Page 25 - Inspire Health January/February 2017
P. 25

They also learn about 30 commands                    prevents the lift from going down if there is    extensive training and breeding required to
       before the 16-month foster program is over,             something under it.  One day there was a         produce a calm, obedient and responsive dog. If a
       he says.                                                toy under it, so I got Fliegel to go down the    service animal imposter is disruptive — or worse,
                                                               stairs and under the lift to retrieve the toy    bites someone — it’s going to cause a ripple
          The hardest part, though, is saying                  so I wouldn’t be stuck. … I also taught him      effect, complicating things for those who truly
       goodbye when it’s time for the dogs to                  specific people’s names, I can say ‘go find [a   need them.
       move on to the next stage of training, which            person]’ and he will go and look … so far,
       is much more intensive, lasts six months                he knows three people by name.”                     While a business owner can’t ask a person
       or more, and takes place at a CCI regional                                                               about their disability or ask for a demonstration
       center. It’s one of the final steps before the             Still, life with a service dog comes with     of what the dog does, Torop says, they can ask
       dog is matched with a recipient.                        its own set of challenges. “It can be difficult  a person to leave if a dog is interfering with the
                                                               if a place is crowded because I have to          nature of the business — and such incidents will
          “My wife, when people ask her how she’s              worry about navigating my wheelchair             make them less trusting the next time a real
       going to handle it, says ‘we don’t need this            around people and at the same time               service dog comes along.
       dog; someone else does,’” Pestcoe says.                 making sure he [Fliegel] has enough room;
                                                               people aren’t walking into him, stepping on         “It’s a shame that people feel that selfish that
          Someone like Melissa Nunn, 24, of                    him or petting him,” Nunn says.                  they would ruin it for other people,” Nagy says.
       Warminster, who suffered a spinal cord
       injury in 2008. In February 2016 Canine                    And then there are the questions. While             treats!
       Companions matched her up with Fliegel,                 Nunn says she’s never been denied access
       a male Labrador and golden retriever mix.               anywhere, she has been asked to show her                     A few tips and
       “We are able to get such an amazing gift                service dog “permit” — something that’s            regulations pertaining
       with these dogs,” she says.                             against ADA regulations.
                                                                                                                      to service animals:
          Although Nunn, a quadriplegic, was                       The lack of a registration requirement
       independent enough to go out without                    seems to be both a blessing and a curse.             n If you see a service dog, do not approach,
       assistance, she still had trouble with                  On one hand, it ensures those who train              greet or pet the dog without first greeting
       certain things — “mostly while out in the               and rely on service animals don’t need               the owner and asking if the dog is working. 
       community and up on my school’s campus,”                to jump through excessive hoops to take              n Businesses may ask if an animal is a service
       she says. “I didn’t have the endurance to               their companions everywhere. However,                animal or ask what tasks the animal has been
       push far distances.  I was always worried               it’s often easier to show a “pet ID,”                trained to perform, but cannot require ID
       that I would drop something and not be                  rather than argue with a business owner              cards or ask about the person’s disability.
       able to pick it up.”                                    unfamiliar with ADA regulations, so many             n People with disabilities who use service
                                                               who use service dogs carry some sort of              animals cannot be charged extra fees,
          With Fliegel, those worries are a thing              paperwork. “Although not required by                 isolated from other patrons, or treated less
       of the past. So far, she says, the 3-year-              law, CCI provides an ID card, a vest … and           favorably than other patrons.
       old knows 42 commands (and is learning                  a letter on our letterhead that specifies            n A person with a disability cannot be
       more). He helps by “picking items up off                that it’s a dog that CCI trained and placed          asked to remove his service animal from
       the ground, opening doors, turning lights on            with that particular person,” says CCI               the premises unless: (1) the animal is out of
       and off, pulling my wheelchair, pressing the            Program Manager Ellen Torop.                         control and the animal’s owner does not take
       automatic button for doors, carrying bags                                                                    effective action to control it (for example, a
       and paying cashiers.”                                      The problem is, carrying ID opens                 dog that barks repeatedly during a movie)
                                                               the door for imposters. A plethora of                or (2) the animal poses a direct threat to the
          Service dogs need to be smart (just 40               websites offer identification papers for             health or safety of others.
       percent make it to graduation), and Fliegel is          your “service animal,” no questions asked
       no exception. “In my house I have a lift that           — leading scores of pet owners to obtain                  For more information on service dogs
       takes me from the first floor to the second,”           fake credentials so they can take the                         or to get involved, visit
       Nunn says.  “It has a safety feature that               family dog everywhere.

                                             Melissa Nunn         “I was at the Easton Public Market over
                                             meeting her       the summer and I had one of my dogs in
                                             new best friend.  training with me,” Nagy says. “A college kid
                                                               from Lafayette came up and said ‘Oh, you
Photos courtesy Canine Companions for Independence             have a service dog. We have one of those.
                                                               We travel a lot, so we got a certificate just
                                                               so we can take him on the plane.”

                                                                  While that may seem harmless, it
                                                               actually threatens much of the progress
                                                               made in getting widespread acceptance
                                                               of service animals. Pets generally lack the

                                                                                                                JANUARY · FEBRUARY 2017 INSPIRE HEALTH 25
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