Page 6 - Inside Lehigh Valley Real Estate July 8 2015
P. 6
Make your renovation a positive experience

In the United States, work with you to meet your Thoroughly planning out a renovation before starting work can make the project go easier. METRO CREATIVE CONNECTION
renovation spending has budget and achieve your
WEDNESDAY, JULY 8, 2015 more than doubled since vision. Communicate clear- estimate the importance of growth and rot. up. your eyes on the prize.
the late 1990s, reaching ly and often to ensure insulation — especially in a ■ Develop a good plan. Lastly, the key to a suc- There’s nothing more re-
nearly $65 billion last year understanding on both basement renovation. Not This includes preparing for warding than the end re-
alone. Oftentimes the in- sides. all insulation is created the unexpected. Setting cessful renovation includes sult, which can bring years
vestment a homeowner ■ Opt for a general con- equal. Opt for insulation aside a 20 percent contin- patience. Living in a con- of enjoyment and ulti-
makes is substantial, both tractor and trades that are that is fire-resistant, sound gency fund will help bring struction zone — or alter- mately add to your home’s
financially and emotionally. experienced, licensed and absorbent and resistant to you to the finish line when nately moving out while bottom line.
The stakes are high. That’s insured. Don’t hesitate to mold, mildew, bacterial unanticipated issues creep the work is done — can be
why it’s imperative that the check credentials and ref- stressful and trying. Keep Scott McGillivray
job is done well from start erences. Get recommenda-
to finish. There are a num- tions from family, friends
ber of steps a homeowner and colleagues who have
can take to ensure a posi- had work done and were
tive experience and a suc- satisfied with the results.
cessful outcome, including: ■ Start with quality build-
■ Know your goal. Ask the ing materials. When it
question, “What is this comes to home renovation
renovation designed to and construction, the ad-
accomplish? More func- age, “it’s what’s on the
tionality? Storage? Living inside that counts” seems
space?” If a homeowner apt. While homeowners
doesn’t know where they’re tend to get caught up in the
going with the renovation, aesthetics of a project, such
chances are they’ll never as finishings and paint
get there. colors, the key to a suc-
■ Do your research. In cessful renovation often lies
most things, knowledge is in what you won’t see.
power, and knowing what Investing in quality behind
to expect, in advance, can your walls will ensure
keep expectations in check. durability, comfort and
Investigate options, budg- safety for years to come.
ets and timelines, and ar- ■ Focus on the basics. This
range financing in advance. includes quality electrical,
■ Hire professionals. Be plumbing, HVAC, framing
sure that they are happy to and drywall. Don’t under-

SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION OF THE MORNING CALL How to preserve indoor air quality during remodeling

Are you beginning a remodeling contractors are remodeling smart- ■ Dirt and debris of many sizes, family is safe throughout this long Contractors work
project? Well, take a deep breath er and cleaner by providing livable including ones you can’t even see and hard process. Before you hire a with homeowners
because your air is about to be remodeling to their clients. ■ Organic matter like rodent feces contractor, make sure you relay the to minimize the
affected in a major way. and dead bugs information you’ve learned about dust and debris
Learn about the hazardous dust. during a remod-
Is this preventable? It can be, if dangers of dust If you have air quality problems eling.
you take action. before a remodeling project, they Create a checklist of discussion
Remember the last time you could be magnified by10 times if a points for contractors that can be BRANDPOINT
The most important time to act kicked up a lot of dust? Your eyes dust management plan is not in the basis for your livability plan.
is before you begin your remod- itched. Your throat burned. You place. Visit For example, what is the project timeline? What will be your tem-
eling project, especially if you are might have even felt dizzy and to learn how this dust can be in- porary living arrangements if, for
staying in your home during the fatigued. Those are common signs gested by humans and pets every example, the contractor is working
process. It is your job to make sure of indoor air pollution. day during a project. on the kitchen or bathroom?
your contractor has your family
and overall indoor air quality You need to understand exactly Also, remember that just be- And, most importantly, what is
(IAQ) top of mind before workers what your family and pets could be cause you can’t see it, doesn’t mean the contractor’s plan to control
start invading your home and inhaling while a contractor builds it isn’t there. Smaller dust particles potentially hazardous dust from
creating a dust storm. your dream kitchen. are the most hazardous. They are invading the rest of your home?
lighter, stay in the air longer and
This is a vital concern for home- An example of harmful substan- travel farther than larger particles. BrandPoint
owners, especially if someone in ces that might be uncovered dur-
your home has breathing difficul- ing your remodel: Make a livability plan
ties, such as asthma or another ■ Materials such as drywall,
chronic medical condition. cement and sawdust As the protector of your house-
■ Dangerous substances such as hold, you need to be armed and
In the past, contractors used silica, asbestos and lead ready to ask your contractor some
patchwork dust-control solutions ■ Mold and mildew tough questions to make sure your
that are ineffective at preventing
hazardous dust from traveling

6 throughout the home. Today, more
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