Page 28 - Indulge October 2017
P. 28

9FOR FAST AND                                                                            when serving guests. Or try a tin for
          EASY ENTERTAINING                                                              condiments at a barbecue. Place pickles,
Hosting friends or family is one             to form an ice bath in the sink or a        relish, ketchup, mustard, and onions in
           of the little pleasures in life.  beverage cooler.                            each section for easy burger fixings.
 Socializing enables people to remain
 close, talk away stressors and have             n Chill wine effectively and                n Keep dental floss handy.
 some fun.                                   quickly. On a similar note, if wine is the  Unscented/unflavored dental floss can
                                             beverage of choice, always keep grapes      be used to easily cut cakes, pastries and
     Entertaining frequently involves        frozen in a bag in the freezer. Put a few   other soft foods.
 sharing food or drink. For those who        grapes in a wine glass before pouring,
 shy away from routinely inviting others     and the wine will be chilled without            n Save plastic bottle tops. Cut the
 over because of anxiety over meal           becoming watered down by ice.               tops off of plastic bottles and use them
 preparation, these tips for easier                                                      to seal plastic bags. Insert the bag
 entertaining can remove many barriers.          n Heat up foods. Preparing              through the bottom, fold over the top,
                                             meals in advance is a real time-saver.      and screw on the cap. Easily dispense
     n Quickly chill drinks. Unexpected      However, it may take a while for dense      dessert toppings, rice, chocolate chips,
 guests may require chilling beverages       foods to reheat so they can be served.      and more.
 down quickly. Wet some paper towels         Space out a circle in the middle of the
 and wrap them around beverage bottles       food so that it will heat up more quickly.      n Make fast snacks. Grilled cheese
 before placing in the freezer. In roughly                                               is not only a delicious comfort food
15 minutes, the bottle will be almost            n Get creative with serving             that can be transformed into gourmet
 cold. Cool down many beverages at           dishes. Muffin tins can be put to use       fare depending on the cheese used,
 once by mixing water and salt with ice      in different ways as handy serving          but it’s also a relatively easy appetizer
                                             dishes. Use them to keep several filled     to make. Bake grilled cheese between
                                             beverages upright and manageable            two baking sheets in the oven. The
                                                                                         bread will turn out crispy, the cheese
                                                                                         perfectly melted, and you can make
                                                                                         several at the same time. Cut into bite-
                                                                                         sized pieces and serve.

                                                                                             n Serve breakfast without breaking a
                                                                                         sweat. Treat overnight guests to a hearty
                                                                                         breakfast without breaking a sweat in
                                                                                         the morning. Put pancake batter in a
                                                                                         squeeze bottle (like a well-rinsed ketchup
                                                                                         container) and use it to easily pour batter
                                                                                         onto the griddle. Experiment with shapes
                                                                                         if you want something even more special.

                                                                                             n Freshly squeeze juice. Use a
                                                                                         sturdy pair of tongs to squeeze all of the
                                                                                         juice out of lemons, limes and oranges
                                                                                         for fresh juice or lemonade.

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