Page 44 - Indulge June/July 2016
P. 44
Alzheimer’s disease is the most
common form of dementia. It44 | indulge • june/july 2016 loss can include forgetting important happening in the present. Alzheimer’s
is a progressive, degenerative disorder Source: Alzheimer’s Associationdates or repeatedly asking for the sufferers often forget where they are and
that attacks neurons and essentially same information. Forgetting recently how they got there.
robs people of their memory and learned information and having to rely
language skills. Although there is no increasingly on memory aids is another Misplacing items: Everyone loses
cure for Alzheimer’s, there are therapies potential indicator of Alzheimer’s. something at a point in time, but those
that can slow its neurological impact. with Alzheimer’s may put items in
Recognizing the early warning signs Declining cognition: Impaired unusual places. They may sometimes
of Alzheimer’s can reasoning or judgment, trouble finding accuse others of stealing when they
encourage people to the right words and visual and spatial cannot retrace their steps and find
begin treatments that
can stave off some of issues also may be early indicators items.
the more debilitating of Alzheimer’s. Decreased
symptoms of
this disease. Difficulty completing familiar tasks: judgment: Decision-
Those with Alzheimer’s sometimes have making abilities may
Though it’s most trouble driving to a familiar location be compromised.
common among the or remembering the rules to a favorite A person with
elderly, Alzheimer’s game. People who were once good Alzheimer’s may
is not a normal part with numbers may now have difficulty take unnecessary
of aging. Abnormal balancing their checkbooks, while those risks or give away
deposits of proteins who love to cook may have trouble sums of money.
begin to form amyloid following recipes.
plaques, (protein Mood changes:
clusters) and tau Time confusion: Another indicator People with
tangles (a disruption of Alzheimer’s disease is losing Alzheimer’s may
in the cell network) track of time. One may have trouble suffer from confusion,
throughout the brain. understanding something that isn’t suspicious feelings,
These formations are depression and
the hallmarks of the anxiety. A person
disease. Once-healthy may get upset easily
neurons gradually or become anxious
begin to lose their efficiency and ability outside of his or her
to function and communicate with comfort zones.
one another. As more neurons die,
entire areas of the brain shrink. The Age and family
hippocampus, which is the area of the history of Alzheimer’s
brain essential in forming memories, disease are the biggest risk factors. The
may soon become compromised. liklihood of developing Alzheimer’s
doubles about every five years after age
Millions of people in North America 65, says the Alzheimer’s Association.
are estimated to have Alzheimer’s In addition, those with a parent,
disease and many others will be child or sibling who have developed
diagnosed. The following are the most Alzheimer’s are more likely to develop
common early signs and symptoms of the disease than people with no such
the disease. family history.
A physical and neurological
Memory loss: According to the exam, which may include blood
Alzheimer’s Association, early memory tests and brain imaging, will be used
to diagnose Alzheimer’s disease.
Individuals can learn more by making
appointments with their doctors.
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