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Statistics program meets national demand

                              Misericordia University

This fall, Misericordia       ernment or graduate           least nine credits of elec-                                                                                                            Photo courtesy of Misericordia University  SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION OF THE MORNING CALL
      University Depart-      school. Students will be      tive courses in statistics are
      ment of Mathematics     required to take core         required.                       A new statistics program includes contemporary techniques as well as theoretical background study.
and Computer Science          classes and specially de-
introduced a bachelor of      signed courses in math-          Statisticians use stat-      informed business and  U.S. Bureau of Labor             mand to grow 34 percent
science degree program        ematics, computer science     istical methods to collect                                                              by 2024.
and minor in statistics. The  and statistics.               and analyze data to help        health care decisions. The Statistics projects job de-
new academic program is                                     solve real-world problems.
being offered in response        This science of learning   They work in business and
to rapid advances in          from data requires 53 cred-   industry, computer science,
technology, the growing       its of statistics classes in  education, finance, market-
reliance on quantitative      the mathematics-based         ing, sports, government,
research, and the demand      program. It consists of 38    health care, research and
for statisticians in the      credits of required courses   development, and fields
marketplace.                  and a minimum of 15 cred-     that require the collection
                              its of elective courses in    and analysis of data.
   The program provides       statistics.
training in contemporary                                       The job outlook for
statistical techniques, as       The curriculum for the     statisticians is robust, ac-
well as theoretical back-     18-credit minor is designed   cording to several jobs
ground. It can be tailored    so students can tailor their  reports, as they attribute
to a wide variety of careers  minor sequence to their       growth from the more
in business, industry, gov-   areas of interest. Nine       widespread use of stat-
                              credits of courses, plus at   istical analysis in making

                                                            ¦ ACCOUNTING                                           ¦ HISTORY                        DEGREE PROGRAMS                                                                           SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 2017
                                                                                                                   ¦ INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY
                                                            ¦ BIOCHEMISTRY                                         ¦ MATHEMATICS
                                                                                                                   ¦ MEDICAL & HEALTH HUMANITIES
                                                            ¦ BIOLOGY                                              ¦ MEDICAL IMAGING
                                                                                                                   ¦ NURSING
                                                            ¦ BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION                              ¦ OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY
                                                                                                                   ¦ PHILOSOPHY
                                                            ¦ CHEMISTRY                                            ¦ PHYSICAL THERAPY
                                                                                                                   ¦ PROFESSIONAL STUDIES
                                                            ¦ CLINICAL LAB. SCIENCE                                ¦ PSYCHOLOGY
                                                                                                                   ¦ SOCIAL WORK
                                                            ¦ MASS COMMUNICATIONS AND                              ¦ SPEECH-LANGUAGE
                                                            ¦ COMPUTER SCIENCE                                     ¦ SPORT MANAGEMENT
                                                                                                                   ¦ STATISTICS
                                                            ¦ DIAGNOSTIC MEDICAL
             Founded by the Sisters of Mercy                  SONOGRAPHY
Dallas, Pennsylvania •
                                                            ¦ EDUCATION

                                                            ¦ ENGLISH

                                                            ¦ GOVERNMENT, LAW AND
                                                              NATIONAL SECURITY

                                                            ¦ HEALTH CARE MANAGEMENT

                                                            ¦ HEALTH SCIENCE:
                                                                      PATIENT NAVIGATION
                                                                      MEDICAL SCIENCE

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