Page 27 - Indulge June 2017
P. 27
Michael Barndt believes For nearly 30 years, Mike was on the Photos courtesy of Easton Hospital
everything happens for a diet roller coaster — using fad diets only
reason. The idea is one he learned in to watch his weight go up and down. He like to eat and what tastes good. Just
theory as he earned his doctorate in had seen others have weight loss surgery listening to my body.”
divinity in 2011. He also learned it and knew he needed a lifestyle change.
through a lifetime of experience. He and Joy ride bikes together and
“It was a process to decide to have hike. She has supported him throughout
For 25 years he’s been married surgery,” he says. “I just had to get his journey.
to his wife and best friend Joy. In ready to make a lifetime commitment
the 1980s, he served his country and stick with a program.” “I knew I was not alone in this,” he
as a medic for eight years, seeing says. “There’s a plan for each of us.”
combat in Grenada for two of those He found a successful program at
years. Post-traumatic stress disorder Easton Hospital. This is what drew him to the ministry:
followed thereafter. That he would fulfill his part in a bigger
“I don’t understand the perception picture. That picture of him is just not
The illness altered the course of his you hear in the community,” he says. as big.
life: A few years of bouncing around; an “Easton Hospital is 180 degrees different
addiction to alcohol; and a dependence when you experience it.”
on emotional eating developed.
At Easton Hospital, patients follow
Mike stopped drinking in the 1990s a pathway to surgery so they can set
and has been sober since. But food was themselves up for the most success
a different matter. after surgery. Mike attended nutrition
and exercise classes and support
“Eating soothed my PTSD,” Mike groups. He met several times with the
says. “I was a carb junkie — bread, coordinator, his primary care physician
potatoes, fried foods.” and robotically trained and fellowship
trained bariatric and general surgeon,
Soon he weighed 350 pounds. Mike Vinay Singhal, M.D.
knew he needed more activity, but it
was too painful to do it and he was “The classes were really beneficial,”
limited in what he could do. he says. “It was like preparing for a
change a little at a time and made the
Dr. Vinay Singhai, transition for life after surgery easier.”
M.D. bariatric and
general surgeon at He weighed 330 pounds on the day
Easton Hospital. of his surgery.
“Dr. Vinay Singhal is fantastic,” Mike
says. “He is technically superb and a
friendly guy who is genuinely caring and
remembers the personal details.”
Mike lost 138 pounds and has kept
it off for nearly three years.
“I am really happy with where I am
at,” he says. “I am still learning what I
June 2017 • indulge | 27