Page 27 - Inspire Health March/April 2017
P. 27

Diode lasers can be used
to clean cavities before
they’re filled, eliminating
the need for a drill (and
reducing discomfort).

disease treatments. They’re an alternative     sterilizers and washers. Instruments can       and crown can be placed over that. An
to incisions traditionally made with a         receive software updates from their            implant can be used to replace a single
scalpel — and can then cauterize those         manufacturer, and if there’s a problem,        tooth or several teeth.
incisions, eliminating the need for sutures.   can be checked remotely to discover the
                                               source and solution.                              The process has been perfected
   According to an article that ran in                                                        to the point that procedures can now
Dentistry iQ, a trade publication for dental      Materials for veneers — the custom-         sometimes be done in a day — unlike in
professionals, some of the benefits of         made shells that are used to cover crooked     the past, when a dental bridge could take
lasers include reduced bleeding, reduced       or unattractive teeth — have improved,         six months and multiple appointments to
pain or discomfort during and after the        too. Now they can be made much thinner         complete. Even better, pain and discomfort
treatment, decreased swelling and a            than before without sacrificing strength. To   have been significantly reduced, too, to the
reduction in bacteria at the site of the       apply a veneer, some of the tooth must be      point that sometimes patients need just
dental work — not to mention decreased         shaved and reshaped; the advantage of the      over-the-counter medication.
time in the dentist’s chair.                   new, thinner materials is that you can keep
                                               more of your original tooth.                      For more tips, cutting-edge dental
   You may also have noticed that your                                                        techniques and oral health inspiration,
dentist is doing X-rays differently. Many         Bonding and filling materials have seen     check out the rest of our dental section —
providers have switched to digitized           advancements as well. Bonding — used           and be sure to Tweet your favorite dental
X-rays, which are faster and more              to repair a chipped tooth — now looks          health habit to @InspireHealthLV!
sensitive than film X-rays. A special          more natural. Newer materials are a type
electronic sensor is placed in your mouth      of plastic resin that not only offer a wider
to capture the image, which is then sent       range of shades, but last longer, too.
to a computer for almost immediate
viewing. Other benefits include a lower           Dentists have also been turning to
dose of radiation — the system is more         more natural-looking fillings. Created from
sensitive than film — as well as the           composites (a combination of glass and
ability to check the bone supporting           plastic) or porcelain, they avoid the “metal
your teeth and the ability to store all the    mouth” look of traditional amalgam fillings.
images on a computer, where the dentist        The composite is placed in layers and a
can compare them over time to see if           special light is used to harden each one.
anything has changed.                          Finally, the composite is shaped so to fit
                                               the tooth, then polished to keep out stains.
   In another advancement worthy of
science-fiction, dentists can now use a 3-D       Implants, too, have been taking center
scanner to gather precise measurements         stage — and are often being used instead
of a patient’s mouth. The images and           of dentures. A titanium, screw-like device is
information are then sent to a type of         fused with the jawbone; then an abutment
3D printer that will quickly create a
custom-fit dental appliance — such as a
set of dentures or a bridge — saving time
by reducing the number of office visits
needed to get an accurate, comfortable fit.

   Dental instruments can now “talk” to
each other as well, and even remember a
patient’s specific information. For instance,
a dentist’s chair can store the optimum
height and tilt from your last visit, then
adjust accordingly when you return.
Software can regulate the water system,

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