Page 19 - Inspire Health March/April 2015
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body. A fully hydrated body supports Super foods, plant-based foods with DAILY DETOX
organ function and flushes toxins, whereas high mineral content, are another food JUICE
dehydration hinders body processes and category to include in a detox diet. These
can actually cause the body to hold onto include chia seeds, hemp seeds, berries SUPER-NATURAL INGREDIENTS:
toxins. It’s important to stay fully hydrated! (goji, acai, etc.), spirulina, chlorella, and many • 3 organic Granny Smith apples
more. A diet rich in super foods, leafy • 3 organic stalks celery
3ELIMINATE greens, fruits, and herbs and spices can do • 1 cup fresh parsley
TOXIC FOODS much to cleanse the body. • 3 carrots
Toxic foods are highly acidic, or otherwise • ½ organic lemon with skin
harmful.These include caffeine, refined What are the benefits of detoxing? • ¼ habanero (optional)
sugar, artificial sweeteners, red meat, and When you first clean up your diet,
processed foods. Processed foods are you may undergo varying degrees of PREPARATION:
truly toxic to the body, as they contain uncomfortable symptoms. Headaches and 1 Wash all produce thoroughly and set aside.
various harmful additives and preservatives. lack of energy are common in the very 2 Remove the core and seeds from the
Some of the more common ones include: beginning. However, do not give up; these
monosodium glutamate (MSG), artificial symptoms are short lived. As your body apples. Cut in quarters.
sweeteners, high fructose corn syrup, cleanses itself, you will discover you have
common food dyes and trans fats.These are higher energy levels and no headaches. You 3 Cut a half of a lemon and remove seeds.
foreign to the human body and cause harm. will have a more positive outlook, greater 4 Cut habanero into ¼ piece. Seeds will
Eat naturally occurring whole foods instead. mental clarity and sleep better.
You may have less cellulite, a clearer increase the heat of the juice; remove
4INCREASE complexion and your allergies, sinus and cold seeds if you desire.
DETOXIFYING FOODS symptoms will likely lessen.The cleaner and
Choose potent plant foods that are more healthfully you eat over the long-term, WHIP IT UP:
saturated with nutrients, amino acids, the greater the benefits you will enjoy. 1 Use a juicer to juice the apples, celery,
antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that
provide protection against toxic substances. ✱ Many detox experts recommend water carrots, lemon, habanero.
Antioxidants help to eliminate or reduce fasting or juice feasting to jolt your body into 2 Once all produce is juiced, pour the juice
damage caused by free radicals. Since free
radicals can be compared to loose cannons detox mode. However, these methods are into a blender and add the parsley. Blend
waiting for an opportunity to wreak havoc best employed under the direct supervision on high for 30-60 seconds.
on the body, eating foods that can sweep
these from the body is good practice. of someone trained in such a capacity. 3 Pour into at least a 32 oz. glass and dilute

with 16 oz. of water.
Sip throughout the morning.

Yields: 1serving (32 oz.)

HEINASLPTIHRETIP Do you want more great recipes like
this one? Buy the book, Eat Super-NATURAL.
Add these powerful plant-foods to your It contains more than 60 delicious and easy
daily diet for a healthier, cleaner body.
IHM’s Top 10 Detoxifying Foods: recipes to help you eat Super Healthy!
See details at
Lemons • Ginger • Parsley • Turmeric
Jalapeño • Garlic • Berries March § April 2015 INSPIRE HEALTH 19

Asparagus • Beets • Grapefruit
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