Page 35 - Go Guide Street 12/3/2015
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licants, assemble!

Or, how to gather the perfect someone else puts in a good word for you,” says Adrian Bowman, owner of THE MORNING CALL THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 2015
application materials and plan Granzella Larssen, editor-in-chief of The Muse. “Scour “If the candidate goes in looking to be educated,
your network to see if you have any first or second degree
We asked recruiters and hiring managers connections there, and if you do, use them.” entertained and wooed by the hiring manager, he is going to
what really makes candidates stand out, and be rejected fairly quickly. However, if the candidate has done
what gets a job application sent straight to And don’t forget to brief your references. extensive research on the company and clearly describes the
the rejection pile. Here are seven must-dos solutions he brings to the company’s pain, he will not only
when it comes to your next job application. 3. Research the company get the job, but (potentially) a salary higher than what was
1. Customize your cover letter Beyond simply Googling a potential employer. Author Barry
Maher advises getting an inside look at how the company 6. Go the extra mile
“It’s pretty obvious when a cover letter is canned,” says works. “One applicant I know went far beyond checking out
Laura Renner, founder of HiringCoach. “What gets my the company’s website and online articles and actually called Anne St. Hilaire, marketing and PR coordinator for Recruiter.
attention is a cover letter that I can tell was written specifically a number of employees who held the type of position she was com, agrees with the importance of selling yourself as the
for the job.” She notices candidates who explain why the job is applying for, as well as several of their managers. She was solution and adds that being proactive in suggesting specific
attractive to them, specifically. able to show her understanding of the specific issues these solutions can really grab a recruiter’s attention.
employees faced and the ways the company wanted to deal with
Holly Bennett, HR and PR associate for Toronto Vaporizer, those issues.” “If you come into the interview with a suggestion for a
agrees. “Resumes submitted for a job posting without a cover solution to one of our problems, a campaign or project that you
letter really are just a piece of paper with qualifications, and 4. Show your work have worked out ahead of time or even an evaluation of your
they rarely give me insight into what an applicant is like, what own of past projects of ours, it shows that you have not only
they can do for our company and why they are applying to our Don’t let all that research go to waste. Demonstrate your done your research, but that you are a self-starter and have
job opening specifically.” insider knowledge during the interview by asking thoughtful already put work and effort into our company.”
questions about company issues and news.
“When I am reviewing resumes and cover letters, I am 7. Follow up
looking for applicants that are not just applying for the job Sean Milius, president and CEO of The Healthcare Initiative,
stated, but are also applying to become part of our tight-knit recommends asking specific questions like, ‘I see you had one You’d be surprised how many recruiters and hiring managers
team,” Bennett explains. “So reviewing personalized cover of the most profitable quarters ever. What was behind that? told us following up can make all the difference in helping a job
letters for cultural fit becomes a very key part of our HR How will it continue?’ versus standard interview questions seeker stand out.
process.” everyone else will ask like, ‘Do you think I can do the job?’,
‘When will you have a decision?’ and ‘What is your leadership “If a candidate reaches out specifically to follow-up on their
2. Get a recommendation style?’ resume, that really gets my attention,” says Milius. “You can
go overboard and become a pest, but most applicants click send
“You’re much more likely to get to the top of the pile if 5. Sell yourself as the solution and wait. The ones who actually know where they sent their
resume — and have the ability, desire and interest to see if it
“The most successful applicants understand that the job has been reviewed — are few and far between.”
interview isn’t a classroom. It’s a sales call,” says Mike
— Kelly Gurnett, for Brazen Careerist 35
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