Page 5 - Inside Lehigh Valley Real Estate July 8 2015
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xpensive ways to boost your home’s curb appeal

Curb appeal can go a Professional landscaping can still give your home’s larger and add some color prospective buyers. Keeping your grass SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION OF THE MORNING CALL
long way toward making a services can help you main- front entrance an entirely to your home’s exterior. mowed and land-
home more attractive to its tain your property, but even new look by installing some Spotlight parts of scaping neat can go
inhabitants as well as pro- if your budget does not inexpensive molding Another creative way to your property a long way into
spective buyers once the allow for such an expense, around the door before make use of colorful flow- making a good first
house is put on the market. you can still make sure your giving the door a fresh coat ers is to place a few plant- Many homeowners impression for
landscape adds to your of paint. ers at the foot of your drive- focus on improving the homebuyers.
Improving curb appeal is home’s appeal by keeping a way and painting the num- curb appeal of their prop-
a goal for many homeown- watchful eye on the proper- Molding around the front bers of your address on the erty during the daytime METRO CREATIVE
ers, and while many ty and addressing any is- door can make an entrance planters. This can be both hours, but you can take CONNECTION
projects aimed at making sues that arise. more impressive, while a effortless and inexpensive, steps to make a home
homes more aesthetically new coat of paint can make but it can instantly make a more appealing at night as
appealing can be costly, Maintain your lawn a home feel warmer and home more inviting to well.
there are ways for cost- through the colder months more vibrant.
conscious homeowners to of the year as well, making Solar spotlights placed
improve their properties sure no one walks on the Plant flowers around trees and other
without breaking the bank. grass when frost has set- attractive features in your
tled, as doing so can pro- Another inexpensive way yard can shed light on
Put your green duce dead spots through- to make a home more ap- those areas of your proper-
thumb to use out the lawn. pealing is to plant colorful ty you’re most proud of,
flowers around the proper- even after the sun has gone
A well-maintained land- Redo your ty. Line walkways with down.
scape can dramatically front door flowers native to your re-
improve a home’s curb gion, such plants will last Metro Creative
appeal. Pay attention to the While their eyes may longer than exotic alterna- Connection
plants, shrubs and trees initially be drawn to a well- tives that may not be capa-
throughout your property, manicured lawn, prospec- ble of adapting to the local
watering them during tive buyers will eventually climate. In addition to
periods of little rainfall and find their way to the front lining walkways, hang
trimming them when nec- door. If your door is old, window boxes filled with
essary so your lawn does consider replacing it. If colorful flowers or plants
not look like an overgrown, your budget does not allow outside windows. Doing so
neglected suburban jungle. for such an expense, you can make windows seem

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