Page 11 - Indulge February/March 2015
P. 11
locations such as Tampa, St. Stephanie Saal, a senior agent And for those seeking seclusion
Petersburg, Orlando, Punta Gorda with Entertainment Travel, says and a one-of-a-kind vacation, she says,
and Fort Meyers. her weather-weary clients’ favorite a trip to the Seychelles, off the cost of
destinations seem to be Mexico Southeast Africa, can’t be beat.
“We have ongoing hotel deals in and Jamaica.
Orlando, Tampa Bay and Fort Myers “Most people who go do a [mainland]
for both shorter and longer-term stays,” “Some people want to just veg out safari for five or six days, then head over
she says. “These deals are specifically and escape the cold; other people to the Seychelles for the downtime.” It’s
tailored for travel out of the Lehigh want water sports and zip-lining and a true escape, she says: “You’re out in
Valley International Airport.” touristy-type things.” the middle of nowhere.”
Nagy says travelers looking for While many people turn Any of those destinations sounds
heat without the beach sometimes to Cancun, she says its main better than one more minute of
choose to gamble a weekend away draws — plenty of nightlife, the winter. Now, where did we put
in Las Vegas, “but it’s not the first aforementioned activities and that sunscreen?
thought process” for those looking to shopping — can also be its downside.
flee frigid temperatures. It’s gained a reputation as being a
party locale that draws a young crowd.
“If money isn’t really an object,
travelers do some of the more For a high-end Mexican
‘boutique’ islands – like the Turks experience, she recommends resorts
and Caicos and Saint Kitts [in the in Mayakoba, a long stretch of beach
West Indies] …. they might be a little along the Yucatan Peninsula off the
quieter, but also more expensive,” Caribbean Sea. It boasts the
she says. second-largest coral reef in
the world, and is backed by a
Nagy also recommends Hawaii: tropical jungle.
“A lot of people do some of the
smaller islands, such as Maui, for the “The exclusivity is an
beaches and surfing.” attraction,” Saal says.
They’ll go to Oahu, she says, There’s also Mexico’s
to visit places like Honolulu, Cozumel and the Riviera
Pearl Harbor and the well-known Maya. Both are less “touristy,”
Waikiki Beach. she says, and more low-
key. “Things there are more
If you have plenty of vacation time spread out, so it’s not just
and deep pockets, Australia and New one hotel after the other.”
Zealand are also options.
Also on her list of
“Our winter is their summer, so it high-end, tropical travel
is a great destination,” Nagy says. spots are St. Lucia and
Antigua in the Caribbean;
An increasingly popular option for Fiji and Tahiti in the
frost-frustrated Valley residents, Nagy South Pacific; and the
says, is a new Royal Caribbean cruise Maldives in the
ship, Quantum of the Seas. It sails Indian Ocean.
from Bayonne, N.J.’s Cape Liberty
and has ports of call in Florida, the
Caribbean, the Bahamas, Puerto Rico
and more. Those who don’t want to
just soak up the sun on the deck can
take advantage of amenities including
bumper cars (yes, bumper cars), a
sky-diving simulator and the North
Star — a bubble-shaped capsule
suspended on a boom for 360-degree
views of the ocean and the ship.
Petersburg, Orlando, Punta Gorda with Entertainment Travel, says and a one-of-a-kind vacation, she says,
and Fort Meyers. her weather-weary clients’ favorite a trip to the Seychelles, off the cost of
destinations seem to be Mexico Southeast Africa, can’t be beat.
“We have ongoing hotel deals in and Jamaica.
Orlando, Tampa Bay and Fort Myers “Most people who go do a [mainland]
for both shorter and longer-term stays,” “Some people want to just veg out safari for five or six days, then head over
she says. “These deals are specifically and escape the cold; other people to the Seychelles for the downtime.” It’s
tailored for travel out of the Lehigh want water sports and zip-lining and a true escape, she says: “You’re out in
Valley International Airport.” touristy-type things.” the middle of nowhere.”
Nagy says travelers looking for While many people turn Any of those destinations sounds
heat without the beach sometimes to Cancun, she says its main better than one more minute of
choose to gamble a weekend away draws — plenty of nightlife, the winter. Now, where did we put
in Las Vegas, “but it’s not the first aforementioned activities and that sunscreen?
thought process” for those looking to shopping — can also be its downside.
flee frigid temperatures. It’s gained a reputation as being a
party locale that draws a young crowd.
“If money isn’t really an object,
travelers do some of the more For a high-end Mexican
‘boutique’ islands – like the Turks experience, she recommends resorts
and Caicos and Saint Kitts [in the in Mayakoba, a long stretch of beach
West Indies] …. they might be a little along the Yucatan Peninsula off the
quieter, but also more expensive,” Caribbean Sea. It boasts the
she says. second-largest coral reef in
the world, and is backed by a
Nagy also recommends Hawaii: tropical jungle.
“A lot of people do some of the
smaller islands, such as Maui, for the “The exclusivity is an
beaches and surfing.” attraction,” Saal says.
They’ll go to Oahu, she says, There’s also Mexico’s
to visit places like Honolulu, Cozumel and the Riviera
Pearl Harbor and the well-known Maya. Both are less “touristy,”
Waikiki Beach. she says, and more low-
key. “Things there are more
If you have plenty of vacation time spread out, so it’s not just
and deep pockets, Australia and New one hotel after the other.”
Zealand are also options.
Also on her list of
“Our winter is their summer, so it high-end, tropical travel
is a great destination,” Nagy says. spots are St. Lucia and
Antigua in the Caribbean;
An increasingly popular option for Fiji and Tahiti in the
frost-frustrated Valley residents, Nagy South Pacific; and the
says, is a new Royal Caribbean cruise Maldives in the
ship, Quantum of the Seas. It sails Indian Ocean.
from Bayonne, N.J.’s Cape Liberty
and has ports of call in Florida, the
Caribbean, the Bahamas, Puerto Rico
and more. Those who don’t want to
just soak up the sun on the deck can
take advantage of amenities including
bumper cars (yes, bumper cars), a
sky-diving simulator and the North
Star — a bubble-shaped capsule
suspended on a boom for 360-degree
views of the ocean and the ship.