Page 22 - Education Guide
P. 22
The opportunity to transform the world
F or more than 140 The Perkiomen School
years, we have be-
SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 2016 lieved young people inspire students to risk versities. of Perkiomen School
deserve the opportu- being their best — through Perkiomen is investing Perkiomen students are challenged with educational opportunities such as building a drone.
nity to transform the a rigorous, hands-on pro-
world. It’s our respon- gram with high expecta- in an impressive facility to
sibility to prepare them to tions. support the program. The
thrive in a global environ- complete renovation of the
ment of change and to help Perkiomen is leading lower level of Carnegie
shape the leaders and inno- the way among independ- Library into the Innovation
vators of tomorrow who ent schools by developing Center will provide space
will guide our world into a curriculum modeled after to innovate, create, and
the future. successful entrepreneurial collaborate. Students will
programs at Harvard, Stan- have the opportunity to
Perkiomen has a tradi- ford, MIT, Lehigh and develop their ideas, create
tion of boldly pushing UPenn. Entrepreneurialism prototypes, and hone their
students to reach their full is about seeing opportunity plans in a flexible environ-
potential and to quest in the needs and chal- ment that promotes the
beyond their perceived lenges that face individuals spirit of entrepreneurship.
limitations to achieve and society. To develop
tremendous outcomes. The their ideas and implement For more information
new Entrepreneur Institute them in the real world, on Perk, visit perkiome-
is an evolution of fulfilling Perkiomen students will to register for an
our school mission — to utilize the same tools and open house on Oct. 10 or
resources as students at- Jan. 16 or call 215-679-
tending these top uni- 9511 to arrange an individ-
ual visit.