Page 46 - Indulge December/January 2016
P. 46
gifts in the Valley
this year!
The Lehigh Valley abounds with Keep her happy with jewelry.
Coeur de Lion necklaces, earrings
gifts for the holiday, as we found and bracelets shine with silver and
stainless steel rounds strung with
when we scoured the area for holiday thickset or more widely spaced
architectural beads in warm
stocking stuffers. Whether it’s metallic colors interspersed with
crystals and gemstones. C. Leslie
something to drink from, something Smith celebrates its new location
in the Shops at Cedar Point in
to play with or something to wear, all Allentown with this exciting new jewelry
from Germany. “We brought the line in as
the hot gifts are here. an experiment this year,” says store owner
Charles Smith, “and we’re having a hard
FOR EVERYONE time keeping it in stock.” Coeur de Lion
necklaces sell for about $220; bracelets
S’well beverage bottles have a cool rocket shape with $120; earrings $79 and up. C. Leslie Smith,
a top lip large enough for ice cubes. High-grade steel Allentown, 610-439-8833.
and modern engineering keep drinks hot or cold for hours
without bottle sweat. Cleo’s jewelry and gift shop in South FOR HIM
Bethlehem will have S’wells in reds and greens for the
holidays, and animal prints, exotic wood grain and bright Give the OppoSuit only to a very
metalics. The bottles cost $25, $35 or $45. “They really adventuresome man. Anyone else will hate you.
are popular,” says the store’s Lisa Butz. Cleo’s, Bethlehem, The OppoSuit comes from the Netherlands and is a
610-868-7200. slim-cut, tailored suit that comes with jacket, pants
and tie for $100 in a fancy box. What makes them
FOR KIDS stand out is the fabric print. The suits come with
rows of green pine trees marching on a green sward,
Toys tied in to “Star Wars Episode VII: The Force digital blue-and-white snowflakes and snowmen and
Awakens,” are everywhere, but look first for this year’s Christmas trees splashed on holiday red, designs
breakout toy, the $149.99, oh-so-hot Sphero BB-8 that are repeated on the included ties. Macy’s says
App-Enabled Droid. The BB-8’s magnetic head balances wearers will “brazenly stand out from the crowd
atop the round body as it maneuvers a smooth floor. The while looking polished.” Macy’s in the Lehigh Valley
4.5-inch robot works via an app on an Apple or Android Mall, Whitehall Township, 610-264-8711.
device and has at-ti-tood that evolves as you interact. It
lets you record and view holographic messages. Best Buy, For the more conservative guy, get a knit hat
Whitehall, 610-432-6956. for a stocking stuffer. Try a topper that sports the
logo of his favorite team, whether it’s the Yankees,
the Eagles, or another, for $22 at The Archive in
downtown Allentown. Want something more luxe? The
store carries the True Religion line of cashmere knit
hats for up to $90 in colors to match coat, scarf or tie.
The Archive, Allentown, 610-433-4698.
this year!
The Lehigh Valley abounds with Keep her happy with jewelry.
Coeur de Lion necklaces, earrings
gifts for the holiday, as we found and bracelets shine with silver and
stainless steel rounds strung with
when we scoured the area for holiday thickset or more widely spaced
architectural beads in warm
stocking stuffers. Whether it’s metallic colors interspersed with
crystals and gemstones. C. Leslie
something to drink from, something Smith celebrates its new location
in the Shops at Cedar Point in
to play with or something to wear, all Allentown with this exciting new jewelry
from Germany. “We brought the line in as
the hot gifts are here. an experiment this year,” says store owner
Charles Smith, “and we’re having a hard
FOR EVERYONE time keeping it in stock.” Coeur de Lion
necklaces sell for about $220; bracelets
S’well beverage bottles have a cool rocket shape with $120; earrings $79 and up. C. Leslie Smith,
a top lip large enough for ice cubes. High-grade steel Allentown, 610-439-8833.
and modern engineering keep drinks hot or cold for hours
without bottle sweat. Cleo’s jewelry and gift shop in South FOR HIM
Bethlehem will have S’wells in reds and greens for the
holidays, and animal prints, exotic wood grain and bright Give the OppoSuit only to a very
metalics. The bottles cost $25, $35 or $45. “They really adventuresome man. Anyone else will hate you.
are popular,” says the store’s Lisa Butz. Cleo’s, Bethlehem, The OppoSuit comes from the Netherlands and is a
610-868-7200. slim-cut, tailored suit that comes with jacket, pants
and tie for $100 in a fancy box. What makes them
FOR KIDS stand out is the fabric print. The suits come with
rows of green pine trees marching on a green sward,
Toys tied in to “Star Wars Episode VII: The Force digital blue-and-white snowflakes and snowmen and
Awakens,” are everywhere, but look first for this year’s Christmas trees splashed on holiday red, designs
breakout toy, the $149.99, oh-so-hot Sphero BB-8 that are repeated on the included ties. Macy’s says
App-Enabled Droid. The BB-8’s magnetic head balances wearers will “brazenly stand out from the crowd
atop the round body as it maneuvers a smooth floor. The while looking polished.” Macy’s in the Lehigh Valley
4.5-inch robot works via an app on an Apple or Android Mall, Whitehall Township, 610-264-8711.
device and has at-ti-tood that evolves as you interact. It
lets you record and view holographic messages. Best Buy, For the more conservative guy, get a knit hat
Whitehall, 610-432-6956. for a stocking stuffer. Try a topper that sports the
logo of his favorite team, whether it’s the Yankees,
the Eagles, or another, for $22 at The Archive in
downtown Allentown. Want something more luxe? The
store carries the True Religion line of cashmere knit
hats for up to $90 in colors to match coat, scarf or tie.
The Archive, Allentown, 610-433-4698.