Page 24 - Indulge October 2017
P. 24
Tips and tricks for conquering the hectic holidays
By Shannon Sigafoos
The holidays are a great time “Create lists that are orderly and “Organization is the key to sanity,”
of the year to give, but they’re cross items off as they’re completed. says McLane. “I teach, and preach
also a great time to save — save a Make separate lists for different about, organization all the time.
little money, sanity and time, that is. sets of tasks so that you don’t end Clutter is the biggest enemy of space
Preparing for the holiday season has up with ‘cheese, wine, crackers’ on and as things get more hectic, you
the potential to be expensive, time the same list as ‘clean powder room, can easily lose control if you don’t
consuming and sometimes even a little bring extra chairs up’,” says Kay have a plan.”
frustrating. With some Yuletide cheer McLane of Kay McLane Design, LLC
and a few tips and tricks from Lehigh and Peace Full Home. Overall organization also lends
Valley organizing experts and concierge itself to creating a system. Many tasks
services, preparing for November and Some lists that McLane suggests we try to accomplish at the holidays
December to come up on the calendar include lists for decorating, gift shopping, are ones that we repeat annually, so
should be a stress-free affair. food and drink (split up by event), each time the task is repeated year
The first thing you’ll want to keep cleaning (make separate lists for what you after year, it should go more quickly
in mind is that creating lists can only do daily, weekly and monthly), and must- and we should be able to anticipate
help, not hurt, your chances of getting dos for each event or dinner party (this what is needed and when.
everything done (and keep in mind would include extra items like ‘flowers
that even St. Nick himself makes a for the powder room’). She also suggests “I feel like we, as people, make
list — and checks it twice). Whether setting up a staging area for dishware, things complicated when they can be
you jot everything down with pen and baskets, candles and nonperishables as easy,” says Ania Fiduccia, owner of
paper or choose to keep an electronic you acquire them. This way, all items are All Service Concierge, which services
list on your phone, tablet or computer, organized and you’re able to even plan the Lehigh Valley and Pocono regions.
lists are the key to organization during for the added hands you may need on “For instance, our clients like hand-
a hectic holiday season. the day of your event helping to get those written cards. We’ll tell them that
items back out. we’re going to come up with a system.
The first time we plan it, it’s longer.