Page 43 - Inspire Health January/February 2016
P. 43
women who inspire •
Family Meals
M By Patricia Danflous
ichelle Dudash, RDN, is like a habit and then you can reach for a few
many Inspire Health readers. more things.”
She’s a young mother who Dudash suggests choosing whole
is constantly on the run and a woman foods in their least‑processed states,
who is dedicated to a healthy and happy such as fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts
family. She is also a career woman who and seeds, unrefined oils and whole
understands the impact of quick and grains like quinoa and brown rice.
easy when it comes to clean eating. How do you get a child to participate
Le Cordon Bleu‑certified chef and in the clean‑eating transition?
dietitian with a national recognition, “Being a great example is the best
Dudash has applied her experience, place to start,” Dudash is quick to point
knowledge and passion for healthy out. “If you don’t like a certain food, or
living to help others move forward to if you are eating fast food all the time,
better eating. Her first book, “Clean of course your children are going to Dudash is a contributor to Food
Network’s Healthy Eats blog and a regular
Eating for Busy Families,” is the go‑to want to eat that way, too. Believe it or guest on shows such as The Doctors, The
Chew and Radio Disney. You can find
guide for beginning and maintaining a not, parents and peers play a role in her recipe column, Dish with Dudash, in
the Arizona Republic and her insights in
healthy journey. nutritional choices.” numerous national publications. Visit her
website at for recipes,
“Clean. Fresh. Fast. That’s my focus,” When her daughter was getting additional clean‑eating information and to
sign up for her newsletter.
Dudash says. “I also like to focus on bored with her school lunches, Dudash
There’s no magic system or food
transition – that’s key, especially for asked her what she liked about what plan, Dudash emphasizes. For her, it’s all
about what works for you, your schedule
busy women, whether they have her friends were bringing. She realized and your food preferences.
children or not.” the packaging made their lunches more
The Arizona resident and nutritionist tempting and copied that with her
encourages the transition to clean homemade, healthier version.
eating through gradual changes that fit Look at foods that kids love and find
into individual or family lifestyles. “You a way to make those meals healthier.
are more likely to stick with those Try a Dudash family favorite alternative
changes that way,” she explains. “I think to drive‑thru nuggets. Cut chicken
most people know if what they are breasts into bite‑size pieces, roll them in
doing is healthy or not. It is a matter of Parmesan cheese and garlic powder, and
problem‑solving to help identify ways to pop them in the oven. It’s quick, easy
make your habits healthier.” and tastes great.
Dudash advises taking a lifestyle “Cook once, eat twice” is another
survey to identify areas that can have the Dudash recommendation to save
most impact and starting there. “Pick a preparation and clean‑up time. “Know
few things and see if you can stick to that what your family will eat, plan ahead and
way of eating for a month. If you can get make sure you have the groceries on
through a month of anything, it becomes hand,” she says.
“I think most people know if what they are doing is
healthy or not. It is a matter of problem‑solving to help
identify ways to make your habits healthier.”
January § February 2016 INSPIRE HEALTH 43
Family Meals
M By Patricia Danflous
ichelle Dudash, RDN, is like a habit and then you can reach for a few
many Inspire Health readers. more things.”
She’s a young mother who Dudash suggests choosing whole
is constantly on the run and a woman foods in their least‑processed states,
who is dedicated to a healthy and happy such as fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts
family. She is also a career woman who and seeds, unrefined oils and whole
understands the impact of quick and grains like quinoa and brown rice.
easy when it comes to clean eating. How do you get a child to participate
Le Cordon Bleu‑certified chef and in the clean‑eating transition?
dietitian with a national recognition, “Being a great example is the best
Dudash has applied her experience, place to start,” Dudash is quick to point
knowledge and passion for healthy out. “If you don’t like a certain food, or
living to help others move forward to if you are eating fast food all the time,
better eating. Her first book, “Clean of course your children are going to Dudash is a contributor to Food
Network’s Healthy Eats blog and a regular
Eating for Busy Families,” is the go‑to want to eat that way, too. Believe it or guest on shows such as The Doctors, The
Chew and Radio Disney. You can find
guide for beginning and maintaining a not, parents and peers play a role in her recipe column, Dish with Dudash, in
the Arizona Republic and her insights in
healthy journey. nutritional choices.” numerous national publications. Visit her
website at for recipes,
“Clean. Fresh. Fast. That’s my focus,” When her daughter was getting additional clean‑eating information and to
sign up for her newsletter.
Dudash says. “I also like to focus on bored with her school lunches, Dudash
There’s no magic system or food
transition – that’s key, especially for asked her what she liked about what plan, Dudash emphasizes. For her, it’s all
about what works for you, your schedule
busy women, whether they have her friends were bringing. She realized and your food preferences.
children or not.” the packaging made their lunches more
The Arizona resident and nutritionist tempting and copied that with her
encourages the transition to clean homemade, healthier version.
eating through gradual changes that fit Look at foods that kids love and find
into individual or family lifestyles. “You a way to make those meals healthier.
are more likely to stick with those Try a Dudash family favorite alternative
changes that way,” she explains. “I think to drive‑thru nuggets. Cut chicken
most people know if what they are breasts into bite‑size pieces, roll them in
doing is healthy or not. It is a matter of Parmesan cheese and garlic powder, and
problem‑solving to help identify ways to pop them in the oven. It’s quick, easy
make your habits healthier.” and tastes great.
Dudash advises taking a lifestyle “Cook once, eat twice” is another
survey to identify areas that can have the Dudash recommendation to save
most impact and starting there. “Pick a preparation and clean‑up time. “Know
few things and see if you can stick to that what your family will eat, plan ahead and
way of eating for a month. If you can get make sure you have the groceries on
through a month of anything, it becomes hand,” she says.
“I think most people know if what they are doing is
healthy or not. It is a matter of problem‑solving to help
identify ways to make your habits healthier.”
January § February 2016 INSPIRE HEALTH 43