Page 46 - Inspire Health November/December 2014
P. 46
Your daughter’s wedding, a 25- Orthodontist actually show her teeth when smiling.
year class reunion, a celebration Michele A. Bernardich, Here is another example. N.H., a
of a birthday or anniversary DMD, MSD 32-year-old mother of three, “badly”
— now that the kids are almost grown wanted straight teeth. She was told in
and on their way, isn’t it about time to do Courtesy of the past that she was not a candidate
something for yourself that you have always Dr. Bernardich for Invisalign and would need four teeth
wanted? A beautiful smile — because you extracted and braces. While making an
deserve it. tooth movement possible with Invisalign appointment for her son at the front desk,
It is time to stop keeping your mouth has greatly improved over the years. she lamented how she wished she could
closed in photos. A beautiful smile not Imperfect smiles that could not be treated have a perfect smile, too. A quick glance
only builds confidence, but also creates an with Invisalign in the past are easily in her mouth and Bernardich said, “I can
environment for a healthier mouth. Many treated today.” straighten that with Invisalign. No tooth
people, teens and adults alike, want straight J.Z., one of Dr. Bernardich’s patients, removal required.”
teeth but do not want to wear braces. talked about how she always held her Bernardich recently asked her why she
An orthodontic treatment option is a lips closed to cover two teeth that decided to go through with the seven-
clear, plastic aligner system, like Invisalign protruded in front. She always wanted a month treatment. She replied, “You were
and Invisalign Teen. These systems use nice smile. With her daughter’s wedding so confident in your ability to give me a
a series of custom-molded aligners. approaching in a year’s time, she decided beautiful smile with Invisalign and I wanted
The aligners are removable, so you can to do something. Two upper teeth were it badly.”
continue to eat your favorite foods, brush removed and Invisalign was used to give As a Premier Preferred Invisalign
and floss normally. her the smile of her dreams. She told Dr. Provider, Bernardich has been using this
Michele A. Bernardich, DMD, MSD, B. that she had to re-teach herself how to technique to create gorgeous smiles since
a board certified orthodontist, says, it was introduced in 1998 and has treated
“advances in the amount and type of several hundred cases — experience is
priceless. If you have been told in the past
BEFORE: J.Z. AFTER: J.Z. that you are not a candidate for Invisalign, it
may be time for a second opinion.
BEFORE BEFORE: N.H. AFTER AFTER: N.H. Bernardich has been creating beautiful
smiles for more than 20 years after
earning her dental degree, orthodontic
certificate and master’s of dental science
degree at Temple University’s School of
Dentistry. Before that, she worked as a
registered nurse. She is among a small
percentage of orthodontists in the United
States to become a Diplomate of the
American Board of Orthodontics, which
recognizes excellence in her specialty. She
has two offices, one in Allentown and
another in Northampton.
Life is too short to walk around hiding
your crooked teeth by not smiling.
Your daughter’s wedding, a 25- Orthodontist actually show her teeth when smiling.
year class reunion, a celebration Michele A. Bernardich, Here is another example. N.H., a
of a birthday or anniversary DMD, MSD 32-year-old mother of three, “badly”
— now that the kids are almost grown wanted straight teeth. She was told in
and on their way, isn’t it about time to do Courtesy of the past that she was not a candidate
something for yourself that you have always Dr. Bernardich for Invisalign and would need four teeth
wanted? A beautiful smile — because you extracted and braces. While making an
deserve it. tooth movement possible with Invisalign appointment for her son at the front desk,
It is time to stop keeping your mouth has greatly improved over the years. she lamented how she wished she could
closed in photos. A beautiful smile not Imperfect smiles that could not be treated have a perfect smile, too. A quick glance
only builds confidence, but also creates an with Invisalign in the past are easily in her mouth and Bernardich said, “I can
environment for a healthier mouth. Many treated today.” straighten that with Invisalign. No tooth
people, teens and adults alike, want straight J.Z., one of Dr. Bernardich’s patients, removal required.”
teeth but do not want to wear braces. talked about how she always held her Bernardich recently asked her why she
An orthodontic treatment option is a lips closed to cover two teeth that decided to go through with the seven-
clear, plastic aligner system, like Invisalign protruded in front. She always wanted a month treatment. She replied, “You were
and Invisalign Teen. These systems use nice smile. With her daughter’s wedding so confident in your ability to give me a
a series of custom-molded aligners. approaching in a year’s time, she decided beautiful smile with Invisalign and I wanted
The aligners are removable, so you can to do something. Two upper teeth were it badly.”
continue to eat your favorite foods, brush removed and Invisalign was used to give As a Premier Preferred Invisalign
and floss normally. her the smile of her dreams. She told Dr. Provider, Bernardich has been using this
Michele A. Bernardich, DMD, MSD, B. that she had to re-teach herself how to technique to create gorgeous smiles since
a board certified orthodontist, says, it was introduced in 1998 and has treated
“advances in the amount and type of several hundred cases — experience is
priceless. If you have been told in the past
BEFORE: J.Z. AFTER: J.Z. that you are not a candidate for Invisalign, it
may be time for a second opinion.
BEFORE BEFORE: N.H. AFTER AFTER: N.H. Bernardich has been creating beautiful
smiles for more than 20 years after
earning her dental degree, orthodontic
certificate and master’s of dental science
degree at Temple University’s School of
Dentistry. Before that, she worked as a
registered nurse. She is among a small
percentage of orthodontists in the United
States to become a Diplomate of the
American Board of Orthodontics, which
recognizes excellence in her specialty. She
has two offices, one in Allentown and
another in Northampton.
Life is too short to walk around hiding
your crooked teeth by not smiling.