Page 44 - Inspire Health November/December 2014
P. 44

NATURAL DEFENSES Because osteoporosis often develops silently for years before
AGAINST OSTEOPOROSIS it shows up (typically as a bone fracture in women over 50), it’s
important to focus on bone health throughout your life—the
By Sidney Stevens earlier the better. Here are some natural ways to keep bones
healthy and strong for a lifetime.
Loss of height, stooped posture and
increased risk of bone fractures may Eat a bone-friendly diet. Studies show that lack of calcium
seem like a normal part of over time leads to bone loss and a greater risk of fractures. Be
aging. But these are all symptoms of sure to add plenty of calcium-rich foods at mealtimes.To help
osteoporosis, a debilitating disease that your body absorb and use calcium, include foods with vitamin D,
causes deterioration of bone tissue and magnesium and vitamin K. If you can’t get everything you need
loss of bone mass.The good news is that this degenerative from food, consider taking a daily supplement containing these
condition may be preventable with bone-building nutrition, vitamins and minerals.
exercise and healthy lifestyle habits.
Go with gravity during workouts.Weight-bearing exercises
help build bone mass and maintain it at any age.Try strength
training, racquet sports, walking, posture and stretching
exercises, running, golf, dancing or any activity where your
feet and legs support your full weight. Exercise for at least 30
minutes a few times a week.

Stop smoking and don’t overdo alcohol. Smokers absorb
less calcium from their diet (not to mention the harm they do
to their lungs and heart). So do those who consume too much
alcohol on a regular basis.Throw away your cigarette pack and
drink in moderation.

FOOD for strong bones

Calcium-rich foods: low-fat dairy (milk, yogurt, cheese); sardines/salmon.
For lactose intolerant individuals or vegans: soy foods (tofu, soy milk, soy
nuts); dark green leafy vegetables (especially spinach, collard greens, kale,
and broccoli); beans; calcium-fortified orange juice.
Vitamin D-rich foods: mackerel and other oily fish; eggs; vitamin D-fortified
dairy and cereal.
For vegans: sunlight, mushrooms.
Vitamin K-rich foods: green, leafy vegetables (especially Kale).
Magnesium-rich foods: nuts (especially almonds and cashews); spinach;
seeds (particularly pumpkin and sesame seeds); dark, leafy greens (especially
spinach and Swiss chard).
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