Page 8 - Indulge December/January 2015
P. 8

In the holiday film classic,
“It’s a Wonderful Life,” Clarence Odbody is
still trying to win his wings after 200 years as
an AS2 — Angel Second Class.
The Morning Call’s Be an Angel campaign
streamlines that process.

The annual charity drive Call publishes stories throughout collected about 800
has raised $2.3 million in
donations to Lehigh Valley the campaign about generous books for the Cops ‘N’ Kids
nonprofit organizations since
its inception 15 years ago by former contributions.” literacy program.
Morning Call features writer Irene Kraft.
Be an Angel kicks off every For some organizations, the She started collecting books for
autumn when the newspaper asks
hundreds of nonprofit groups to list Be an Angel donations continue the program several years ago and
the three items they most desperately
need. Entertainment/Lifestyle Editor long after the two-month time asked for book donations instead of
Mike Hirsch, who now heads the
campaign, says the items “range birthday gifts. To
from cars and computers to mittens,
gloves and toiletries. Many groups In one year, Alysse collected date, Alysse has
ask for donations of time.” collected more than
Hirsch says the newspaper
compiles the requests into a about 800 books for the 5,000 books for
special section — the Be An Angel the program, which
Wish List — that is published the
Sunday after Thanksgiving. A Cops ‘N’ Kids literacy program. encourages young
searchable database of agencies people to read.
and their needs also appears on Clarence Odbody
“Readers contribute items
directly to these organizations frame. The Bethlehem Area Public had to wait two centuries to get
over a two-month period,”
Hirsch says. “The Morning Library, for instance, received 545 his wings, earning them only after

boxes of books, DVDs and CDs from helping George Bailey see what an

the campaign throughout 2013. important role people can play in

According to library spokeswoman the lives of others. When Odbody

Liza Holzinger, the donations were got his reward, Bailey’s daughter,

sold at the library’s six annual book Zuzu, heard a bell and said to her

sales and netted nearly $10,000 to father, “Teacher says every time a

help offset library expenses, bell rings an angel gets his wings.”

Hirsch says the cover of last There’s no need for you to wait 200

year’s Be an Angel section featured years to get yours. Participate in this

13-year-old Alysse Danyi of Nazareth, year’s Be an Angel program and help

who shows what just one person change someone’s life for the better.

can accomplish. In one year, Alysse Do you hear that ringing sound?
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