016 INSPIRE HEALTH 21
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