Page 20 - Education Guide
P. 20
T echnology contin- Classroom tech trends to watch
ues to evolve. With
computers, tablets help students succeed not line and then submit as- Metro Creative Connection
and smartphones, only in school but also signments directly through Technology is now a major component in the classroom, where educators are implementing technology to
people of all ages are im- after they graduate. The an application like Google help students succeed not only in school but also after they graduate.
mersed in technology. following are some of the Classroom. Homework
SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 2016 growing tech trends inside also may involve spending numbers only continue to all but replaced chalk- and students interact with
According to the Pew of the classroom. time on educational apps boards and even dry erase the board to answer ques-
Research Center, 56 per- ■ Internet connectivity: that help reinforce lessons grow. boards in many schools. tions.
cent of teens between the Students most often con- learned in school that day. ■ Classroom smart- Teachers can present les-
ages of 13 and 17 go online nect to the Internet using ■ Personal mobile de- boards: Described as large sons through the display, Metro Creative
several times a day. Teens their mobile devices. Many vice access: In addition to Connection
are not just relying on schools have replaced their tablets, students also have tablets, smartboards have
technology at home or older computer labs with access to Internet-con-
while on the go, but tablets and other mobile nected smartphones, which
they’re also doing so in devices. Students can sim- may even be their own
school. ply sit at their individual phones when personal
desks and connect directly phones are allowed in the
Schools are now recog- to the Internet. Once on- classroom. In a 2013 Speak
nizing how influential line, students can access Up Survey from Project
mobile technologies are on shared drives where as- Tomorrow, 89 percent of
students and how they can signments can be found or high school students have
shape teaching and think- homework can be posted. access to Internet-con-
ing. As a result, technolo- ■ Tech homework: nected smartphones, while
gy is now a major compo- Rather than homework in 50 percent of students in
nent in the classroom, the traditional sense, stu- grades three through five
where educators are imple- dents are being asked to have access to the same
menting technology to research information on- type of devices. Those
Academic Success. Catholic Values.
schools have provided the
educational foundation that
students need to succeed
from pre-k through college.
Catholic schools also provide
individualized attention and
extracurricular and leadership
• Tuition Transfer Grants Up to $3,000
• Financial Aid Available
• All Faiths Welcome
Office of Education You can find a complete school listing at:
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