Page 21 - Indulge October/November 2014
P. 21
“Used to be you could go to New merchandise globally,” said Bill Hall Adamstown is home to a don’t-
Hope and find shops all over the of Tom Hall Auctions. “We use Live miss stand-alone store, Oley Valley
place,” said Bill D’Anjolell, owner Auctioneers. A company like ours Architectural Antiques. President
of Imagine Antiques and Appraisals, has four to six major auctions a year Joel Zettler said he has “the biggest
Newtown, and president of the Bucks that we broadcast online. Anyone selection in the country of antique
County Antiques Dealers Association. can bid online against people in the bars, fireplace mantels, leaded glass
“Now I know of two.” Across the gallery, on the phone, or those who doors and stained-glass windows.”
Delaware in Lambertville, N.J., a left advance bids online. It’s meant
small antiques district with some a tremendous increase in bidder Oley Valley caters not only to
exclusive shops still thrives. High participation. It also lets us target well-heeled individual buyers, but
rents, the Great Recession and online specific bidders.” also architects, decorators and film
auctions have defeated many old- set designers. The filled-to-bursting
time mainstays throughout the region. Prospective bidders who’ve interior displays an extraordinary
registered keywords at the Live variety of architectural artifacts along
Interesting single-dealer shops Auctioneers site receive notifications darkish aisles winding through the
still active in the Valley include when auction lots of interest to them whole store, providing a shopping
Bethlehem’s Antiques and Gifts go under the hammer. experience not available elsewhere.
on Broad (handling rugs, furniture
and crystal with a European flavor), A few suggestions for those
the New Street Book Shop (also in new to the auction fray. Nazareth-
Bethlehem and a source for print based auctioneer Lori Biechy said
rarities), and Old Dairy Antiques, bidders should remember the extra
Whitehall (with a broad inventory cost they’ll incur through buyer’s
including furniture and china). premiums, often 10 percent or more
of the purchase price. And it’s wise
Much of the top-end action today to avoid bidding battles that produce
is in auctions. Excellent choices a purchase cost far beyond an
abound in the Valley and not far object’s real value
beyond. Dotta Auctions, Nazareth;
Tom Hall Auctions, Schnecksville; “Sometimes I see people going at
Zettlemoyer Auction Co., Fogelsville it just because they don’t like each
and others hold sales that feature other,” Biechy said. “They wind up
attractive antiques. paying more for something that’s not
all that special, something they could
Farther afield, Brown Brothers get elsewhere for less.”
Auction in Buckingham, Bucks
County, enjoys a reputation for honest Antiques malls feature some
dealing in high-end goods. vendors offering higher-value
antiques (and many focused
Another notable Pennsylvania on mass-market collectibles
auction house is Pook & Pook in and household goods). Locally
Chester County. This Downingtown these include the Black Rose
firm is a real heavyweight: Their at Allentown’s South Mall and
1999 sale of a Philadelphia piecrust Zionsville Antique Mall.
tea table brought $1.4 million. The
company website says it was the first A visit to Adamstown on the
single antiques sale outside New York border between Berks and Lancaster
City to top a million dollars. counties reveals a major cluster of
multi-dealer centers, including
Those comfortable with taking part Renninger’s, Morphy’s (also
online can sit in on auctions almost holding auctions), Stoudt’s and
anywhere without leaving home. Pine Hills. Again, vendors at
these locations offer a mixed
“Regional auction companies bag, from the slight to the
like ours are utilizing online bidding distinguished.
platforms to expose high-end
These items were auctioned by Tom Hall Auctions.
Photos by Sarah Evans
Hope and find shops all over the of Tom Hall Auctions. “We use Live miss stand-alone store, Oley Valley
place,” said Bill D’Anjolell, owner Auctioneers. A company like ours Architectural Antiques. President
of Imagine Antiques and Appraisals, has four to six major auctions a year Joel Zettler said he has “the biggest
Newtown, and president of the Bucks that we broadcast online. Anyone selection in the country of antique
County Antiques Dealers Association. can bid online against people in the bars, fireplace mantels, leaded glass
“Now I know of two.” Across the gallery, on the phone, or those who doors and stained-glass windows.”
Delaware in Lambertville, N.J., a left advance bids online. It’s meant
small antiques district with some a tremendous increase in bidder Oley Valley caters not only to
exclusive shops still thrives. High participation. It also lets us target well-heeled individual buyers, but
rents, the Great Recession and online specific bidders.” also architects, decorators and film
auctions have defeated many old- set designers. The filled-to-bursting
time mainstays throughout the region. Prospective bidders who’ve interior displays an extraordinary
registered keywords at the Live variety of architectural artifacts along
Interesting single-dealer shops Auctioneers site receive notifications darkish aisles winding through the
still active in the Valley include when auction lots of interest to them whole store, providing a shopping
Bethlehem’s Antiques and Gifts go under the hammer. experience not available elsewhere.
on Broad (handling rugs, furniture
and crystal with a European flavor), A few suggestions for those
the New Street Book Shop (also in new to the auction fray. Nazareth-
Bethlehem and a source for print based auctioneer Lori Biechy said
rarities), and Old Dairy Antiques, bidders should remember the extra
Whitehall (with a broad inventory cost they’ll incur through buyer’s
including furniture and china). premiums, often 10 percent or more
of the purchase price. And it’s wise
Much of the top-end action today to avoid bidding battles that produce
is in auctions. Excellent choices a purchase cost far beyond an
abound in the Valley and not far object’s real value
beyond. Dotta Auctions, Nazareth;
Tom Hall Auctions, Schnecksville; “Sometimes I see people going at
Zettlemoyer Auction Co., Fogelsville it just because they don’t like each
and others hold sales that feature other,” Biechy said. “They wind up
attractive antiques. paying more for something that’s not
all that special, something they could
Farther afield, Brown Brothers get elsewhere for less.”
Auction in Buckingham, Bucks
County, enjoys a reputation for honest Antiques malls feature some
dealing in high-end goods. vendors offering higher-value
antiques (and many focused
Another notable Pennsylvania on mass-market collectibles
auction house is Pook & Pook in and household goods). Locally
Chester County. This Downingtown these include the Black Rose
firm is a real heavyweight: Their at Allentown’s South Mall and
1999 sale of a Philadelphia piecrust Zionsville Antique Mall.
tea table brought $1.4 million. The
company website says it was the first A visit to Adamstown on the
single antiques sale outside New York border between Berks and Lancaster
City to top a million dollars. counties reveals a major cluster of
multi-dealer centers, including
Those comfortable with taking part Renninger’s, Morphy’s (also
online can sit in on auctions almost holding auctions), Stoudt’s and
anywhere without leaving home. Pine Hills. Again, vendors at
these locations offer a mixed
“Regional auction companies bag, from the slight to the
like ours are utilizing online bidding distinguished.
platforms to expose high-end
These items were auctioned by Tom Hall Auctions.
Photos by Sarah Evans