Page 24 - Inspire Health January/February 2017
P. 24

                                     THESE FUR BALLS MEAN INDEPENDENCE
n a busy New York street end of 1928, the pair had launched The                               Pestcoe says their interest sprang
in 1928, Morris Frank and Seeing Eye in Nashville, Tenn.                                   from his involvement with Camelot for

his dog, Buddy, took a                       Their work paved the way for                  Children. “Several of the kids there have

step off the curb and into history.          organizations such as Canine                  service dogs, and we got to see them

That simple act — one millions of us         Companions for Independence, which            from when they first got the dogs to

take for granted — would have been           was founded in California in 1975 and         them having them for several years, and

unremarkable but for two facts: Frank, 20, now has six regional training centers — saw what a difference they made.”

had been blind since 16; and Buddy had       one each in California, Colorado, Texas,      A puppy raiser’s primary task is

just become the first official assistance dog Ohio, New York and Florida.                  to socialize the dog — defined by

in the United States.                        	 Phillipsburg resident Jane Nagy has been the American Veterinary Medical

According to estimates by Service Dog working with Canine Companions for 20- Association as “the process of preparing

International, the U.S. today is likely home some years. “Someone gave me a calendar your dog ... to enjoy interactions and be

to about 200,000 service dogs — defined of service dogs that had stories in it, and        comfortable with other animals, people,

by the Americans with Disabilities Act as the stories really hit me,” she says. It didn’t places and activities.”

being “individually trained to perform tasks take long for her to find a way to help — by  For the puppy raiser, that means taking

for people with disabilities.” It’s hard to  fostering puppies before they’re sent off for them everywhere — restaurants, movies,

track such numbers, due to privacy issues, training. “I’m now raising my 20th dog.”        planes, even work — which in Pestcoe’s case

no registration requirements and because     Though rewarding, it’s not an easy            includes taking the dog along for hospital

there are multiple organizations that train task, requiring a solid time commitment. rounds.  When in public, these four-footed

and provide service dogs.                    “I spend most of my time with the             superheroes-to-be wear capes, an easy way

Back in the ’20s, though, there was          puppies,” Nagy says. “You just have           to identify that they’re being trained.

just one organization, and it was based      more life experiences with them than          “One of the things [about fostering] is

out of the Swiss Alps. Dorothy Harrison      most people do.”                              obviously setting the dog up for success

Eustis and her husband trained German        Dr. Andrew Pestcoe, an ear, nose              as a service dog, Pestcoe says.” The

Shepherds as police dogs, but branched       and throat surgeon affiliated with            training is rather strict; my wife and I must

out to help blind World War I veterans.      Lehigh Valley Health Network, and his maintain consistency — [for instance]

After Frank read a New York Post article wife, Flora, signed on last year to               they are not allowed table scraps, they

about the work, he wrote to Eustis. By the raise Fribble.                                  are not allowed on furniture.”

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