Page 11 - Inspire Health March/April 2017
P. 11

RUSSIAN TWIST:                                           3. BENT ROWS AND TRICEP KICK
                                                                BACKS WITH HANDLELESS BANDS
Wrap resistance band around feet                                • Stand with the middle of the resistance
and grab handles, and keep them
together. With heels on the floor                                 band beneath your feet and an end in
(or elevated for more of a challenge)                             each hand.
rotate handles from side-to-side                                • Hold the band in front of you and lean
tapping the floor. Repeat 10-20 times.                            forward slightly while keeping your
Works abs and obliques.                                           back straight (chest toward the floor).
                                                                  Step on your band in a slightly squatted
                                             *Bands used in       position. Keep your lower back tight
                                            photographs are       and straight as you pull your elbows
                                         resistance tubes with    back behind you. Really concentrate
                                         handles and handle-      on squeezing your shoulder blades
                                        less bands. Both were     together at the top of the contraction.
                                                                  Repeat 10-20 times.
                                              purchased for     • S tep in the center of the band,
                                                under $15.        keeping feet shoulder-width apart.
                                                                  Lean forward and pull arms back with
                                        3                         palms facing each other. Slowly bring
                                                                  palms back to sides bending mostly
                                                                  from the elbows.

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